Why Hijrah! WARNING: You don’t help the Kuffar in killing and oppressing Muslims and plotting against Islam.


Al Hamdulillah

Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah

Allah said, DO NOT obey the Kuffar.

(Al-Furqan 25:52)

But you?

You are not only obeying, you’re submitting yourself to Kuffar’s Deen.

Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,

Whoever takes arms against us, he is not from us

(Saheeh Bukhari 6874)

But you?

You’re part of the Kuffar’s  oppression, killing of Muslims and you’re aiding the Kuffar in plotting against Muslims.

And Allah said the consequence of obeying the Kuffar:

They will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers“. (Ale Imran 3:149)

For sure, you really are in a dangerous situation, those who are living and settling under Kuffar’s authority.

You are involved in two major crimes.

Obeying, submitting yourself to ‘Kuffar's Deen‘, ‘Kuffar's Shariah‘.

And Knowingly or unknowingly helping Kuffar in killing and oppressing Muslims and aiding them in plotting against Islam.

These crimes could be accounted for as Kufr.
Allahu A’lam.
Let me explain.

(1) Submitting to Kuffar’s Deen:
This is already explained.
If you would like to know, please click this link:


And Knowingly or unknowingly helping Kuffar in killing and oppressing Muslims and aiding them in plotting against Islam:

How do you get involve in it?

To get to a clear understanding of this, let’s do a Critical Reasoning of this Hadith.

Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,

Whoever takes arms against us, he is not from us

(Saheeh Bukhari 6874)

Who is Rasulullah talking about here?

A Kafir?


A Kafir is already not ‘from us’.

Then, who else He is talking about?

A Muslim.

When a Muslim takes arms against the Ummah of Muslim, he doesn’t belong to Islam anymore.

How does this issue relates to Hijrah!

Well, It does.

Let me explain.

The one who helps doing a crime, is he also guilty of crime?


The one who helps in murder, is he also guilty of murder?


Then, those who fight Muslim, isn’t aiding them also be fighting with them yourself?

You do the math!

Let me put it in a way so that a 13 year old can understand the issue easily.

There’s a million dollar masjid project.

You give only $10 Sadaqah.


Expecting Sadaqah Jaariah, continuous reward of your portion of $10.

Expecting Allah will reward you abundantly.

Thinking, may be just this Sadaqah would be a cause of your saving from Jahannam.

So, put this scenario in your portion of Tax that these Kuffar governments use for.

These are the money that governments use to maintain their state affairs, right?

Isn’t it then easy to understand that you get a proportionate share all the evil they do against Muslims and against humanity?

The propagating of Zina, alcohol, gambling and what not and the example of LGBTQ is just before your eyes right now.

Is there any doubt that you will get a proportionate share of all these evils?

And then, what about their forces that fight against Muslims?

Where are those campaigns get funded from?

What about their secret forces that relentlessly plotting and propagating against Islam?

Who funded those organisations?

It is from the tax money that they collect from its people And you have a proportionate share in that.

That’s how you are helping them in killing and oppressing Muslims.

That’s how you’re aiding them in plotting against Islam.

And that’s how this Hadith applies to you, you carry arms against Muslims.

Allahu A’lam.

Therefore, calculate your status.

You do the math.

I know, you don’t  give up yet. You might be thinking, ‘I am just a victim of the system.

I didn’t choose to live in this system. I born in this system. What can I do?

Well, think this way, a Kafir also born in a Kuffar family.

Can he places his argument  in front of Al-Hakeem on the day of judgement, “I was just a victim, I born in a Kafir family, you put me in a Kafir family”

You know that, this won’t work.

He has to seek the truth and then, when he finds the truth he has to change his entire lifestyle to claim his Jannah, to save himself from Jahannam.

He sometimes has to go through challenges such as leaving his own family, friends, society. Can you even imagine the plight of those new Muslims?

And your situation is not worse than those new reverted Muslims. You know it.

Remember this, there’s millions of oppressed Muslim out there raising their hands against the oppressors and for sure you’re aiding those oppressors through your tax money while Allah instructed you to stand by the side of your oppressed brothers and do Jihad against the oppressors. But you, one way or another, knowingly or unknowingly aiding those oppressors.

Therefore, you have just only one way out from this calamity.


Hijrah, away from obeying and submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ and away from aiding the Kuffar in their oppression of Muslims.

My brother, It’s time for Hijrah!

