The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 03 : LEGAL STATUS of Aceh in enacting Shariah Law

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: The Land of Hijrah – 01: Part 03 : LEGAL STATUS of Aceh in enacting Shariah Law :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!


ACEH is an independent territory within Indonesia where they are independent in applying Shariah. Thus they have implemented a few basic Shariah rulings that don’t exist in any other part of Indonesia nor in Malaysia, such an example is flogging for Zina.


Article 128:
(1) “The Islamic Syari’at Judiciary in Aceh is a part of the national judiciary system in the environs of religious affairs.”
“Judiciary performed by the Syariah court which is free from the influence of any party.”

(2) “Syar’iyah Court is the court for every person who embraces Islam and is in Aceh.”

(3) “Syar’iyah Court is authorized to examine, try, provide rulings, and settle cases which consist of the fields of Ahwal al-syakhsiyah (family law), Mu’amalah (civil law) and Jinayah (criminal law) based on Islamic

(4) “Further stipulation regarding the fields of Ahwal al-syakhsiyah (family law), Mu’amalah (civil law) and Jinayah (criminal law), as meant in clause (3), is regulated by Aceh Qanun.”

(Taken from the book of ‘Law of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 11 of the year 2006 regarding Governing of Aceh’

You can read an outline of the Independent agreement between Indonesian govt and Aceh govt. from here with the link at the end:

“Aceh is the only province that has special privileges and a wide range of
autonomy to govern itself within Indonesia. The special privileges on
education, culture, religion and the role of Ulamas are stated in Article of Law 44 (Year 1999); In addition to that, after the Peace Agreement between the Free Aceh Movement and the Government of Indonesia, Aceh was allowed to implement LOGA (Law on Governing Aceh) also known as the law for SelfGovernment for Aceh (Article Law. 11, 2006).”

“One of the legal rights granted to Aceh within LOGA is the implementation of
Shariah Law in all dimensions of the day-to-day life of Acehnese society. Sharia Law is to cover the way the Acehnese Worship, family law (Ahwal syakhsiyah), civil law (Mu’amalat), criminal law (Jinayah) , justice (Qadha), education, (Tarbiyah) preaching (Dakwah), and the defence of Islam in Aceh as stipulated in the Article 125 of Law No. 11 of 2006.”

“The implementation of Shariah law in the life of Acehnese people is within the national legal system in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as mentioned in Article 128 of Law No. 11 of 2006.”

“Shariah law in Aceh regulated by Qanun not only to regulate the Criminal Law, but the Shariah Law is also to regulate issues on economic, trade, banking, social life and even political issues.”

“Qanun Jinayat (Islamic Criminal Law): This set of laws governs criminal offences in Aceh and includes provisions for punishments based on Islamic principles. It covers offences like theft, adultery, and alcohol consumption, often with strict penalties. This legal framework is seen as a way to uphold moral standards within the community, making it attractive for those seeking a strictly Islamic environment”

The MOU of peace agreement with international arbitration:

Contd. to next article……

The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 02: The BACKGROUND of Shariah in ACEH and how it distinguishes from the Federal/ National Law of Indonesia.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: ACEH – The SAFEST and the EASIEST land on earth to make Hijrah – PART 2: The BACKGROUND of SHARIAH in ACEH and how it distinguishes from the Federal/ National Law of Indonesia. :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

Important NOTES:
Before we proceed, we kindly request your attention to a few important points:

We strongly recommend researching Aceh thoroughly before deciding to move there. If possible, plan a preliminary visit to get a firsthand experience.

While we tried our best to collect information through authentic sources, we encourage you to share any credible information you find about Aceh, whether positive or negative. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping other Muslims make well-informed decisions, En Shah Allah.

We ask for your patience in drawing conclusions until you have received all the information we aim to provide about Aceh in the coming weeks, En Shah Allah!


“Islamic Shariah had been run in the Sultanate of Aceh (Sultan Iskandar Muda, 1607-1636) long before Indonesia’s first Independence Day.”

“According to records and historical analysis, it says that at the time of Independence Day of Indonesia, the leader of Aceh requested permission from the first Indonesian government to implement Islamic Sharia in Aceh, and even the first President, Ir. Soekarno promised to the scholars and leaders of Aceh that Aceh would be able to implement Islamic sharia in the province.”

“Some books mention that President Sukarno gave his consent verbally when he visited Aceh in 1948. Then he also asked in return for help from the Acehnese to buy an aircraft as a gift for the central government.”

