List of Muslim-majority countries that have declared ISLAM as the ‘STATE RELIGION,’ yet their status remains as the ‘Lands of KUFR’.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Land of Islam vs Land of KUFR :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Following Kuffar’s Deen :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ obeying Kuffar’s Shariah :|:

:|: Where to make Hijrah?
– Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR – Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands:
– List of Muslim-majority countries that have declared ISLAM as the ‘STATE RELIGION,’ yet their status remains as the ‘Lands of KUFR’. :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulilah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

There are Muslim-majority countries which declared Islam as the ‘STATE Religion’ in their constitutions. The report goes:

“Of the 46 countries (actually 52) in the world with majority Muslim populations, 23 declared Islam to be the state religion in their constitutions. The rest either proclaim the state to be secular or make no pronouncement concerning an official religion.”

The 23 countries where Islam is declared the state religion, are:
Saudi Arabia,
the United Arab Emirates,
and Yemen.

The question comes, does a a country become a Land of Islam which declares Islam as the ‘State Religion’?
In this article we will try to get the answer, En Shaa Allah.

The first thing is to understand, what does this ‘State Religion’ mean?
Does the state itself have a religion?
Or Is it to declare how the state is governing?
Or is it to declare that the state will run religiously?
Or Is it to declare that the state will follow religious guidelines in governing its affairs?

In fact, when you come to know a country’s constitution says that its religion is Islam, you would think this country follows a religion, this country governs its affairs with a religion and that religion is Islam.
Therefore, it’s a land of Islam.

But what do we see in reality when we dig into the Constitution itself?
We find these constitutions are full of contradictions.
Most of these countries constitution also declared the country as secular thus the legislation is based on the Kuffar’s (secular) laws.
Most of these countries declared sovereignty to the people thus giving people the authority to make their own law.
Most of these countries follow the system of the Kufr of democracy.
Most of these countries take the UN, the head of the Taghut as their Rabb therefore, they follow the UN letter by letter.
These are the major contradictions within their constitutions.

So, the question remains, why do those countries mention Islam as a ‘State Religion’?
Is It to declare its identity and alignment towards Islam?

It could be due to many reasons, such as;
Showing an alignment towards Islam, only due to political corruption or for many it could be a first step towards implementing Islamic Shariah. Allah knows best.

Whatever the reason is, merely declaring Islam as a ‘State Religion’ has no significance in terms of its status to be considering it as a Land of Islam unless at least the Major 4 criteria are fulfilled, such as
(1) Eliminating secularism,
(2) Declaring Sovereignty to Allah,
(3) Discarding democracy,
(4) Declaring Shariah is the only source of legislation in its constitution.

Therefore, let’s evaluate the status of these countries in regards to Hijrah:

Afghanistan ***
Algeria – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy)
Bahrain – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy, Shariah principal source)
Bangladesh – KUFR AKBAR (Secular, Sovereignty to people, Democracy)
Brunei ***
Egypt – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy, Shariah Principal Source)
Iran ***
Iraq – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy, Islam is FOUNDATION source)
Jordan – KUFR AKBAR (Democracy, Separate Courts)
Kuwait – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy, Islam is FOUNDATION source)
Libya – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy, Shariah is MAIN source)
Malaysia – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy, Separate Courts)
Maldives – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy, Islam is ONE of the basis of Law)
Mauritania – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy)
Morocco – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy,)
Oman – KUFR AKBAR (Enacted Kuffar’s Law, Islamic Sharia is the basis for legislation)
Pakistan – KUFR AKBAR (Democracy)
Qatar – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy, Shariah is MAIN source)
Saudi Arabia ***
Somalia – KUFR AKBAR (Democracy)
Tunisia – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy)
United Arab Emirates – KUFR AKBAR (Enacted Kuffar’s Law, Shari’a is a main source of legislation)
Yemen – KUFR AKBAR (Sovereignty to people, Democracy)

Please read the following articles for references as to how those countries became the ‘Land of Kufr’ by engaging in ‘Kufr Akbar’.

We found that all these countries except Brunei, Iran and Saudi Arabia fail to stand-out to the fact what it meant by declaring ‘Islam as the State Religion’.

The issue of Afghanistan remains outside our evaluation because its constitution holds no value after the Taliban took over power. We will assess Afghanistan based on the actions of the current Taliban government until their stance on the constitution becomes clear.

And we can assess according to our knowledge only while it is Allah who knows the best.
May Allah guide the corruptors of the Muslim-majority lands.
May Allah free those Muslim-majority lands from the hands of these Taghut.
May Allah make this beneficial.

The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 8: What are the ODDS about Aceh?

