Why Hijrah? WARNING: Know the IMPACT/ OUTCOME of settling in the Kuffar’s Land – the historical Fact and Data.

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

:|: Time for Hijrah:|:
:|: Why Hijrah? The IMPACT/ OUTCOME of settling in the Kuffar’s Land – the historical Fact and Data :|:

O you, those who are settling in the Kuffar’s lands thinking you’re giving our children Quran education, making them Huffaj, so your job is done. Know that Rasulullah is Haqq. Rasulullah warned you because He wanted His Ummah to go to Jannah, so He warned, “I disown those who settle among the Mushrikeen.” This warning He carried out from the All-Knowledgeable, Al-Al’im, Allah. You know not, what He knows, Subhanahu Wa’ Ta’ala.

So, here is an OUTCOME of those who fled and took refuge in the Kuffar lands thinking Kuffar authorities would give them security and safety. That security may only be for Dunya, but certainly not for Akhirah.

Therefore, you better take heed of the fact. It was not only you who came to the West, it was not started with you who came to the Kuffar’s lands seeking Dunya for living ‘happily ever after’ under the Kuffar’s authority. There were Muslims long before you who had gone through the same path. So, know what’s the outcome of their settling in the Kuffar’s lands.

Those Muslims who came here 100 years ago were not attacked by the filth from the internet, from the mobile, ipads, from the Zina environment, from the corrupt LGBTQ+ type movements like your children are attacked today, yet they have lost their 2nd or 3rd generations.
Then, what about your generation?
So read!

The STORY of the Muslims who settled in the Kuffar’s land in the past

(Translated from Arabic)
Written by Mu’minah Al-A’zam
Granddaughter of the late Sheikh Ali Al Tantawi
(May Allah have mercy on him).

“O those who travel to the West… The Western environment will not have mercy on your children and grandchildren.”

“My grandfather, Ali Al Tantawi, was wise enough to prevent us from going through with our immigration process to Canada when it was proposed and available to us at the time. Our children were still young back then. I was skeptical about his reasoning, whilst my ego as a young parent made me jump to the assertion that he was too strict and only wanted to control his children’s life… May Allah have mercy on him…”

“Now I tend to agree with him and recall his wise decision whenever I come across a story of people whose children have lost their Deen, in the midst of the busy life in the West. His reasoning was: “To choose to live in the land of kufr leads to losing your offspring. If you are able to protect your children, you can never guarantee to protect their children and their grandchildren. Do not carry the responsibility [of their losing their Deen].”

“I remembered all of that when I came across a post by a friend:

A precautionary tale

“Someone told me today, “If I had enough money I would immigrate to America instead of Turkey. It will never affect me or my family where I immigrate, what’s important is how I raise my children and not where I raise them.”

I had to warn him that the choice of the place is considered one of the fundamentals of raising (Tarbiyya) the children.

It is said, ask the experienced over the wise. So here is my experience:

Nine years ago I was tasked to investigate the family history of the Ramadan family (a Beirut family). I began with the family tree and searched (online) for all the family members all over the world. I found 5000 members and the statistics were staggering. Here’s a list of those in the family that migrated to the West:

Those who migrated
– 100 years ago: 96% of their offspring are NOT Muslim
– 80 years ago: 75% of their grandchildren are not Muslim
– 60 years ago: 40% of their grandchildren are Christian
– 40 years ago: 25% of their grandchildren left Islam

Around 80 years ago a ‘Sheikh’ migrated to Ecuador and built the first masjid there. He insisted on raising his children upon Islam. Today none of his grandchildren is Muslim. This is the case of most families.

Personally, among the 48 of my grandfather’s grandchildren, 16 are not Muslim. We live in the United States, and I have been an American Citizen for 40 years.

In Ecuador, there are 98 of the Beirut’s Ramadan family. The Ramadan forefathers migrated there in 1923. Now all of the 98 grandchildren are Christian. I met George, Christian and Emilio Ramadan. I managed to convince Emilio to come to the family union in Adana, Turkey after I offered him financial assistance only for him to learn about the Muslim history of his family. It was really heartbreaking.

These statistics are not the same among the families that migrated to an Islamic country.
The End.


Now, take a pause from whatever level of Deen you’re doing.
You might be the one doing the highest level of good deeds, doing heaps of Sadaqah Jariah such as building Masjids, doing Dawah work, converting people to Islam, engaging in much Islamic community work, putting your children in the Islamic school, giving them Islamic environment, making them become Huffaj, and thinking you’re doing best and you often ask yourself, ‘what else can I do?’

But it’s time to take a pause, find a remote place, relieve yourself from all the personal necessities, give yourself a few uninterrupted moments and think.
Let this story tell you what you can do.
Let me tell you what you can do.
You need to do just ONE act of ‘Amr Bil-Ma’ruf’ (enjoining good) on yourself and that is,
Obey Rasulullah.
Obey his warning:

“I disown those who settle among the Mushrikeen.”
(Sunan Abu Dawud 2645. Saheeh)

and then, you need to do just ONE act of ‘Nahi A’nil-Munkar’ (forbidding evil) on yourself and that is,
Stop choosing the comfort and security of Dunya by living under the Kuffar’s authority.
Stop following your desire!
All that desire tells you,
‘If I leave this place, what will happen to those whom I can guide to Islam, who will guide them?’

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,
“Whoever institutes an evil practice in Islam will have its sin and the sin of those who act upon it without diminishing their sins at all.”
(Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1017)

So, do you think your all Dawah work would outweigh the OUTCOME of following your desire and not obeying Rasulullah’s warning?

Do you think your all Sadaqah Jariah would outweigh the OUTCOME of your grand and grandchildren’s children going out of Islam until the end of the world?

Did you forget what was Allah’s command to you, in the first place?
Did you forget to whom your responsibility goes in the first place?

“O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.”
(Sura At-Tahrim 66:6)

So, my brother,
You have the breath yet to change your life.
You are still living, you can still change your course towards Jannah.

Wa Allahu A’lam.
May Allah protect our children.
May Allah protect us from Jahannam.

