Why Hijrah? WARNING: Know the IMPACT/ OUTCOME of settling in the Kuffar’s Land – the historical Fact and Data.

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

:|: Time for Hijrah:|:
:|: Why Hijrah? The IMPACT/ OUTCOME of settling in the Kuffar’s Land – the historical Fact and Data :|:

O you, those who are settling in the Kuffar’s lands thinking you’re giving our children Quran education, making them Huffaj, so your job is done. Know that Rasulullah is Haqq. Rasulullah warned you because He wanted His Ummah to go to Jannah, so He warned, “I disown those who settle among the Mushrikeen.” This warning He carried out from the All-Knowledgeable, Al-Al’im, Allah. You know not, what He knows, Subhanahu Wa’ Ta’ala.

So, here is an OUTCOME of those who fled and took refuge in the Kuffar lands thinking Kuffar authorities would give them security and safety. That security may only be for Dunya, but certainly not for Akhirah.

Therefore, you better take heed of the fact. It was not only you who came to the West, it was not started with you who came to the Kuffar’s lands seeking Dunya for living ‘happily ever after’ under the Kuffar’s authority. There were Muslims long before you who had gone through the same path. So, know what’s the outcome of their settling in the Kuffar’s lands.

Those Muslims who came here 100 years ago were not attacked by the filth from the internet, from the mobile, ipads, from the Zina environment, from the corrupt LGBTQ+ type movements like your children are attacked today, yet they have lost their 2nd or 3rd generations.
Then, what about your generation?
So read!

The STORY of the Muslims who settled in the Kuffar’s land in the past

(Translated from Arabic)
Written by Mu’minah Al-A’zam
Granddaughter of the late Sheikh Ali Al Tantawi
(May Allah have mercy on him).

“O those who travel to the West… The Western environment will not have mercy on your children and grandchildren.”

“My grandfather, Ali Al Tantawi, was wise enough to prevent us from going through with our immigration process to Canada when it was proposed and available to us at the time. Our children were still young back then. I was skeptical about his reasoning, whilst my ego as a young parent made me jump to the assertion that he was too strict and only wanted to control his children’s life… May Allah have mercy on him…”

“Now I tend to agree with him and recall his wise decision whenever I come across a story of people whose children have lost their Deen, in the midst of the busy life in the West. His reasoning was: “To choose to live in the land of kufr leads to losing your offspring. If you are able to protect your children, you can never guarantee to protect their children and their grandchildren. Do not carry the responsibility [of their losing their Deen].”

“I remembered all of that when I came across a post by a friend:

A precautionary tale

“Someone told me today, “If I had enough money I would immigrate to America instead of Turkey. It will never affect me or my family where I immigrate, what’s important is how I raise my children and not where I raise them.”

I had to warn him that the choice of the place is considered one of the fundamentals of raising (Tarbiyya) the children.

It is said, ask the experienced over the wise. So here is my experience:

Nine years ago I was tasked to investigate the family history of the Ramadan family (a Beirut family). I began with the family tree and searched (online) for all the family members all over the world. I found 5000 members and the statistics were staggering. Here’s a list of those in the family that migrated to the West:

Those who migrated
– 100 years ago: 96% of their offspring are NOT Muslim
– 80 years ago: 75% of their grandchildren are not Muslim
– 60 years ago: 40% of their grandchildren are Christian
– 40 years ago: 25% of their grandchildren left Islam

Around 80 years ago a ‘Sheikh’ migrated to Ecuador and built the first masjid there. He insisted on raising his children upon Islam. Today none of his grandchildren is Muslim. This is the case of most families.

Personally, among the 48 of my grandfather’s grandchildren, 16 are not Muslim. We live in the United States, and I have been an American Citizen for 40 years.

In Ecuador, there are 98 of the Beirut’s Ramadan family. The Ramadan forefathers migrated there in 1923. Now all of the 98 grandchildren are Christian. I met George, Christian and Emilio Ramadan. I managed to convince Emilio to come to the family union in Adana, Turkey after I offered him financial assistance only for him to learn about the Muslim history of his family. It was really heartbreaking.

These statistics are not the same among the families that migrated to an Islamic country.
The End.


Now, take a pause from whatever level of Deen you’re doing.
You might be the one doing the highest level of good deeds, doing heaps of Sadaqah Jariah such as building Masjids, doing Dawah work, converting people to Islam, engaging in much Islamic community work, putting your children in the Islamic school, giving them Islamic environment, making them become Huffaj, and thinking you’re doing best and you often ask yourself, ‘what else can I do?’

But it’s time to take a pause, find a remote place, relieve yourself from all the personal necessities, give yourself a few uninterrupted moments and think.
Let this story tell you what you can do.
Let me tell you what you can do.
You need to do just ONE act of ‘Amr Bil-Ma’ruf’ (enjoining good) on yourself and that is,
Obey Rasulullah.
Obey his warning:

“I disown those who settle among the Mushrikeen.”
(Sunan Abu Dawud 2645. Saheeh)

and then, you need to do just ONE act of ‘Nahi A’nil-Munkar’ (forbidding evil) on yourself and that is,
Stop choosing the comfort and security of Dunya by living under the Kuffar’s authority.
Stop following your desire!
All that desire tells you,
‘If I leave this place, what will happen to those whom I can guide to Islam, who will guide them?’

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,
“Whoever institutes an evil practice in Islam will have its sin and the sin of those who act upon it without diminishing their sins at all.”
(Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1017)

So, do you think your all Dawah work would outweigh the OUTCOME of following your desire and not obeying Rasulullah’s warning?

Do you think your all Sadaqah Jariah would outweigh the OUTCOME of your grand and grandchildren’s children going out of Islam until the end of the world?

Did you forget what was Allah’s command to you, in the first place?
Did you forget to whom your responsibility goes in the first place?

“O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.”
(Sura At-Tahrim 66:6)

So, my brother,
You have the breath yet to change your life.
You are still living, you can still change your course towards Jannah.

Wa Allahu A’lam.
May Allah protect our children.
May Allah protect us from Jahannam.