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 8: What are the ODDS about ACEH? :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu

Abu Hirairah Radiallahu Anhu said,
“I have passed through a time in which I did not care with whom amongst you I entered into a transaction….But today I would not enter into a transaction with you except so and so.”
(Saheeh Muslim 263-230/142, Tirmidi 2179, Hasan Saheeh)

Subhanallah! This was the situation that the Sahaba themselves faced during their lifetime. Then, what about today, after more than 1400 years?
Allahu Musta’an. The time is scary. What can we expect? May Allah grant us and make us among the Saliheen.

My brothers,
Everything makes sense when we Muslims know one certain thing, that this is the end of the time. So, we remember the Hadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam to understand the reality.

‘When there is no Khilafah, run away.’
(Sunan Abu Dawud 4247, Hasan)
‘When you don’t find any group, stay away from all these groups’
(Sahih al-Bukhari 7084)
‘There will be a time when one has to move to a mountain in order to save his Deen.’
(Saheeh Bukhari 19, Abu Dawud 4267)

And this is that time.
O Allahi, this is that time.
In fact, that time appeared long back but we didn’t realize it.
Or actually, those who realized and understood these Hadith acted on already. We are the heedless ones remained to act yet. May Allah help us.

So, as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam predicted, here we are ultimately trying to save our Deen, by moving away from the corruptions of the current world systems set by the Kuffar which corrupted our food, education, medicine, families, financial systems and what not, and trying to survive in a lifestyle, raising goats/ sheep on the mountain, we only fashionably call it, ‘off-grid living’.

At the end, we must not forget the time we live in. Therefore, let us inform you the odds that exists in Aceh, especially in the city of Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh.


In our observations, we found more than 80% of Masjids engaged in Bida’a. Only 2 out of 10 Masjid you go to, might not find doing Bida’a. Allah knows best. Therefore, before moving to the community living in the off-grid project, you have to find a suitable neighborhood for you.
May Allah protect us from Bida’a. May Allah guide the people of Bida’a.

Night Coffee Shop/ Internet culture:

While Bida’a didn’t surprise us much, this environment did.
You will find coffee shops/ restaurants are open 24/7 with free internet services where young adults gather in the middle of the night. La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!
Al Hamdulillah, Only recently the government has put restrictions on closing them at midnight. May Allah protect the generations of Muslims. Ameen.

Here’s a report:
“Concurrently, the province’s main form of entertainment, its 24-hour coffee shops, have been ordered to limit their hours of operation, and shut at midnight.”


English is very rarely spoken or understood. Therefore, it will be a very tough situation if you don’t have an English-speaking local companion with you. For many, maybe mobile voice translation apps could be a savior. For a few, maybe appointing a local for AUD $250-300 per month could work best.
Anyways, you just need to be aware of and take measures as to how to tackle this issue. Obviously, first couple of years could be the harder times. May Allah make it easy for us.

So, this is what we came about the issues that one need to prepare to deal with. And let’s remind ourselves, Hijrah is a difficult journey. We must prepare ourselves to face the struggle and tawakkul on Allah. And Allah’s reward is abundant as Allah said,

“And whoever leaves his home for making Hijrah for the sake of Allah and His Messenger and death overtakes him, then, his reward is established with Allah. And Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful – (Sura An-Nisaa 4:100)

May Allah accept our Hijrah.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.
May Allah grant us Jannah!

The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 7: Easy Residency, cheap Farm Land and other important factors

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 7: Easy Residency, cheap Farm Land and other important factors :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu

Al Hamdulillah, now, If you’re the one who did not decide or choose Shayam, Yemen or Khorasan as your Hijrah destination, and you don’t have much money to buy a residency property in the surrounding areas, then, Aceh should gave you every reason to think it as a Hijrah destination, specially after reading the previous articles about Aceh as to how it protects it’s citizen from Shirk and Haram environment.

In this article, we will talk about other important issues related to Aceh, En Shaa Allah.


What was our second most important criterion for searching for a land?
It was an easy pathway towards residency.
ACEH exactly matches our criteria, Al Hamdulillah!
There are many ways to get a residency in ACEH.
One of the ways is business investment.
Through business investment, a pathway is open for long-term stay after which there open several pathways towards obtaining a national ID card which will give access to many govt. facilities.

You can register a business and invest a certain amount on your own to be in the process of residency.


Overall, the Islamic environment in ACEH is far better than any other part of Indonesia or Malaysia. There is no cinema hall, no super mall. You won’t find music playing anywhere in public places rather they play Quran audio even in restaurants and 3/4 star hotels. Women must wear a Hijab. There’s no free mixing tolerated.

If you move on the streets of Banda Aceh, the capital of ACEH, you will find people are calm and respectful. There is no stress in their movements. Most of the people live by $200 a month. You can hire a labour/ housemaid for $100-$150/ month. (They advertise online for a sales representative for $250/month) Their life is not centered around the federal capital of Jakarta, they are happy living within. You will rarely find any public buses in the city, it’s motorbikes all over the place. Women from young adults to old ones, move freely and comfortably on their bikes.