Offering a ‘Hijrah Project’ to the global community of Muslims with a LIMITED BUDGET.

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

My Brothers,
Hijrah is a tough decision in your life.
And surely Hijrah needs preparation.
And that preparation becomes harder for those who do not have much money in their bucket. Sadly they either left the idea of Hijrah or have been waiting for ‘one day’ when they would be able to save some money for Hijrah.

Therefore, here in the ‘Forum for Facilitating Global Hijrah’ (FFGH), we are trying to make Hijrah easy for those with very limited budgets, En Shaa Allah!
And here is our effort to place things for you:

(A) A rough minimum budget (all figures are in AUD) you need for your journey and preliminary settlement after Hijrah,
(B) The cost of Residency pathways,
(C) And the offering of a project for Farm-House living.

Though moving to ….. (The land to be revealed soon) and living in the ‘capital city’ might work for you with sufficient financial support to start your businesses with whatever financial preparation you might have, yet you should always have a prospective Farm-House living in your mind as we have explained before.

While Farm-House living could be a choice for the well-off Muhajireen but for those who have little money, Farm-House living must be the most important criterion for choosing this land. And here we are offering a ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’ for those Muhajireen:


We have discussed this before, why do you have to keep a farmhouse living in your mind while you planning for Hijrah. If you are the one who already made up your mind then, this section is for you.

If you want to make the move right now and If you want to move to the farmhouse straight away, yet you have to prepare to live in the city life for at least the next 2 years (in order to prepare the village for community living). Therefore, you must have financial preparation for maintaining your expenses in these 2 years in the city. And how much minimum that could be? Here we tried to give you a general estimate:


(For a family of 4)
Travel expenses – $10K
Rented house setup – $5K
Car – $10K
Monthly expenses – $1k x 24 months = $25K (rounding up)
That’s a TOTAL of $50K for peace of mind for 2 years before any cash-inflow.


If you don’t have money right now but want to move in 1-5 years:
You can choose to live straight in the village soon after your move and that might save you the cost of living in the city for 2 years as we estimated above. (Though we strongly suggest you not delay your Hijrah for that reason)

How that will work?
We will prepare the village for community living in 2 years, En Shaa Allah, while you pay your share of the project value in instalments in 1-5 years.


For a standard way of living in the ‘land’, you need to earn a minimum of $1,000 per month. And you should think of ways to earn that money a maximum within 2 years, Bi-Iznillah!

How would you do it?
Investing in the Project:
The Hijrah project, which we call the ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’, gives you an opportunity to invest either $25K, $50K or $75K according to your financial situation and your choice of involvement/ expectation of income from the community business.



The Hijrah project, the ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’ aims to facilitate your Hijrah in the following ways:

(5.1) Residency:
One of the pathways for staying a long time in this ‘land’ (which will lead to obtaining a Govt. ID and open the path for residency) is that it requires you to register a business with a 1Million AUD as capital in a partnership with a local for a minimum 10% share of the company. Participating in the Hijrah project will help you in that residency pathway through this investment since you will be assessed as an investor where you become a partner in the business.

(5.2) Owning a LAND:
Investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure you have ONE ACRE (4000 square meter) farmland under your possession. Yes, we plan to establish this SSEV where every Muhajireen will have 1 Acre farm land, En Shaa Allah.

(5.3) Growing your OWN FOOD:
The farmland will help you reduce your living cost as well as ensure a healthy living as it will offer you an opportunity to produce your own organic vegetables, fruits, livestock etc., sufficient for your entire family’s food needs even if you don’t live there straight away. (We will equip you with knowledge and skill, En Shaa Allah if you don’t know how to do this)

(5.4) A Shelter:
Investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure you have a 3-bedroom house with electricity/ Solar panels which will tremendously save you money from renting.

(5.5) A lumpsum income from the Community BUSINESS:
Our aim is to find investment opportunities to ensure a minimum earning of $1000 per month from the community businesses within a maximum 2 years time, En Shaa Allah. Thus you get a proportionate share in the community businesses to ensure sufficient income for your livelihood, En Shaa Allah!

(5.6) Your SKILL that is required in the community:
If you have a skill (see no. 9 below) that is required in community affairs, you could earn a salary from the community project and businesses itself, En Shaa Allah.

(5.7) Living with the Muhajireen COMMUNITY:
You can’t measure the benefit of living with the community in financial value, especially with those Muslims who share the same lifestyle, mindset and experiences. I can’t imagine how many problems you can minimise and how many ways we can help each other by only living together, En Shaa Allah.

(5.8) An international standard education through a UNIQUE MADRASAH:
After ensuring the earnings from community business we will emphasize establishing a Madrasah with the following features:
(5.8.1) English medium teaching,
(5.8.2) Australian standard general education system,
(5.8.3) Arabic Language (Reading, writing, speaking, understanding)
(5.8.4) Quran Hifz by Year 12
(5.8.5) Islamic Shariah.
(5.8.6) Islamic lifestyle and Islamic Mindset.
(5.8.7) Mandatory Deen Study for the Adults,
(5.8.8) Mandatory Health and Organic Lifestyle Training for the Adults.

This is how only investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure your (1) Residency, (2) Land, (3) House, (4) Earnings and most importantly (5) Community Living, (6) Education thus helping each other in surviving the tough time together ahead, Bi-Iznillah.

Therefore, you should prioritise your investment in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’. And that will ensure your survival in the worst-case scenario that the world is heading into. May Allah protect us.


Here are the pathways for various levels of Muhajireen according to their financial preparation:

LEVEL (1):
ONE COMMUNITY Muhajireen Brother (OCMB): $75K
By Investing $75K, you will acquire all those mentioned above, which are,
(1) Residency pathways,
(2) 1 (one) Acre Land,
(3) 3-bedroom prefab/ container house with Electricity/ Solar panels
(4) Proportionate share of $25K in the community business.

