Where to make Hijrah? What are the criteria to choose a land for Hijrah?

Al Hamdulillah!
Allahumma Salli A’ala Muhammad, Allahumma Barik A’ala Muhammad.

So, we were on the quest to find the land for Hijrah, En Shaa Allah!

Hijrah is the most virtuous deed in Islam, even it is more virtuous than Jihad as evident from Hadith.

Sadly, most of those who thought about making Hijrah do not understand the criteria for Hijrah in order for them to be qualified to attain that virtue.

When they decide where to make Hijrah, most of their deciding factors are the following:

"Is there an International University there?"
Meaning, they worried about the academic career of their children.

"Is there any international standard hospital and medical facilities there?"
And above all, the most important criterion in their mind is the land/ country where they can maintain the same standard of life they have, a rich country.

They fail to realize the main criteria to choose a land for Hijrah.
Of course, having those standards of education, medical facilities, and living standards could be an added advantage but those criteria should not take precedence over the Shariah criteria to choose a land for Hijrah.

So, what are the Shariah criteria of Hijrah?
It is of course, as to how Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam himself and his followers did Hijrah.

Therefore, let’s analyze the Hijrah of Sahaba and Rasulillah himself.

(1) Hijrah to Abyssinia:

(1.1) Why and when He ordered Sahaba to make Hijrah?
When they were oppressed for having the belief and were not able to practice their Deen, (which was only Salah, until that time, before Hijrah to Madinah)
So, Rasulullah commanded them to make Hijrah to Abyssinia in order to save them
(1) from oppression and be able to
(2) Practice Deen freely.

(1.2) How did He choose the place of Hijrah?
From what we learned about Hijrah to Abyssinia, we can derive the following points:
A. He has chosen a just king (authority)
B. Though it was a Kufr nation,
C. But they were provided security and protection.
D. And they were able to practice Deen.

(Najashi, the King of Abyssinia did not impose the ‘Kuffar’s Deen’ on them, rather he secretly became Muslim himself)

(2) Hijrah to Madinah:

(2.1) Why did He make Hijrah to Madinah?
(A) He and Muslims were oppressed.
(B) Not being able to practice Deen.

(2.2) How and why did He choose Madinah as the place of Hijrah?
It’s when
(A) the Ansar took Him as an authority.
(B) He received pledges of security and protection from them.
(C) He was able to establish Shariah.

By analyzing these two Hijrah we can deduce that Hijrah should be in a land that meets two criteria:

(A) Where You have safety, security, and protection.
(B) Where the land is ruled by Allah’s Shariah.
(C) Where you can practice your Deen, live by Allah’s Shariah.

Please note:

  • (1) A Kuffar authority can be chosen if the above criterion (A and C) are met.
  • (2) And choosing a Kuffar nation is allowed only when there is no ‘Land of Shariah’ exists as Rasulillah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has chosen a Kuffar authority only because there were no Islamic authority existed until that time.

This understanding is summarised and described by our scholars in the following terms:
Hijrah means moving away from ‘Dar ul-Harb to Dar Al-Islam’.
Meaning, migrating from living under the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ to Islamic Shariah.

Therefore, we have to search for a land where we can live without submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
Does such a land exist today?

Yes, it does.

Because the owner of the land, Allah, Al-Malik says,

“O my slaves,
My land is vast, so worship Me alone.”

(Sura Ankabut 29:56)

And that’s our next venture to explore, En Shaa Allah, a land where we don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’

Wa Allahu A’lam.
May Allah help us to move out from obeying 'Kuffar's Shariah'.
May Allah grant us a land where we can live under Islamic Shariah.

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