“Regulations on Public Behavior: Aceh enforces laws that regulate public conduct, such as dress codes for women and prohibitions against activities deemed un-Islamic (e.g., gambling and public displays of affection). These regulations create a social environment that aligns closely with Islamic values, appealing to individuals and families looking to live in accordance with their faith”


Traditional Quran Hifz and Madrasah education is everywhere.
There is a Turkish International School that teaches in English medium, General subjects, Arabic language (as an optional subject), and Quran Hifz in 12 years.
Besides, we have plans to establish an International standard English and Arabic medium Madrasah in our project En Shaa Allah, details will be informed later.

Health System:
“Aceh Heath Insurance program (JKA), which provided free healthcare; and (iii) a program that provided free primary education across Aceh as well as” …


50 km away from the Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh. 1 Hector (2.5 Acres, 10K sqm) farmlands can be bought for $AUD10K.


Taxis are cheap.
‘Basa’ a local motorbike converter is a cheaper option for mobility around the city. It will make your life so much easier, unimaginable!

I ask Allah to make these info beneficial for you.
May Allah accept our effort.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

Land of Hijrah: ACEH – Part 6: How Aceh is better than ‘Kelantan’ or ‘Terengganu’ provinces of Malaysia

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: Land of Hijrah – ACEH Part 6: How Aceh is better than ‘Kelantan’ or ‘Terengganu’ provinces of Malaysia those who also trying to implement Shariah :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

There are many who keep Malaysia on their prospective Hijrah destination list. Sadly, most of these Muslims are not aware of the status of Malaysia in the Hijrah perspective. Neither they know the criteria for considering a land as the land of Hijrah.

In our research about Malaysia, we discarded it from our list of a prospective Hijrah destination because of the main reason, their constitution is based on democracy which incorporates Kuffar’s law.

But there are two states/ provinces of Malaysia namely ‘Kelantan’ and ‘Terengganu’ which are based on Shariah law. We can say, they intend to run those lands in Islamic Shariah. But the problems go back to the Malaysian federal government again. The federal govt. prevent those two states from implementing Allah’s Shariah.

Fact about Malaysia:

Since Malaysia’s law is based on ‘English Common Law’ with a mix of Shariah Law, which they call a dual system of law. Therefore, the Malaysian federal/ central govt system itself appears to be in KUFR.

And here what the report says:

“The two states of Malaysia, ‘Kelantan’ and ‘Terengganu’ are bound/ obliged under the Fed govt law: though they are intending to implement Shariah law and have enacted hudood (Islamic penal law) for Muslims, although the federal government has never allowed the implementation.”

“The party (PAS) `favours tough Islamic legal norms and once sought to implement a criminal code known as “hudud,” which prescribes penalties such as amputations for theft and death by stoning for adultery. But the federal/ national government blocked the move.”

“Recently, last February 2024, such events reoccurred when ‘Kelantan’ province enacted a more strict law against the LGBTQ+ movement:”

“In the past, there might not have been much of this issue (women acting like men). Now, however, we see that ‘Pengkid’ (tomboys or lesbians) and similar cases are becoming more widespread. So, the state government intends to curb this issue,”

“State Shariah Implementation, Education and Higher Education Committee chairman Datuk Satiful Bahari Mamat said the amendment also involved Section 33A (women acting like men), Section 36A (preparation for sodomy), and Section 29A (pregnant or giving birth to a child out of wedlock).”

But the federal/ national government blocked the move:
“On Friday, the Federal Court ruled that 16 provisions under the Kelantan Syariah Enactment were unconstitutional.”

“PAS secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan described the Federal Court judgment as a black Friday for the Syariah court.”

This affected the other Shariah province ‘Terengganu’:
“But after the Federal court’s decision on ‘Kelantan’ issue the rebuttal:
“The ‘Terengganu’ government will examine all aspects of the state’s shariah criminal law to ensure it does not contradict federal law”, says Menteri Besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar.

He said this after the Federal Court on Friday struck down 16 provisions of the ‘Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code’ (I) Enactment 2019 on grounds of unconstitutionality.”

“Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar (pic) said the in-depth review would cover all aspects of the Federal Court’s decision to strike out 16 provisions under the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Enactment 2019.”

“Ahmad Samsuri said the apex court’s decision had not only affected Kelantan but also the entire nation, including Terengganu.”

“He told Sinar Harian that his government would take the necessary action against any party that intends to challenge the state’s criminal Syariah enactment, adding that the court’s decision had left a negative impact on the Syariah legal system in the country.”

So, you can understand, while these two states of Malaysia, ‘Kelantan’ and ‘Terengganu’ is trying to implement Shariah law, the Malaysia govt. prevents them by going against Shariah law, which is clear Kufr.