LEVEL (2):
COMMUNITY Muhajireen Brother (CMB)
: $50K
By investing $50K you will acquire
(1) Residency pathways,
(2) 1 (one) Acre Land,
(3) 3-bedroom prefab/ container house with Electricity/ Solar panels

LEVEL (3):
By investing $25K you will acquire only
(1) Residency pathways,
(2) 1 (one) Acre Land.


We plan to build the housing project, the SSEV in 2 years, En Shaa Allah.
(But if we have a certain quantity of Muhajirun who want to move immediately (6 months – 1 year), we can work out that, En Shaa Allah). Moving to the project, i.e., moving to live in the farmhouse will depend on one most important factor, which is, the establishment of the Madrasah. Therefore, even if you want to move out now, you have to live in the ‘city’ for at least 1 year.

Therefore, how do you pay depends on three important decisions:
(1) When do you plan to move out?
(2) When do you want to start living in the farmhouse?
(3) How well you are prepared financially?

Whatever options you choose, either $25, $50K or $75K,
we can work out the instalment amount at your convenience.
But here we have thought of a standard system:

Paying $25 in a and 1/2 years:
$10K now.
$5K in 3 instalments every 6 months.
($5K x 3 times = $15K)

Paying $50 in 2 years:
$10K now.
$10K in 4 instalments every 6 months.
($10K x 4 times = $40K)

Paying $75K in 2 years:
$15K now.
$15K in 4 instalments every 6 months.
($15K x 4 times = $60K)

IF YOU WANT TO DELAY Your Hijrah for more than 2 YEARS:


Those who have reasons to delay your Hijrah for more than 2 years, can pay $10K upfront and then $5K every 6 months. And the payout might spread over 4 to 5 years. This is to make things easy for the limited-budget Muhajireen. May Allah accept from us, and May Allah make our Hijrah easy. Ameen.

My dear Muslim brothers and sisters,
We are considering every aspect as to how to make Hijrah easy for Muslims around the world, En Shaa Allah! Here we have opened a more convenient path for you.



We would require selective professionals for our community activities. If you happen to be one of those, we will give a $5K discount to you. You can choose to be in any level mentioned in number 6 above. Here are the professions:

(A) Quran and Arabic Language Teachers
(One male and one female, educated from Makkah/ Madinah/ Egypt)
(B) Primary and High School Teachers
(2 Male and 2 Female, educated and experienced from Australia.)
(C) Agriculturist/ Herbalist/ Horticulturist .
(D) Landscape Architect.
(E) Livestock expert.
(F) Video Editor.


If you’re among those who will invest in the LEVEL (1), the ‘ONE COMMUNITY Muhajireen Brother (OCMB)’ category, (please refer to point 6 above), you will get a $5K discount.
And if you are from the SKILL category (refer to point 9 above) as well, you will get a total $10K discount.



For those (excluding those mentioned in number 9 above) who even cannot afford the above options, we offer you the following pathways, En Shaa Allah:

Residency Pathways, Land (1000 sqm only) for $15K
Building House $10K (2 bedroom house without Solar panels)

That’s a $25K for Residency pathways, Land, House, and Community Living.
In 2 years time, you can make Hijrah and straight move to the SSEV, En Shaa Allah!



If you cannot pay an upfront $10K, you can start with $5K in certain circumstances.


All these conditions are changeable without any prior notice.
Therefore, you might need to make a quick decision before those changes affect you.

You might think of placing a
(1) Primary Expression of Interest (Primary) (EOIP) for now by visiting the website at this link:
(3) It is advisable that you read the articles across the entire site which will help you to align your expectations and contributions towards the enrichment of the project with the mindset behind this effort, In Shaa Allah.
(2) And keep an eye out for the launch of the Registration in the Project soon, En Shaa Allah.

May Allah accept from us,
and May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

Proposing the land of Hijrah, Offering a project to the Global Community of Muslims – PRELUDE

Bismillah! Al Hamdulilah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Forum for Facilitating Global-Hijrah :|:

:|: Proposing the land of Hijrah, Offering a project to the Global Community of Muslims – PRELUDE :|:


Please read this mindfully and take it seriously.
This land is not for everyone.
This land won’t be suitable for everyone.
And this land is not a great choice as a land of Hijrah.

But then, why do I call it a land of Hijrah for a global Muslim community?
En Shaa Allah, I will talk about that step by step.

FACTORS you should CONSIDER for your Hijrah:

My brothers,
Today, when you consider Hijrah, there are two things I suggest you should take into account:


My brothers,
Now let me tell you which lands I consider as great choices as the lands of Hijrah based on my understanding of the relevant Hadith texts:

Though most of these lands do not qualify/ fit into the criteria of Hijrah today, (as Muslims are not allowed to practice their Deen in most of those lands),

yet I strongly suggest every able Muslim to research your way gradually from the top of this list to the bottom as I numbered them according to the merit of the lands. Allah knows best.

But in case, you don’t find a way (as it is with myself, with my limited ability and my unique situation), only then, according to my research, this proposed land will be the best choice for you for Hijrah! And Allah knows best.

So, what are the difficulties in finding a way to those blessed lands of Hijrah?

(1) A huge cost of obtaining residency, you need around $200,000 or more.
(2) The unsettled, war-prone, war-torn situation, which is unsecured for a family. (Shyam and surrounding)
(3) The scarcity of necessary info about those lands in regard to real situations and pathways for a family to move. (Khorasan)

I hope I have made myself clear about the issue.
May Allah make it beneficial for us.
May Allah make our journey of Hijrah easy.

Who is this land for?

Therefore, I propose this land for Hijrah to the global community of Muslims, particularly to:
(A) those who are desperate for Hijrah,
(B) those who want to choose a secured land for Hijrah for his family.
(C) those who have a limited amount of money, say between $50,000 to $100,000 for Hijrah.

So my brothers, if you consider yourself among those who are mentioned in point no. 5 above, then follow us to know about the land of Hijrah and a project soon, En Shaa Allah.

May Allah make our journey of Hijrah easy.

Why Hijrah? – ENCOURAGEMENT: Living ‘the BEST Lifestyle’ as ‘the BEST Men’ and a GUARANTEED JANNAH.

