:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Know Your Status :|:
:|: Muslims in Kuffar’s Mindset :|:
Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!
This is not a fatwa.
Rather a guideline from a personal point of view through an informed research effort.
And this is neither a direction biased to a group or a nation/ country but rather to the best interest of Muslims, Fi Sabilillah!
Hijrah is an Ebadah and every Ebadah in our Deen has a prescribed guideline.
Therefore, every Muslim should make a plan for Hijrah, and gain knowledge about that guideline. We tried to place that guideline for you on this site based on the Quran, Hadith and the Fatwa of the Haqq Ulama.
Then, having an understanding of the Islamic guidelines for Hijrah, every able Muslim should investigate and find his way as to what is the best place for Hijrah and then what is best suited for him according to his situation. We believe that a Muslim’s choosing of land for Hijrah could depend on many personal factors:
His knowledge and understanding of Deen,
His intention,
His Taqwa,
His Tawakkul,
His Courage,
His knowledge of the current corrupt world,
(Corrupt education, corrupt financial system, corrupt health system, corrupt food industry etc.)
His family situation,
His financial situation.
Therefore, there could be many choices, understandable.
And therefore, we come up with the following general advice.
General advice – Where to make Hijrah? How do you prioritise?:
Any Muslim-majority country, (even which is officially a ‘Land of Kufr’) is ‘100 times’ better than living in the Kuffar’s lands among the Mushrikeen, living under the Kuffar’s authorities and obeying the Kuffar’s Shariah. In fact, the difference could be Jannah and Jahannam, if somehow it is not for yourself but for sure for your generations. Allahu A’alm.
Then, A Muslim must try his best to move to any of the blessed lands that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam mentioned regarding the end of the time such as Sham, Yemen, and Khorasan.
After that, A Muslim must try his best to choose a Muslim-majority country that says in their constitution similar to ‘No laws shall be enacted which goes against the Shariah’, even though such few countries fall under the ‘Land of Kufr’ due to other contradictory factors in their constitutions.
And yet these countries are ‘100 times’ better than choosing those 42 Muslim-majority lands/ countries of absolute Kufr/ Kufr Akbar (18 of which declared secularism, 24 of which declared Sovereignty to people thus all these 42 countries adopted Kuffar’s Deen, democracy) that we mentioned in our previous articles.
Then, after that, of course, a Muslim must try his best to choose a Muslim-majority country (the remaining 10 countries) that is NOT officially a ‘Land of Kufr’ but there are other problems either with the authorities or with the environment. Again, these countries are ‘100 times’ better than those that fall in the categories described above (C).
After that let us take you through our journey to a few selected Hijrah lands beyond the frame of general advice and we have to say the following:
The background behind proposing our selected Hijrah lands:
My Brothers,
I recommend that you read the previous articles to know:
(1) The criteria for searching for a land of Hijrah,
(2) To understand the scarcity of a land which is FULLY governed by Allah’s Shariah,
(3) To know the difficulties of Hijrah, in terms of residency, to the most intended/ qualified lands, which is why we had begun our journey to search for a land with the following criteria in mind:
A land that is ruled by strong Islamic governance and therefore exists a strong Islamic environment where we can safely practice/ establish our Deen.
A land that will give us easy pathways towards Residency without going through the hardship of buying or investing a huge amount in property or business.
‘FORUM for Facilitating Global Hijrah (FFGH):
Here, in the ‘FORUM for Facilitating Global Hijrah (FFGH), we have been trying to work out the lands of Hijrah according to our knowledge based on Islamic guidelines of the safest lands for the Muslims in terms of protection of his Deen and the easiest place to settle with LIMITED BUDGET in the current world situation.
Understanding the Status of the Ummah – ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset’:
My brothers, let me tell you a disturbing fact and reality. The Kuffar has clearly shaped our minds so much so that we cannot think anything but according to their settings/ systems/ set-up of the world order. This is so heart-breaking. Kuffar has corrupted and manipulated anything and everything around our lives not only for the Muslims but also for humanity as a whole.
The Ebadah of Hijrah also didn’t remain out of their manipulation, Kuffar’s systems are so much settled in our minds that if we don’t take extraordinary measures, everything we think goes according to the systems of the Kuffar.
Why do we say this?
Firstly, Hijrah means moving away from the Kuffar’s authority to the Islamic authority, moving away from Kuffar’s land to the land of Islam, the land of Shariah. The question is, does a Muslim require a visa, or passport to move to a land of Shariah?
Absolutely not!
These countries, their borders, visas, and passport things have nothing to do when we decide about a land of Islam, a land for Hijrah. These things are just a new phenomena set by the Kuffar only after the WW2
So, why do we have to think according to the frame set by the Kuffar?
Secondly, do we have to look for the Land of Islam in the frame of a ‘country’ whether a ‘country’ implements Shariah or not?
Or should we look for a land, no matter where it is, whether the authority of that land is ruled by Shariah?
So, again, why do we have to put ourselves in the frame set by the Kuffar?
We must take ourselves out of the Kuffar’s mindset. We must remove things out of the Kuffar’s setup of the world system.
Think making Hijrah to a land, not to a ‘Country’
Al-Hamdulillah! This mindset made things easy for us to work out a land out of this ‘country-frame’.
Thus we came about a few lands that suit the above criteria and we have been working on those. Also, we have tried our best to work out off-grid living opportunities in all those lands.
In the next few articles, we are going to propose those lands and the Off-grid living projects to the Muslims living in the Kuffar’s lands.
May Allah accept from us.
May Allah protect us from obeying the Kuffar’s Shariah!
May Allah settle us in a land ruled by His Shariah!
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.
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