Whereas ACEH, being an independent province of Indonesia, enacts laws independently.
That’s what places ACEH in a better position than those two provinces of Malaysia.

And Allah knows best.
May Allah make it beneficial for us.
May Allah grant us a land where we can practice/ establish our Deen.
May Allah makes our Hijrah easy.

The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 05: An Islamic authority which PROTECTS Muslims from SHIRK, ZINA and HARAM environment.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 05: An Islamic authority which PROTECTS Muslims from SHIRK and ZINA environment. :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!



Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam forbade living and settling with the Mushrikeen.
(Saheeh Muslim 4124 (20/1637).
Therefore, it must be one of the main responsibilities of an Islamic authority to safeguard Muslims from the Kufr, Shirk and Haram environment which, in our knowledge, the Aceh authority does very well, Al Hamdulillah! May Allah make them firm.

A Muslim should give this issue a priority when he chooses a land for Hijrah since the consequences of living in an environment of Shirk and Kufr are severe. If not the knowledgeable and pious ones but their generations always remain vulnerable and get affected by the Shirk and Kufr of the environment.


An example is the Indian Muslims.
in 1947, when India was separated between Pakistan and India, over 7 million Muslims moved from India to Pakistan. However, around 35 million Muslims remained in independent India.

What’s the practical outcome of this?

Look at the image, the survey shows, how the Indian Muslims’s mindset and understanding have been affected by their environment. They are Muslims but their belief in the existence of Malaikah (angels) and Akhirah (hereafter) is deluded by the Mushrikun’s philosophies.


Think of it, a Muslim who has doubt about Malaikah or doubt about Akhirah, doesn’t remain a Muslim anymore, even though they think they are Muslims, even though they are firm in other issues of Deen.

If you are to analyze why and how this has happened to them, you only find the same reason, living with the Mushrikeen. These Muslims didn’t move to the land of Mushrikeen by choice, they happened to be born there, yet they were afflicted by the environment of Hindu gurus, Hindu neighbours, Hindu colleagues around them and most importantly by the policy of the Mushrikeen authority over them. May Allah guide them and protect them from Shirk.

Then, what about those who choose to move to the lands of Shirk and Kufr on their own will to seek Dunya? May Allah protect us. May Allah give us understanding.


And then, we are approaching a time when most of the Arab lands are importing Shirk and Zina in front of our eyes! Subhanallah! This is happening exactly as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has predicted about the end of the time that,
“The Hour will not begin until some tribes of my ummah join the Mushrikeen and some tribes of my ummah worship idols.”
(This hadith was classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.)

Isn’t that the case happening in UAE, Saudi?
Not only in the Arab lands, but this is also the case with most of the Muslim-majority lands (I don’t call those ‘Muslim countries’ as long as those lands/ countries are ruled by the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’). The displaying of idols in images, posters, billboards, sculptures, processions, etc. are held/ takes place in most of these Muslim-populated lands openly in the names of ‘religious harmony, tolerance and respect to all faiths’. Thus Shirk is endorsed, acknowledged, and supported by the so-called Muslim authorities. May Allah protect us.


An Islamic authority must protect its people at least from societal Shirk, Kufr and Zina. This is the minimum an Islamic authority should do to save the generations of Muslims from Jahannam.

And Al Hamdulillah, this is where ACEH comes.
ACEH govt does it strongly.
Here is a report:

“Aceh Sharia forbids Chinese dance of the lions;
The provincial authorities say it is alien to local culture and violates religious harmony. The descendants of the Chinese respond that is only “a cultural show” to remember the victims of the tsunami. For decades the community – mostly Christian – has been the victim of discrimination and violence for religious or economic reasons.”

A latest Dec 2024 ‘MalayMail’s report headlined:

“Silent night in Aceh as Indonesian Catholics hold modest Christmas mass amid Shariah law restrictions”,

Which reports the following:

“Christmas decorations are not allowed on the streets of Aceh — the only Indonesian province to implement strict Shariah law that includes punishments like flogging — where 98 per cent are Muslim and just 6,000 Catholics live.”

Aceh authority protects its people from Shirk and they are determined about it. Al Hamdulillah! Obviously, that qualifies ACEH as a land of Hijrah over those Arab lands, such as Turkey, Malaysia, and other regions of Indonesia. And Allah knows best.

Protection of Immoralities/ ZIna/:

How does ACEH protect its people from a Zina environment?
Here is a report:

“Indonesia’s Aceh bans unrelated men and women from being together in public.”

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
“Undoubtedly allowing women to mix freely with men is the basis of all evils. This is one of the greatest causes of punishment coming down upon everyone and of public and private affairs becoming corrupt. Free mixing of men and women is the cause of much immorality and adultery, and it is the cause of general doom and diseases.”