Al Hamdulillah
AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah.

:|: Time for HIJRAH :|:
:|: Hijrah – ENCOURAGEMENT :|:
:|: Know Your STATUS :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s MINDSET :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ following Kuffar’s DEEN :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ obeying ‘Kuffar’s SHARIAH’ :|:
:|: Building Muslim-MINDSET :|:
:|: Islam – The SUPREME Way of Life :|:

(1) Consequences of a FATHER being killed and the family overpowered by the enemy:

A religious, even a non-religious family lives by an ideology. The head of the family maintains his family and raises his children according to that ideology.

Such is a Muslim.
A Muslim maintains his family, and raises his children in an Islamic ideology, within an Islamic environment focused on saving himself and his family from Jahannam as that’s what the command and the responsibility given by his RABB on the shoulder of the Man of the family. (At-Tahrim 66:6)

But what happens, when the father of the family is killed, and his wealth is seized by his enemy, not for the wealth itself but rather due to the enmity towards his faith and his ideology?

And then, what happens when that enemy raises the children of that family?
In what ideology would the enemy raise those children?
Obviously, on the ideology for which he killed their father, the opposite ideology of their father.

Leave aside the scenarios of killing and seizing wealth,
what happens when a Muslim child is raised by a Christian family in regular circumstances?
Does this child remain a Muslim?

For sure, the child would be raised as a Christian.
Then, If that Christian family is hostile towards Islam, they will make sure this child not only becomes Christian but also hates Islam and Muslims.

(2) Consequences of a STATE AUTHORITY being dismantled and its people/ system overpowered by the enemy:

The same thing happens in the case of a state authority.
A state uses all its institutions, from making legislation to establishing schools, libraries or community services, media and whatnot to promote the ideology it wants its people to embrace.
A state authority is like a manufacturing plant that sets up all its machinery to produce the products (citizens) as it wants them to be.

Such is an Islamic authority, an ‘Islamic State’, which we call Khilafah. The Khilafah of the Muslims protects the Muslims from Shirk, Kufr and all that is Haram. It maintains the environment as such that the Ummah only needs to engage and safeguard the FIVE PILLARS of Islam to set its course towards Jannah. The Khilafah is the shield for the Ummah just like a father to a family. The Khilafah is the ROOF, the Cieling of Islam under which the FIVE PILLARS are protected.

But when Kuffar, the enemy of Islam dismantled the Khilafah and became the state authority as if they killed the father of the family.

So, what is supposed to happen?
All institutions and machinery of the state were set to change the course of the Ummah in the opposite direction, Jahannam. May Allah protect us.

Thus we Muslims have been subjected to the Kuffar’s ideologies for about the last 300 years by us accepting and letting the enemy of Islam change our mindset through their schools, colleges, and universities and then, forcing the Kuffar’s laws on us in our homelands.

Then, when the Kuffar left, they managed to leave the authority of the land to their ‘children’ (brain-child) among us who were doing the ‘FIVE PILLARS’ of Islam but continued imposing the same Kuffar’s ideologies and ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ on Muslims.

(3) The Consequences: ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset’.

So, what I have realised and what I have been saying is that we, those who call ourselves Muslims, our forefathers were raised in the ideology of the enemy of Islam, thus we, for us today, after about 10 generations, adopted their mindset wholeheartedly.

Therefore, I named these Muslims, ourselves,
‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset’.

What I mean by that is that
we Muslims adopted the ideologies of the enemies of Islam,
we adopted the ‘Words of Mouth’ of the Kuffar by even leaving the Islamic ‘Way of Speaking’,
and we adopted the lifestyle of the Kuffar in our daily life.

I know these are new things to you, they sound sort of alien terms. But let me prove it to you, in what depth the ‘Kuffar’s Mindset’ has imprinted in our minds!
Allahu Musta’an.
May Allah guide us.

(4) Understanding the importance of the Islamic Mindset :

You hear this a lot.
‘Let’s Revive a Sunnah’.
Why is the ‘revival’?
You revive something which is dead, isn’t it?
Usually, this is said about a practice of Rasulullah Sallallahu A’laihi Wa Sallam that we Muslims left or forgot.

Such an example is leaving the Sunnah of praying Nawfil Salah at home. Most Muslims left this best practice, whereas Rasulullah said, ‘The best Salah is what is prayed at home’. (Saheeh Bukhari 731)

But the thing is, there’s no sin in leaving this best way of Ebadah (Allah knows best) only one is losing a lot of Barakah and the benefits of this practice.

However, the good thing about ‘Reviving a Sunnah’, in the case of Ebadah, is that it works with most Muslims and they try to practice that Sunnah after a reminder. Al Hamdulillah!

But what about the Mindset issues, an Ideological issue of Islam that we left or forgot?
It is much more severe than the practice of the Sunnah. It is a must-have thing for a Muslim as It is the Mindset that makes one a Muslim because Islam itself is an ideology, a Mindset.

Therefore, reviving a Mindset, changing the mindset from ‘Kuffar’s Mindset’ to Islamic Mindset or BELIEVING and acting on what Rasulullah Sallallahu A’laihi Wa Sallam said as true about a Mindset or ideological issue, is a very serious and sensitive issue.

But we are in the depth of the Kuffar’s mindset.
How deep the ‘Kuffar’s Mindset’ has imprinted in our minds?
How hard is it today to BELIEVE and ACT on what Rasulullah said as the BEST about something when it goes against the mindset implanted in our minds by the Kuffar?

Let alone acting, how hard is it even to ACKNOWLEDGE that it is the best?
That’s what I am going to place to you and you can judge yourself.
May Allah guide us.
So let’s begin.

(6) ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset – an Example:

If I were to ask you,
Who is the best person?
What’s the best deed?
What’s the best profession?
What’s the best life (lifestyle)?

I know the first two questions are easy for most Muslims. And there are many answers to those and all would be correct if applied in their proper perspectives.

But if I have to ask the 3rd and the 4th questions, most of the Muslims would stumble.
Test yourself.
Prove me wrong.
Stop here and reply before you read the rest of this article if you know the answers.