“This Dakota plane which became Air Force No. 1 and then later the first plane in the Garuda fleet can still be seen, on display, in the Blang Padang park in the center of Banda Aceh. So Aceh in a way paid for the right to have autonomy and to be able to implement sharia law in Aceh.”

“In 2001, the government of Aceh established a new department called the
“Office of Islamic Shariah (Dinas Syariat Islam)”.

“In the same year, the special autonomy regulations for Aceh (No.18 of 2001) provided permission for the establishment of a sharia court, with power not only in family matters and inheritances but also in criminal cases (Jinayah)”.

Wilmot [7] has also said, “When Islamic Shariah was declared in 2001, the pros and cons started popping up until now. The involvement of the central government was deemed a political move to blockade non-Muslim countries’ support against the power of GAM”

“Once the autonomy status was granted to Aceh in 2001, the Aceh Government announced that Islamic sharia would be Kaffah (plenary) in its territory. The word Kaffah means that the local governments will implement the Islamic Shariah perfectly and completely. Therefore, several institutions were created in order to support the implementation of Islamic sharia such as:

‘Dinas Syariat Islam’ (the Office of Islamic Shariah),
‘Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama’ (the Board of Islamic Scholars),
‘Wilayatul Hisbah’ or DOI (the Sharia Law Enforcement Authority), and ‘Mahkamah Syariat’ (the Court of Shariah).

“Although the implementation of Islamic Shariah officially came into effect in 2003, the pros and cons have kept coming until now. Indeed since Islamic sharia was introduced, there have been many problems in upholding it.”

And as it is always, the screaming of the Kuffar for wherever they find Allah’s Shariah is enforced, you can find that here too:

An observation from the Kuffar’s point of view of a ‘Muslims in Kuffar’s Mindset’ on the latest October 10 2022 situation of how Aceh laws are distinguished itself from Indonesia’s national federal law:

Continued to the next articles…

The Land of Hijrah – 01: Part 1: ACEH – the SAFEST and the EASIEST land on earth to make Hijrah to, En Shaa Allah!

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

My Brothers,
I advise that you must read all previous articles of Chapter 4, ‘Where to make Hijrah?’ from the site before you attempt to read this article in order to understand how and in what context we claim ACEH as the SAFEST and the EASIEST land on earth. If Hijrah is on your mind and you’re struggling to find your way, then, let’s ride on the journey with us to discover,
‘Why ACEH’?
‘Why do we put ACEH in our no. 1 position as a Hijrah land in today’s context?’


What does an authority do?
In our case, what does an Islamic authority do?
More specifically, what would you expect from a land/ country to which you want to make Hijrah?

The answers are:
(A) An Islamic authority that rules by Allah’s Shariah.
(B) An Islamic authority that protects its citizens (Muslims) from the Shirk, Kufr and Haram environment.
(C) An Islamic authority that gives you safety and security in terms of Deen and Dunya.
(D) Then, the next important factor in choosing such a land for Hijrah is, how easily it provides the pathways towards RESIDENCY to the Muhajireen in the current world situation.

Al Hamdulillah!
ACEH, an independent province of Indonesia, fulfils those criteria.
Not only does it fulfil those two most important criteria, moreover it also offers a few other most important factors that will significantly make it easy for the mass movement of Muslims with limited budgets to make Hijrah to ACEH, En Shaa Allah.

The forthcoming articles and info that you must read to know about ACEH:

In the next few articles listed below, we are going to portray, how and why ACEH stands out as the SAFEST and the EASIEST place for Hijrah, En Shaa Allah, significantly meeting the criteria of Hijrah better than any other land today:

Part 02:
The BACKGROUND of SHARIAH in ACEH and how it distinguishes it from the Federal/ National Law of Indonesia.

Part 03:
LEGAL STATUS of Aceh in terms of SHARIAH LAW.

Part 04:

Part 05:
PROTECTING Muslims from the SHIRK and ZINA environment.

Part 06:
How ACEH is better than the ‘Kelantan’ or ‘Terengganu’ provinces of Malaysia which are also implementing the Shariah?

Part 07:
Easy Residency, cheap Farm Land for off-grid living and other important factors.

Part 08:
What are the ODDS about ACEH?

Please subscribe to our site to receive the above-mentioned articles about ACEH:

Finally, we don’t claim that we learned everything about Aceh. Therefore, we request you to please reach out to us and provide your feedback and any findings you might have about Aceh that we missed out on, we will verify and include them as facts about Aceh, En Shaa Allah. At the same time, we also request you to be patient until we publish all the above-mentioned articles soon, En Shaa Allah.

May Allah make it beneficial.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.