“One of the greatest causes of general doom is the prevalence of adultery because of allowing women to mix freely with men and to walk amongst them making a wanton display of their beauty. If the powers that be knew how much corruption it causes to worldly interests and to people, they would prevent it most vigorously.”
(Al-Turuq al-Hakamiyyah, p. 408)

So, here again, Aceh authority is protecting Muslims from the Zina environment which is a normal thing to most of the Muslim-majority lands. And obviously, that qualifies ACEH as a land of Hijrah over those Arab lands and other so-called Muslim lands, such as Turkey, Malaysia, and other regions of Indonesia. And Allah knows best.


An Indonesian newspaper reports:
“The government will increase cigarette prices which will take effect from January 1, 2025.
This policy is part of the steps to control cigarette consumption, in line with the ongoing campaign to prohibit tobacco use.”

May Allah grant us land for Hijrah where our generations will remain safe from Shirk, Kufr and Haram.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 04: Implementation of Shariah in Aceh.

|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: The Land of Hijrah – 01: Part 04: Implementation of Shariah in Aceh :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

Continued from the previous article:


Let’s go through a few reports from local and international news agencies:

“A Christian couple were publicly flogged after being found guilty of using a children’s game for gambling, which is a crime under sharia.”

“The province of Aceh, in the north of the island of Sumatra, is the only one in the country to apply Quranic law. The residents of its capital have made it a marker of their identity.”

“The province of Aceh, which has a population of 5.4 million in the north of the island of Sumatra, is the only one in Indonesia – a country of 260 million inhabitants, 87% of whom are Muslims – to apply Sharia, the Quranic law. Islamic courts punish by caning several “moral offences,” including adultery, rape, sexual harassment, sexual relations outside marriage, homosexuality, illegal gambling and the sale and consumption of alcohol – allowing between 10 to 150, publicly administered, lashes.”

“in January 2019, when two 18-year-olds were flogged 17 times in front of a crush of people in front of the mosque in the capital of the province, Banda Aceh, because they were caught hugging each other. In March, at least two women were also left unable to walk after a brutal public whipping for alleged “intimate relations” outside marriage.”

“In Indonesia’s conservative province of Aceh, a long-awaited promise to stop caning criminals in public places lasted only a few months. In April, the governor of the province, Irwandi Yusuf, had pledged that punishments would be held inside prisons instead of in front of mosques, as a response to the international criticism to this practice.”

“However, only one caning was carried out away from the eyes of the large crowds that used to witness the events and take photos of the punishment. In July, Yusuf was arrested for corruption and, with him, the promise also fell. Public caning resumed a few days later, on July 13, when two men accused of having gay sex received 87 lashes outside the Baiturrahim Mosque in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh. Another nine people were caned for spending time together in a private space without being married, while one woman was flogged for selling alcohol, and three other men for consuming it.”


There are two other provinces/ states in Malaysia which also governed by Shariah but they operate under the federal govt. of Malaysia. Therefore, the Malaysian government can oppose any law if it goes against the federal law and that was the case with those two provinces. One example is that the parliament of Malaysia opposed a law against the LGBT movement in one of those provinces in February 2014.

So, what makes ACEH stand out above all those so-called Muslim countries?
It’s very simple.
Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia (Federal), Egypt, Morocco etc. all of these countries are directly ruled and governed by the Kuffar’s law through a system of Kufr called ‘democracy’ while ACEH is independent to implements its own law and it is progressing, En Shaa Allah.


“As in 2016, a team which consisted of Wilayatul Hisbah, Satuan PolisiPamong Praja (a civil service police unit), ulama (Islamic scholars), military and police officers conducted sweeping patrols against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender(LGBT) in beauty salons in Meulaboh, the capital city of West Aceh. The sweeping patrols were carried out in order to stop the spread of LGBT in West Aceh since they were prohibited in Islamic Shariah qanun No. 6 of 2013 [8] setting out the law of Jinayah(Islamic penal provisions). The violators were educated by local ulama with the approach of Islamic values. Ika Suhanas Adli said, “When we did sweeping patrols to the salon, we found two men dressed as women. So, we directly educated them as it was the first time. However, the violators, when convicted, can be caned up to 30 times if they do it again”.

Culture/ Music:

The government has issued prohibitions to prevent potential violations of Islamic sharia in Aceh like prohibiting open-air rock music concerts.

To be contd……

The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 03 : LEGAL STATUS of Aceh in enacting Shariah Law

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: The Land of Hijrah – 01: Part 03 : LEGAL STATUS of Aceh in enacting Shariah Law :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!


ACEH is an independent territory within Indonesia where they are independent in applying Shariah. Thus they have implemented a few basic Shariah rulings that don’t exist in any other part of Indonesia nor in Malaysia, such an example is flogging for Zina.