If I were to conduct a poll, what’s the best profession?

Master Chef? 😄
Chartered Accountancy?
Computer Programming?
Dog walking? 😄
TV Presenter?
Tax Advisor?
Or any other profession you can think of.
What do you think your answer would be?

Oh no no no!
Don’t give me an answer or think about an answer like the stupid AI, “It depends on the individual’s preference, perspective and goal, blah blah blah”

I am asking about the best profession and the best lifestyle prescribed in Islam

Does it make you wonder!
Check with ‘Mufti’ Google 😄
Did you find it?

(8) Islam – The SUPREME Way of Life – The Best PROFESSION and the best LIFESTYLE

Now, let’s get to the real answer.
Let’s find out the answer according to the one, who is the best example for human beings, who was sent as the GUIDANCE to human beings, Muhammad, Rasulullah, Sallallahu A’lalihi Wa Sallam. And we are supposed to obey him, follow him.
What did he say?

باب فَضْلِ الْجِهَادِ وَالرِّبَاطِ ‏‏ حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ يَحْيَى التَّمِيمِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْعَزِيزِ بْنُ أَبِي حَازِمٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ بَعْجَةَ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنَّهُ قَالَ ‏

“‏ مِنْ خَيْرِ مَعَاشِ النَّاسِ لَهُمْ رَجُلٌ مُمْسِكٌ عِنَانَ فَرَسِهِ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ يَطِيرُ عَلَى مَتْنِهِ كُلَّمَا سَمِعَ هَيْعَةً أَوْ فَزْعَةً طَارَ عَلَيْهِ يَبْتَغِي الْقَتْلَ وَالْمَوْتَ مَظَانَّهُ

أَوْ رَجُلٌ فِي غُنَيْمَةٍ فِي رَأْسِ شَعَفَةٍ مِنْ هَذِهِ الشَّعَفِ أَوْ بَطْنِ وَادٍ مِنْ هَذِهِ الأَوْدِيَةِ يُقِيمُ الصَّلاَةَ وَيُؤْتِي الزَّكَاةَ وَيَعْبُدُ رَبَّهُ حَتَّى يَأْتِيَهُ الْيَقِينُ لَيْسَ مِنَ النَّاسِ إِلاَّ فِي خَيْرٍ ‏”‏ ‏.‏

It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said:
“Of the men, he lives the best life who holds the reins of his horse (ever ready to march) in the way of Allah, flies on its back whenever he hears a fearful shriek or a call for help, flies to it seeking death at places where it can be expected.

(Next to him) is a man who lives with his sheep at a hilltop or in a valley, says his prayers regularly, gives Zakah and worships his RABB until death comes to him.

There is no better person among men except these two.
(Saheeh Muslim 4783-(125/1889)

Who is the best person?
What’s the best profession?
Warrior, Fighter FiSabilillah!, which is, a Mujaheed.
He is the best man,
Fighting is the best profession.
Jihad is the best profession.

Then, who’s the next best person after Mujaheed?
A Shepherd!
An amazing fact!

Put your mind again,
what’s the next best profession after fighting?

Please note,
here, by saying ‘best men’, Rasulullah didn’t mention any aspect of the character of a person. The ‘best men’ here is depicted by the work he does, which is what becomes the profession of a person.

Now, the question to you is,
how does someone choose this profession?
How does someone have this lifestyle?
In today’s context, It is by living in a farming life,
by raising sheep, goats, cattle, etc.

Here’s another Hadith that tells you again the same thing, the best lifestyle, the best profession and the best men.

باب فَضْلِ الْجِهَادِ وَالرِّبَاطِ

‏‏ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ بْنُ حُمَيْدٍ، أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ، أَخْبَرَنَا مَعْمَرٌ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، عَنْ عَطَاءِ، بْنِ يَزِيدَ اللَّيْثِيِّ عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ، قَالَ

قَالَ رَجُلٌ أَىُّ النَّاسِ أَفْضَلُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ

قَالَ ‏”‏ مُؤْمِنٌ يُجَاهِدُ بِنَفْسِهِ وَمَالِهِ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ‏”‏ ‏.‏

قَالَ ثُمَّ مَنْ
قَالَ ‏”‏ ثُمَّ رَجُلٌ مُعْتَزِلٌ فِي شِعْبٍ مِنَ الشِّعَابِ يَعْبُدُ رَبَّهُ وَيَدَعُ النَّاسَ مِنْ شَرِّهِ ‏”‏ ‏.‏

It has been narrated (through a different chain of transmitters) by the same authority (i.e. Abu Sa’id Khadri) who said:

A man asked: Messenger of Allah, which of men is the best?
He said: A believer who fights staking his life and spending his wealth in the way of Allah.

He asked: Who is next to him (in excellence)?
He said: Next to him is a man who lives an isolated life in a mountain, worshipping his Rabb and sparing men from his mischief.
(Saheeh Muslim 4781-(123/1887)

And then, the next thing is about a PROFESSION which is chosen by our Rabb for the best human beings.
Subhanallah! It’s an amazing fact.

Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam informed us that all of the messengers and prophets that Allah Ajja Wa Jalla sent to human beings were once a shepherd!
(Saheeh Bukhari 2262)

How amazing, how honourable and noble profession this could be when the owner of the Heavens and the Earths has chosen the people from this profession as His prophets and messengers?

And then, the next thing is how beloved this lifestyle is to our Rabb that He, Al-Ghafur forgives such a slave and admits him to Jannah?

Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam informed what Allah said about this person who is living this best life and working in this best profession:

Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam informed what Allah said about this person who is living this best life and working in this best profession:

” أَخْبَرَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ سَلَمَةَ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ وَهْبٍ، عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْحَارِثِ، أَنَّ أَبَا عُشَّانَةَ الْمَعَافِرِيَّ، حَدَّثَهُ عَنْ عُقْبَةَ بْنِ عَامِرٍ، قَالَ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ ‏ “‏ يَعْجَبُ رَبُّكَ مِنْ رَاعِي غَنَمٍ فِي رَأْسِ شَظِيَّةِ الْجَبَلِ يُؤَذِّنُ بِالصَّلاَةِ وَيُصَلِّي فَيَقُولُ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ انْظُرُوا إِلَى عَبْدِي هَذَا يُؤَذِّنُ وَيُقِيمُ الصَّلاَةَ يَخَافُ مِنِّي قَدْ غَفَرْتُ لِعَبْدِي وَأَدْخَلْتُهُ الْجَنَّةَ ‏”‏ ‏.‏

It was narrated that ‘Uqbah bin ‘Amir said: “I heard Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,
‘Your RABB is pleased with a shepherd high in the mountains who calls the Adhan for the prayer and pray.
Allah says: ‘Look at this slave of Mine; he calls the Adhan and Iqamah for the prayer and fears Me. I have forgiven My slave and admitted him to Jannah.
(Sunan Nasai 667 Saheeh, Abu Dawud 1086 Saheeh, Saheehah 41)

(13) Understanding the depth of the ‘Kuffar’s Mindset’

Now tell me, do you BELIEVE sheepherding is the best profession?
Let me make it easy for you to understand.
If you believe this, you would want the best for yourself and for your children, aren’t you?

Let’s forget about yourself. You are already done with your profession and professional life.
But what about your son?
Would you choose this best profession for your son, my brother?
Go home and talk to your spouse my brother!
ha ha ha!

Think now, what mindset you got!
Think, what a lifestyle you have been pulled into.
Think, if you indeed BELEIVE and realise the meaning of your belief and would choose to act on it.
Again, would you choose this best profession, Sheepherding, for your son, my brother?

You know the answer, I know the answer.
Do you realise how unrealistic it is to us Muslims about a profession that is dearest to our Rabb?
And do you now understand in what depth the Kuffar’s ideologies and Kuffar’s lifestyle have pulled us into?
May Allah guide us.

(14) The corrupt lifestyle – an ocean of corruption.

Now, my intention is not to put you down.
I know the reality and I want you to admit the reality too.
And that reality is to understand that Kuffar has pulled us down in a world of corruption.

Our entire lifestyle is corrupted,
Our education system is corrupted,
Our food system is corrupted,
Our health system is corrupted.
Our financial system is corrupted,
Even our family system is corrupted by the Kuffar’s ideologies of ‘equality’.
Tell me, what’s left?

There’s no aspect of life that remained out of the corruption of the Kuffar’s environment which they set through their legislation, the education systems and the entertainment industry.
And you know this, you realise this.

But you’re still clinging to this lifestyle.
You’re still sending your children to the same corrupt systems and you are labouring day-in and day-out in the same corrupt cycle not only for yourself but for your future generations to be prey to this system as well.
Do you not think my brother?

(15) It’s Your Life – Don’t surrender it to the hands of the corruptors!

So my brother,
I call out to you,
By the name of Allah,
Would you take a step to get out of this corruption?
If not as a shepherd, you can choose a farming lifestyle, a natural and organic life for you and your family. It is so easy.

What you need is to have the mindset, and strength of your mind to kick at the back of these corruptors, and slap on the face of the criminals.

It’s so easy to grow your own organic fruits and vegetables.
Only planting one or two pumpkin plants and gourd melon would be enough to supply the vegetables for your family for the entire season.
You can raise a few organic chickens for fresh eggs and meat,
And rear a few goats or sheep for real fresh milk and meat to fulfil your protein needs.
Subhanallah life is so simple.
Walking towards Jannah is so simple.
Setting a path towards Jannah for your children is so easy and simple, En Shaa Allah!

And Allah knows best.
May Allah guide us.
O Allah, Yeah Rabb, guide this Ummah!

(16) Hijrah and Farming lifestyle (Off-grid living) – a combination:

Now, what’s the relationship of living a farming life to Hijrah?
To know, you have to click and check from here:
‘Forum for Facilitating Global Hijrah’,

Here we are trying to combine 4 (four) things:

Hijrah to a land,
away from obeying/ submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ and Kuffar’s environment.

Living a Farming-life on a 1 Acre land.

A 3-bedroom pre-fabricated House

A community business.

All these are possible only for about $50-75K arrangement.

May Allah make our Hijrah easy.
May Allah save us from the Kuffar’s corrupt environment.

Hijrah – MISGUIDANCE: Misinterpretation of the Hadith, ‘Moving to the mountain’ but within the Kuffar’s territory, under the Kuffar’s authority, submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Misguidance surrounding Hijrah :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Following Kuffar’s Deen :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ :|:

:|: Hijrah – MISGUIDANCE: Misinterpretation of the Hadith, ‘Moving to the mountain’ but within the Kuffar’s territory, under the Kuffar’s authority, submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’! :|:

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,

باب مِنَ الدِّينِ الْفِرَارُ مِنَ الْفِتَنِ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مَسْلَمَةَ، عَنْ مَالِكٍ، عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ أَبِي صَعْصَعَةَ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيِّ، أَنَّهُ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏
“‏ يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَكُونَ خَيْرَ مَالِ الْمُسْلِمِ غَنَمٌ يَتْبَعُ بِهَا شَعَفَ الْجِبَالِ وَمَوَاقِعَ الْقَطْرِ، يَفِرُّ بِدِينِهِ مِنَ الْفِتَنِ ‏”‏‏.‏

“A time will soon come when the best property of a Muslim will be sheep which he will take on the top of mountains and the places of rainfall (valleys) so as to flee with his Deen from Fitnah/ afflictions.”
(Saheeh Bukhari 19, Abu Dawud 4267.)

When you read this Hadith you would think this Hadith applies to us in our time.

But if you really think ‘out of the box’ (I mean, contemplate), and if you really take the real meaning of what is meant by ‘Deen’, then, Subhanallah, you would realise, this Hadith should have long been applied to our forefathers, at least 4/5 generations back when the authority of Muslim was dismantled, as that’s when the Kuffar started forcing their Deen on Muslims and we were ruled by the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’. Therefore, Muslims should have fled to the mountains at least 100 years back to save their Deen from being afflicted by the Fitnah that Kuffar has forced the Ummah into.

