Proposing the land of Hijrah, Offering a project to the Global Community of Muslims – PRELUDE

Bismillah! Al Hamdulilah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Forum for Facilitating Global-Hijrah :|:

:|: Proposing the land of Hijrah, Offering a project to the Global Community of Muslims – PRELUDE :|:


Please read this mindfully and take it seriously.
This land is not for everyone.
This land won’t be suitable for everyone.
And this land is not a great choice as a land of Hijrah.

But then, why do I call it a land of Hijrah for a global Muslim community?
En Shaa Allah, I will talk about that step by step.

FACTORS you should CONSIDER for your Hijrah:

My brothers,
Today, when you consider Hijrah, there are two things I suggest you should take into account:


My brothers,
Now let me tell you which lands I consider as great choices as the lands of Hijrah based on my understanding of the relevant Hadith texts:

Though most of these lands do not qualify/ fit into the criteria of Hijrah today, (as Muslims are not allowed to practice their Deen in most of those lands),

yet I strongly suggest every able Muslim to research your way gradually from the top of this list to the bottom as I numbered them according to the merit of the lands. Allah knows best.

But in case, you don’t find a way (as it is with myself, with my limited ability and my unique situation), only then, according to my research, this proposed land will be the best choice for you for Hijrah! And Allah knows best.

So, what are the difficulties in finding a way to those blessed lands of Hijrah?

(1) A huge cost of obtaining residency, you need around $200,000 or more.
(2) The unsettled, war-prone, war-torn situation, which is unsecured for a family. (Shyam and surrounding)
(3) The scarcity of necessary info about those lands in regard to real situations and pathways for a family to move. (Khorasan)

I hope I have made myself clear about the issue.
May Allah make it beneficial for us.
May Allah make our journey of Hijrah easy.

Who is this land for?

Therefore, I propose this land for Hijrah to the global community of Muslims, particularly to:
(A) those who are desperate for Hijrah,
(B) those who want to choose a secured land for Hijrah for his family.
(C) those who have a limited amount of money, say between $50,000 to $100,000 for Hijrah.

So my brothers, if you consider yourself among those who are mentioned in point no. 5 above, then follow us to know about the land of Hijrah and a project soon, En Shaa Allah.

May Allah make our journey of Hijrah easy.

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