May Allah not make us among those who aid the Kuffar in oppressing and fighting the Muslims.

May Allah make our Hijrah easy.


Why Hijrah? Warning – Allah’s earth is spacious, therefore, you must move away from submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’!

:|: Time For Hijrah :|:
:|: Al-Wala Al-Barra :|:
:|: Reject Kuffar’s Deen, Reject ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ :|:
:|: Quran for Critical Reasoning :|:
:|: Quran Study – ONE Ayah a Day :|:

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Al-‘Ankabut 29:56

يَٰعِبَادِىَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِنَّ أَرْضِى وَٰسِعَةٌ فَإِيَّٰىَ فَٱعْبُدُونِ

O My believing servants! Surely, my earth is spacious, so worship Me ˹alone˺/ worship only Me.

Al Hamdulillah
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah

Let’s do a critical reasoning (contemplate) on the Ayah

What are the subjects here?

  • (1) Earth
  • (2) Worship

What is said about these subjects?

  • (1) It says Allah’s land is spacious, land is vast. That’s easily understandable.
  • (2) And worship Allah alone.

What does it mean to 'worship Allah alone'?

Well, this means worshipping Allah without Shirk.
This is what is expected from those who call themselves Muslims.
Which is why Allah sent his messenger.
Which is why He sent the Quran.
I think that’s also easily understandable by every Muslim.

But why did Allah put these two issues together?
What’s the interrelation between these two issues?

We can derive a simple understanding that Allah, the owner of the land confirms that there’s Allah’s land where Muslims can worship Him without Shirk because He says, ‘My earth is spacious’ in relation to worship Him alone.

Another point is, since this Quran is the guide for humanity until the last day, therefore, there will always be such a land until the end of the world where Muslims would be able to worship Allah without Shirk, without submitting to ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
And that’s a certain knowledge.

We can also derive an implied meaning that Allah orders his servants that when living in a land becomes such that you cannot worship Allah Subhanahu Wa T’ala alone (without Shirk), you must move away to a land where you can worship Allah without Shirk.

So, when and in what circumstances does a land become a state where you cannot worship Allah alone?

We will understand that when we would know the implications of what it means to ‘worship’.
Let’s try to understand that, En Shaa Allah!

So, what does worship mean?
Simply put, it is to obey Allah, to do what Allah ordered us to do and to stay away from what He forbade us from doing.

And these two things are summarised and given the Islamic terms, which we know as
Deen of Allah‘ and ‘Shariah of Allah‘.

Therefore, let’s ask ourselves these simple questions:

(1) Does following Allah’s Deen mean worshipping Allah?

Then, can someone claim that he worships Allah alone when he also submits to a Deen other than the Deen of Allah?

(2) Does following Allah’s Shariah mean worshipping Allah?

Then, can someone claim that he worships Allah alone when he also submits to a Shariah other than the Shariah of Allah?

Does it now give some idea why Allah put these two separate issues together?

When you cannot follow Allah’s Deen in a land, you have to move to a land where you can follow Allah’s Deen.
When you cannot follow Allah’s Shariah in a land, you have to move to a land where you can follow Allah’s Shariah.

Or you can say this in the opposite way, which is,
When you are subjected to follow 'Kuffar's Deen' in a land, you have to move out from that land to a land where you can follow Allah’s Deen.
When you are subjected to obey ‘Kuffar's Shariah‘ in a land, you have to move out from that land to a land where you can follow Allah’s Shariah.

But we always hear’ “Where’s that land?
Is there a land where Allah’s Deen is followed?
Is there a land where Allah’s Shariah is implemented?

Well, this question has two implications.
If this question means you want to know something that you have no knowledge of, then it is something normal.
And in that case, we invite you to join us in that quest, if you are really sincere.
And here is that link:

But if you are posing these questions as a challenge that there’s no such land exists where you can follow Allah’s Deen, then these questions could be the words of Kufr.

How do you say that?
Well, you’re denying something that Allah Ajja Wa Jallah Himself confirms in the Quran.
Since Allah says, “Allah’s land is vast”, in respect to worship him alone, then, there must be a land and there will be a land until the Qiyamah where you don’t have to submit to the Kuffar’s Deen, to the Kuffar’s Shariah! And that’s the Certain Knowledge for a Muslim.

And Allah knows best.
May Allah save us from following ‘Kuffar’s Deen’.
May Allah protect us from obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.