And Subhanallah, this understanding of the above Hadith makes sense when you find another Hadith that supports exactly the same understanding when Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,

. بَابُ ذِكْرِ الْفِتَنِ وَدَلَائِلِهَا حَدَّثَنَا مُسَدَّدٌ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَارِثِ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو التَّيَّاحِ، عَنْ صَخْرِ بْنِ بَدْرِ الْعِجْلِيِّ، عَنْ سُبَيْعِ بْنِ خَالِدٍ، بِهَذَا الْحَدِيثِ، عَنْ حُذَيْفَةَ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ:

فَإِنْ لَمْ تَجِدْ يَوْمَئِذٍ خَلِيفَةً فَاهْرُبْ حَتَّى تَمُوتَ،

“If you do not find a Khalifah in those days, then flee away until you die, even of you die holding on (to a stump of a tree).”
(Sunan Abu Dawud 4247, Hasan)

There’s no doubt that Muslims needed to flee to the mountains at least 100 years back to save their Deen from the Fitnah of the Kuffar.

Oh, wait!
Muslims back then fought against the Kuffar and might have thought to establish Allah’s Shariah after they kicked out the Kuffar.
But guess what, when the Kuffar left their occupation, they left the ruling to their ‘children’ who were Muslims by name and were doing ‘the FIVE PILLARS’ but continued implementing the ‘Shariah’ of the Kuffar.
Yet the Jaheel ‘Muslims’ among us thought they were ruled by the Muslims.
Subhanallah! It is not how they are ruled rather who is ruling is important to the ‘Jaheel Muslims’.

But now, let’s see how and to what extent misguidance has led this Ummah to.

When Kuffar was implementing their Shariah on Muslims in their own homeland, Instead of dealing with the Kuffar, or fleeing away from obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’, the Ummah accepted ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ easily. (Except for a few Mujahideen)

Therefore, the Ummah fell into such a depth of misguidance that ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ became Halal to them to the extent that paying Taxes in the Kuffar’s System, as an example, is considered Halal and not paying Taxes is considered Haram to these ‘Muslims’. La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!

Thus over time, since the Ummah has taken ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ so granted that just a few generations later they moved to the Kuffar’s lands in millions to live now directly under the authority of the Kuffar’s, submitting to the ‘Shariah’ of the Kuffar’s (except those who were forced.)

But guess what?
They think they are practising Allah’s Deen by obeying the Kuffar’s Shariah! Ajeeb!
So they still read those Hadith and they still apply those Hadith and feed their Hawa.

So, what do they do with the Hadith now?

You will find the majority of these Jaheel ‘Muslims’ of this Ummah were not concerned about the fact that they are obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ but It’s the corruption of the Kuffar’s ‘Shariah’ that lead them to apply this Hadith.

Obeying/ submitting to Kuffar’s Deen was not a concern to them.
The citizenship contract which has Shirk and Kufr embedded in it is not a concern to them.
What concerns them is Fahisa, (adultery, LGBTQ, etc. evils.).

So, they are now thinking of ‘moving to a mountain’ to escape the Fahisa but they do it within the Kuffar’s authority.
So, they make ‘Hijrah’ to a countryside within the Kuffar’s land, under the Kuffar’s authority where they are still subjected to ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

They fail to realise that this is not what was meant in the Hadith. It is the evils that are predicted would prevail even under the Muslim authority at the end of the time, as living among the Mushrikeen, obeying the Kuffar, living under the Kuffar’s authority, obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ is already made Haram for a Muslim in the first place.

Therefore, ‘moving to a mountain’ doesn’t make any sense for escaping from cities/ towns under the Kuffar’s authority.
You have to move away entirely from the Kuffar’s authority to a land where Muslims implement or intend to implement Allah’s Shariah.
And Allah knows best.
May Allah grant us the understanding of Haqq.

Let’s now turn to another group of Muslims.
These Muslims understand Hijrah means going back to their homeland.

But they fail to realise that Hijrah means Hijrah, where the conditions of Hijrah are met. Hijrah doesn’t mean moving from Kuffar’s authority to so-called Muslim countries where the same ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ is implemented and enforced on Muslims.

Hijrah means you move away from the Kuffar’s authority,
Hijrah means you move away from living under the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
Hijrah means you move away by leaving the Kuffar’s environment entirely, be it from your homeland to wherever it takes.

Therefore, the first thing you need is a shifting of mindset. With the same frame of mind, it won’t make sense to you. Not only changing the spectacle rather you have to change the frame entirely.

Guess, how you do it?
By only moving to farming-style living (off-grid. Of course, you can have Solar panels),
by forming a community with the Muslims,
by establishing a Madrasah, a University within the community,
by establishing an Islamic environment within your community,
by establishing a self-sustainable economic village for livelihood,
And that’s where the ‘Hijrah Project’ comes into place.
And that’s what this ‘Forum’ is about, to facilitate Hijrah for Muslims to a land where you don’t have to submit to the ‘Shariah’ of the Kuffar.

So, I call out to my Muslim brothers,
Think of the proper Hijrah that will be acceptable for reward from our Rabb, Allah Wa Jalla!

And Allah knows best.
May Allah protect us from Kuffar’s Fitnah!
May Allah save us from obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah!’
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.
May Allah accept our effort.

Hijrah – From living in fantasy and delusion to Reality and the right action.

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Most of us, when think about Hijrah, what’s the place that comes into our mind?

You know the answer!
It’s Madinah!
Ah! Madinah!
We Muslims shed tears for Madinah.
Al Hamdulillah
Allah put so much love in our hearts for Madinah!

This is an amazing thing about being Muslim.
Our love for Madinah is more than our love for our homeland. Or you can say, It’s different, there’s no comparison between two places.

Love for our homeland is inherited, but love for Madinah is something special.
This comes from our Rabb, Allah.
This love comes from our love for Islam, love for our Deen. Subhanallah!
There are many things that make us proud and different being Muslim, one such thing is love for Madinah.