Article 128:
(1) “The Islamic Syari’at Judiciary in Aceh is a part of the national judiciary system in the environs of religious affairs.”
“Judiciary performed by the Syariah court which is free from the influence of any party.”

(2) “Syar’iyah Court is the court for every person who embraces Islam and is in Aceh.”

(3) “Syar’iyah Court is authorized to examine, try, provide rulings, and settle cases which consist of the fields of Ahwal al-syakhsiyah (family law), Mu’amalah (civil law) and Jinayah (criminal law) based on Islamic

(4) “Further stipulation regarding the fields of Ahwal al-syakhsiyah (family law), Mu’amalah (civil law) and Jinayah (criminal law), as meant in clause (3), is regulated by Aceh Qanun.”

(Taken from the book of ‘Law of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 11 of the year 2006 regarding Governing of Aceh’

You can read an outline of the Independent agreement between Indonesian govt and Aceh govt. from here with the link at the end:

“Aceh is the only province that has special privileges and a wide range of
autonomy to govern itself within Indonesia. The special privileges on
education, culture, religion and the role of Ulamas are stated in Article of Law 44 (Year 1999); In addition to that, after the Peace Agreement between the Free Aceh Movement and the Government of Indonesia, Aceh was allowed to implement LOGA (Law on Governing Aceh) also known as the law for SelfGovernment for Aceh (Article Law. 11, 2006).”

“One of the legal rights granted to Aceh within LOGA is the implementation of
Shariah Law in all dimensions of the day-to-day life of Acehnese society. Sharia Law is to cover the way the Acehnese Worship, family law (Ahwal syakhsiyah), civil law (Mu’amalat), criminal law (Jinayah) , justice (Qadha), education, (Tarbiyah) preaching (Dakwah), and the defence of Islam in Aceh as stipulated in the Article 125 of Law No. 11 of 2006.”

“The implementation of Shariah law in the life of Acehnese people is within the national legal system in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as mentioned in Article 128 of Law No. 11 of 2006.”

“Shariah law in Aceh regulated by Qanun not only to regulate the Criminal Law, but the Shariah Law is also to regulate issues on economic, trade, banking, social life and even political issues.”

“Qanun Jinayat (Islamic Criminal Law): This set of laws governs criminal offences in Aceh and includes provisions for punishments based on Islamic principles. It covers offences like theft, adultery, and alcohol consumption, often with strict penalties. This legal framework is seen as a way to uphold moral standards within the community, making it attractive for those seeking a strictly Islamic environment”

The MOU of peace agreement with international arbitration:

Contd. to next article……

The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 02: The BACKGROUND of Shariah in ACEH and how it distinguishes from the Federal/ National Law of Indonesia.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: ACEH – The SAFEST and the EASIEST land on earth to make Hijrah – PART 2: The BACKGROUND of SHARIAH in ACEH and how it distinguishes from the Federal/ National Law of Indonesia. :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

Important NOTES:
Before we proceed, we kindly request your attention to a few important points:

We strongly recommend researching Aceh thoroughly before deciding to move there. If possible, plan a preliminary visit to get a firsthand experience.

While we tried our best to collect information through authentic sources, we encourage you to share any credible information you find about Aceh, whether positive or negative. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping other Muslims make well-informed decisions, En Shah Allah.

We ask for your patience in drawing conclusions until you have received all the information we aim to provide about Aceh in the coming weeks, En Shah Allah!


“Islamic Shariah had been run in the Sultanate of Aceh (Sultan Iskandar Muda, 1607-1636) long before Indonesia’s first Independence Day.”

“According to records and historical analysis, it says that at the time of Independence Day of Indonesia, the leader of Aceh requested permission from the first Indonesian government to implement Islamic Sharia in Aceh, and even the first President, Ir. Soekarno promised to the scholars and leaders of Aceh that Aceh would be able to implement Islamic sharia in the province.”

“Some books mention that President Sukarno gave his consent verbally when he visited Aceh in 1948. Then he also asked in return for help from the Acehnese to buy an aircraft as a gift for the central government.”

“This Dakota plane which became Air Force No. 1 and then later the first plane in the Garuda fleet can still be seen, on display, in the Blang Padang park in the center of Banda Aceh. So Aceh in a way paid for the right to have autonomy and to be able to implement sharia law in Aceh.”

“In 2001, the government of Aceh established a new department called the
“Office of Islamic Shariah (Dinas Syariat Islam)”.

“In the same year, the special autonomy regulations for Aceh (No.18 of 2001) provided permission for the establishment of a sharia court, with power not only in family matters and inheritances but also in criminal cases (Jinayah)”.

