The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 05: An Islamic authority which PROTECTS Muslims from SHIRK, ZINA and HARAM environment.

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:|: The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 05: An Islamic authority which PROTECTS Muslims from SHIRK and ZINA environment. :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!



Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam forbade living and settling with the Mushrikeen.
(Saheeh Muslim 4124 (20/1637).
Therefore, it must be one of the main responsibilities of an Islamic authority to safeguard Muslims from the Kufr, Shirk and Haram environment which, in our knowledge, the Aceh authority does very well, Al Hamdulillah! May Allah make them firm.

A Muslim should give this issue a priority when he chooses a land for Hijrah since the consequences of living in an environment of Shirk and Kufr are severe. If not the knowledgeable and pious ones but their generations always remain vulnerable and get affected by the Shirk and Kufr of the environment.


An example is the Indian Muslims.
in 1947, when India was separated between Pakistan and India, over 7 million Muslims moved from India to Pakistan. However, around 35 million Muslims remained in independent India.

What’s the practical outcome of this?

Look at the image, the survey shows, how the Indian Muslims’s mindset and understanding have been affected by their environment. They are Muslims but their belief in the existence of Malaikah (angels) and Akhirah (hereafter) is deluded by the Mushrikun’s philosophies.


Think of it, a Muslim who has doubt about Malaikah or doubt about Akhirah, doesn’t remain a Muslim anymore, even though they think they are Muslims, even though they are firm in other issues of Deen.

If you are to analyze why and how this has happened to them, you only find the same reason, living with the Mushrikeen. These Muslims didn’t move to the land of Mushrikeen by choice, they happened to be born there, yet they were afflicted by the environment of Hindu gurus, Hindu neighbours, Hindu colleagues around them and most importantly by the policy of the Mushrikeen authority over them. May Allah guide them and protect them from Shirk.

Then, what about those who choose to move to the lands of Shirk and Kufr on their own will to seek Dunya? May Allah protect us. May Allah give us understanding.


And then, we are approaching a time when most of the Arab lands are importing Shirk and Zina in front of our eyes! Subhanallah! This is happening exactly as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has predicted about the end of the time that,
“The Hour will not begin until some tribes of my ummah join the Mushrikeen and some tribes of my ummah worship idols.”
(This hadith was classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.)

Isn’t that the case happening in UAE, Saudi?
Not only in the Arab lands, but this is also the case with most of the Muslim-majority lands (I don’t call those ‘Muslim countries’ as long as those lands/ countries are ruled by the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’). The displaying of idols in images, posters, billboards, sculptures, processions, etc. are held/ takes place in most of these Muslim-populated lands openly in the names of ‘religious harmony, tolerance and respect to all faiths’. Thus Shirk is endorsed, acknowledged, and supported by the so-called Muslim authorities. May Allah protect us.


An Islamic authority must protect its people at least from societal Shirk, Kufr and Zina. This is the minimum an Islamic authority should do to save the generations of Muslims from Jahannam.

And Al Hamdulillah, this is where ACEH comes.
ACEH govt does it strongly.
Here is a report:

“Aceh Sharia forbids Chinese dance of the lions;
The provincial authorities say it is alien to local culture and violates religious harmony. The descendants of the Chinese respond that is only “a cultural show” to remember the victims of the tsunami. For decades the community – mostly Christian – has been the victim of discrimination and violence for religious or economic reasons.”

A latest Dec 2024 ‘MalayMail’s report headlined:

“Silent night in Aceh as Indonesian Catholics hold modest Christmas mass amid Shariah law restrictions”,

Which reports the following:

“Christmas decorations are not allowed on the streets of Aceh — the only Indonesian province to implement strict Shariah law that includes punishments like flogging — where 98 per cent are Muslim and just 6,000 Catholics live.”

Aceh authority protects its people from Shirk and they are determined about it. Al Hamdulillah! Obviously, that qualifies ACEH as a land of Hijrah over those Arab lands, such as Turkey, Malaysia, and other regions of Indonesia. And Allah knows best.

Protection of Immoralities/ ZIna/:

How does ACEH protect its people from a Zina environment?
Here is a report:

“Indonesia’s Aceh bans unrelated men and women from being together in public.”

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
“Undoubtedly allowing women to mix freely with men is the basis of all evils. This is one of the greatest causes of punishment coming down upon everyone and of public and private affairs becoming corrupt. Free mixing of men and women is the cause of much immorality and adultery, and it is the cause of general doom and diseases.”

“One of the greatest causes of general doom is the prevalence of adultery because of allowing women to mix freely with men and to walk amongst them making a wanton display of their beauty. If the powers that be knew how much corruption it causes to worldly interests and to people, they would prevent it most vigorously.”
(Al-Turuq al-Hakamiyyah, p. 408)

So, here again, Aceh authority is protecting Muslims from the Zina environment which is a normal thing to most of the Muslim-majority lands. And obviously, that qualifies ACEH as a land of Hijrah over those Arab lands and other so-called Muslim lands, such as Turkey, Malaysia, and other regions of Indonesia. And Allah knows best.


An Indonesian newspaper reports:
“The government will increase cigarette prices which will take effect from January 1, 2025.
This policy is part of the steps to control cigarette consumption, in line with the ongoing campaign to prohibit tobacco use.”

May Allah grant us land for Hijrah where our generations will remain safe from Shirk, Kufr and Haram.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

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