Wilmot [7] has also said, “When Islamic Shariah was declared in 2001, the pros and cons started popping up until now. The involvement of the central government was deemed a political move to blockade non-Muslim countries’ support against the power of GAM”

“Once the autonomy status was granted to Aceh in 2001, the Aceh Government announced that Islamic sharia would be Kaffah (plenary) in its territory. The word Kaffah means that the local governments will implement the Islamic Shariah perfectly and completely. Therefore, several institutions were created in order to support the implementation of Islamic sharia such as:

‘Dinas Syariat Islam’ (the Office of Islamic Shariah),
‘Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama’ (the Board of Islamic Scholars),
‘Wilayatul Hisbah’ or DOI (the Sharia Law Enforcement Authority), and ‘Mahkamah Syariat’ (the Court of Shariah).

“Although the implementation of Islamic Shariah officially came into effect in 2003, the pros and cons have kept coming until now. Indeed since Islamic sharia was introduced, there have been many problems in upholding it.”

And as it is always, the screaming of the Kuffar for wherever they find Allah’s Shariah is enforced, you can find that here too:

An observation from the Kuffar’s point of view of a ‘Muslims in Kuffar’s Mindset’ on the latest October 10 2022 situation of how Aceh laws are distinguished itself from Indonesia’s national federal law:

Continued to the next articles…

The Land of Hijrah – 01: Part 1: ACEH – the SAFEST and the EASIEST land on earth to make Hijrah to, En Shaa Allah!

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

My Brothers,
I advise that you must read all previous articles of Chapter 4, ‘Where to make Hijrah?’ from the site before you attempt to read this article in order to understand how and in what context we claim ACEH as the SAFEST and the EASIEST land on earth. If Hijrah is on your mind and you’re struggling to find your way, then, let’s ride on the journey with us to discover,
‘Why ACEH’?
‘Why do we put ACEH in our no. 1 position as a Hijrah land in today’s context?’


What does an authority do?
In our case, what does an Islamic authority do?
More specifically, what would you expect from a land/ country to which you want to make Hijrah?

The answers are:
(A) An Islamic authority that rules by Allah’s Shariah.
(B) An Islamic authority that protects its citizens (Muslims) from the Shirk, Kufr and Haram environment.
(C) An Islamic authority that gives you safety and security in terms of Deen and Dunya.
(D) Then, the next important factor in choosing such a land for Hijrah is, how easily it provides the pathways towards RESIDENCY to the Muhajireen in the current world situation.

Al Hamdulillah!
ACEH, an independent province of Indonesia, fulfils those criteria.
Not only does it fulfil those two most important criteria, moreover it also offers a few other most important factors that will significantly make it easy for the mass movement of Muslims with limited budgets to make Hijrah to ACEH, En Shaa Allah.

The forthcoming articles and info that you must read to know about ACEH:

In the next few articles listed below, we are going to portray, how and why ACEH stands out as the SAFEST and the EASIEST place for Hijrah, En Shaa Allah, significantly meeting the criteria of Hijrah better than any other land today:

Part 02:
The BACKGROUND of SHARIAH in ACEH and how it distinguishes it from the Federal/ National Law of Indonesia.

Part 03:
LEGAL STATUS of Aceh in terms of SHARIAH LAW.

Part 04:

Part 05:
PROTECTING Muslims from the SHIRK and ZINA environment.

Part 06:
How ACEH is better than the ‘Kelantan’ or ‘Terengganu’ provinces of Malaysia which are also implementing the Shariah?

Part 07:
Easy Residency, cheap Farm Land for off-grid living and other important factors.

Part 08:
What are the ODDS about ACEH?

Please subscribe to our site to receive the above-mentioned articles about ACEH:

Finally, we don’t claim that we learned everything about Aceh. Therefore, we request you to please reach out to us and provide your feedback and any findings you might have about Aceh that we missed out on, we will verify and include them as facts about Aceh, En Shaa Allah. At the same time, we also request you to be patient until we publish all the above-mentioned articles soon, En Shaa Allah.

May Allah make it beneficial.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

Introducing the Lands of Hijrah – Disclaimer, General Advice, Rejecting the Kuffar’s mindset – Hijrah to a land, not to a ‘country’ and the background behind the proposing Hijrah lands.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Know Your Status :|:
:|: Muslims in Kuffar’s Mindset :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!


This is not a fatwa.
Rather a guideline from a personal point of view through an informed research effort.

And this is neither a direction biased to a group or a nation/ country but rather to the best interest of Muslims, Fi Sabilillah!

Hijrah is an Ebadah and every Ebadah in our Deen has a prescribed guideline.
Therefore, every Muslim should make a plan for Hijrah, and gain knowledge about that guideline. We tried to place that guideline for you on this site based on the Quran, Hadith and the Fatwa of the Haqq Ulama.

Then, having an understanding of the Islamic guidelines for Hijrah, every able Muslim should investigate and find his way as to what is the best place for Hijrah and then what is best suited for him according to his situation. We believe that a Muslim’s choosing of land for Hijrah could depend on many personal factors:
His knowledge and understanding of Deen,
His intention,
His Taqwa,
His Tawakkul,
His Courage,
His knowledge of the current corrupt world,
(Corrupt education, corrupt financial system, corrupt health system, corrupt food industry etc.)
His family situation,
His financial situation.

Therefore, there could be many choices, understandable.
And therefore, we come up with the following general advice.

General advice – Where to make Hijrah? How do you prioritise?:

Any Muslim-majority country, (even which is officially a ‘Land of Kufr’) is ‘100 times’ better than living in the Kuffar’s lands among the Mushrikeen, living under the Kuffar’s authorities and obeying the Kuffar’s Shariah. In fact, the difference could be Jannah and Jahannam, if somehow it is not for yourself but for sure for your generations. Allahu A’alm.

Then, A Muslim must try his best to move to any of the blessed lands that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam mentioned regarding the end of the time such as Sham, Yemen, and Khorasan.

After that, A Muslim must try his best to choose a Muslim-majority country that says in their constitution similar to ‘No laws shall be enacted which goes against the Shariah’, even though such few countries fall under the ‘Land of Kufr’ due to other contradictory factors in their constitutions.

And yet these countries are ‘100 times’ better than choosing those 42 Muslim-majority lands/ countries of absolute Kufr/ Kufr Akbar (18 of which declared secularism, 24 of which declared Sovereignty to people thus all these 42 countries adopted Kuffar’s Deen, democracy) that we mentioned in our previous articles.

Then, after that, of course, a Muslim must try his best to choose a Muslim-majority country (the remaining 10 countries) that is NOT officially a ‘Land of Kufr’ but there are other problems either with the authorities or with the environment. Again, these countries are ‘100 times’ better than those that fall in the categories described above (C).

After that let us take you through our journey to a few selected Hijrah lands beyond the frame of general advice and we have to say the following:

The background behind proposing our selected Hijrah lands:

My Brothers,
I recommend that you read the previous articles to know:
(1) The criteria for searching for a land of Hijrah,
(2) To understand the scarcity of a land which is FULLY governed by Allah’s Shariah,
(3) To know the difficulties of Hijrah, in terms of residency, to the most intended/ qualified lands, which is why we had begun our journey to search for a land with the following criteria in mind:

A land that is ruled by strong Islamic governance and therefore exists a strong Islamic environment where we can safely practice/ establish our Deen.

A land that will give us easy pathways towards Residency without going through the hardship of buying or investing a huge amount in property or business.

‘FORUM for Facilitating Global Hijrah (FFGH):

Here, in the ‘FORUM for Facilitating Global Hijrah (FFGH), we have been trying to work out the lands of Hijrah according to our knowledge based on Islamic guidelines of the safest lands for the Muslims in terms of protection of his Deen and the easiest place to settle with LIMITED BUDGET in the current world situation.

Understanding the Status of the Ummah – ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset’:

My brothers, let me tell you a disturbing fact and reality. The Kuffar has clearly shaped our minds so much so that we cannot think anything but according to their settings/ systems/ set-up of the world order. This is so heart-breaking. Kuffar has corrupted and manipulated anything and everything around our lives not only for the Muslims but also for humanity as a whole.

The Ebadah of Hijrah also didn’t remain out of their manipulation, Kuffar’s systems are so much settled in our minds that if we don’t take extraordinary measures, everything we think goes according to the systems of the Kuffar.

Why do we say this?
Firstly, Hijrah means moving away from the Kuffar’s authority to the Islamic authority, moving away from Kuffar’s land to the land of Islam, the land of Shariah. The question is, does a Muslim require a visa, or passport to move to a land of Shariah?
Absolutely not!

These countries, their borders, visas, and passport things have nothing to do when we decide about a land of Islam, a land for Hijrah. These things are just a new phenomena set by the Kuffar only after the WW2
So, why do we have to think according to the frame set by the Kuffar?

Secondly, do we have to look for the Land of Islam in the frame of a ‘country’ whether a ‘country’ implements Shariah or not?
Or should we look for a land, no matter where it is, whether the authority of that land is ruled by Shariah?
So, again, why do we have to put ourselves in the frame set by the Kuffar?

We must take ourselves out of the Kuffar’s mindset. We must remove things out of the Kuffar’s setup of the world system.

Think making Hijrah to a land, not to a ‘Country’

Al-Hamdulillah! This mindset made things easy for us to work out a land out of this ‘country-frame’.

Thus we came about a few lands that suit the above criteria and we have been working on those. Also, we have tried our best to work out off-grid living opportunities in all those lands.

In the next few articles, we are going to propose those lands and the Off-grid living projects to the Muslims living in the Kuffar’s lands.

May Allah accept from us.
May Allah protect us from obeying the Kuffar’s Shariah!
May Allah settle us in a land ruled by His Shariah!
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.