So, obviously, when we think about Hijrah, we plan to go to Madinah. We start finding ways to live in Madinah. We live on this plan for some time.
And then, the more we start knowing the facts about living in Madinah, the reality hits us hard. We felt we were in a fantasy for a long time.

We realize the land of Madinah is not for those who have a Muslim identity anymore.
The land of Madinah is not for those who say ‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’ anymore. The land is only for those who were born there.

The land which once used to belong to those who say ‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’, fell into the hands of those corruptors who follow the Shariah (procedure, system) of the Kuffar (passport and other documentation) regarding the settlement of a Muslim there.

They are even worse than the Kuffar when it comes to this settlement issue.

You can settle in many Kuffar’s land only after a few years of living there. You don’t need to make any investment, nor any professional degrees, nothing at all in order to settle there (to get citizenship, for example, Refugees)

But those Zalimun, the oppressors of the lands, those who own the land wrongfully, do not let the Muslims settle in the land of Muslims which they love so much with their hearts.

Even if you have degrees, even if you have investments, they never allow you to settle there. There are many Muslims who had to leave that land even after living there for 25 years.
It’s ridiculously unbelievable, what level of Fasiqun, evildoers are they?
May Allah guide those Zalimun.

So, after going through this fantasy phase, we start looking for other lands.
One after another, we keep searching for a land where we can move easily.

This 2nd phase takes more time, we go for hearsay for sometimes. Someone tells us about this land, someone tells us about that land. We keep searching and searching. And there are also many groups about Hijrah in social media that we have gone through for years.

Finally, we came to realize one thing,

Either you need a lot of money to buy a residency.
You need a professional degree to get a residency.
Then, either you need a job to earn your livelihood.
You need a lot of money to start a business to earn a livelihood.
And then, You need a lot of money to buy a land or house.
So, we get terrified, you have to work hard to save money.

So, where do these situations lead us to?
After 5 years, even after 10 years of thinking of Hijrah, still we’re in the same place.

By this time, our kids get older, they have now their own choices, and they already picked the lifestyle of the Kuffar’s that you didn’t want for them.
The result?

Now, when you thought, you were ready for Hijrah,
Your own family makes Hijrah hard for you.
La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!
May Allah make our Hijrah easy!
Tell me, how many of you have not found this true?

You didn’t realize the most important factor about Hijrah!
That you have to make Hijrah easy for your children in the first place.
That you have to make the land of Hijrah, a land that your children find, accept, make, think and take as their own. You need to work on to make sure they feel they belong there.
Only this will make your Hijrah successful for your children and the next generations in the long run.

Otherwise, they won’t stay there once you’re gone. Unless they have Taqwa, unless Allah have Rahmah on them, they might come back again to the ‘land of opportunity’ once your authority over them is over or when they will find the land is restricted for them. May Allah protect our children.

Therefore, You have to think about making the land of your Hijrah a settlement for your children’s life as well. You must work towards that goal.

So, how do you do that?
The answer is the following:

You have to move NOW.
You MUST move before your children become 6 years old. And that’s the LAST LIMIT in terms of age of your children.
Don’t wait until you save $200, $300, or $500K to make Hijrah.
If you have just around $70 – $100K, you must move NOW.

And how do you manage all those things (mentioned in 5) with this money?
How do you make Hijrah easy for your family?
What do you do to make your children love to stay in the land of Hijrah?

That En Shaa Allah, we will walk through in the next articles.

And we seek Allah’s help and support.
May our Rabb facilitate our Hijrah.
May Allah Ajja Wa Jalla guide us to His pleasure.

Where to make Hijrah? Let’s the journey begin in search of a land where we don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

Al Hamdulillah!
Allahumma Salli A’ala Muhammad, Allahumma Barik A’ala Muhammad.

Do you remember we have reversed these questions:
"Where is Allah's Shariah"?
"Is there a land which is ruled by Allah's Shariah?"

We are not looking for a country where Allah’s Shariah is followed. Rather we will look for a land where we don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’. In a land where ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ won’t be forced on us.

We took this approach because of the following two reasons:
(A) That they say or what they mean is, that there’s nowhere Allah’s Shairah is followed today.
(B) And also because we must find the best place to move from ‘Dar-ul Kufr to Dar-ul Islam’.

And here is how our journey begins.
We will still search for a land where Allah’s Shariah is fully implemented if it is there.

In case, such a land remains out of our knowledge, we will then, look for a land where we won’t be forced to submit to the Kuffar’s Shariah. And we believe it is there as Allah, Al-Haqq said,

Al-‘Ankabut 29:56

يَٰعِبَادِىَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِنَّ أَرْضِى وَٰسِعَةٌ فَإِيَّٰىَ فَٱعْبُدُونِ

O My believing servants! Surely, my earth is spacious, so worship Me ˹alone˺/ worship only Me.

And in case, we are not able to find such a land either, then, there will be two paths remain in front of us:
Either we will choose a land where Muslims are mostly populated and Allah’s Shariah is mostly implemented.
We will choose a land that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam encouraged us to be around at the end of the time or at the time of Fitnah. So, we can choose such a land irrespective of its situation. But again, being able to ESTABLISH Deen and security should remain the criteria.

However, In the end, one can compare and weigh the pros and cons of our findings with those blessed lands that Rasulullah encouraged.

Therefore, we will scrutinize all the Muslim-populated countries and narrow it down to a few, as a first step, through a process of elimination. And here are the criteria for the elimination process that we will follow:

First of all,
We will discard those countries which are ruled by the Kuffar.
The point is that no land which is ruled by those who do not believe Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam as a last messenger will allow Muslims to live by Allah’s Shariah.

Therefore, we eliminate those lands from our quest even though there are a few such countries where Muslims are the majority.

Then, we will look into the countries which are ruled by those who believe in Allah and His Rasul. Among those we will reject the countries using the following elimination process:

We will reject the country which is ruled by the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ of democracy even though it is ruled by those who believe in Allah and His Rasul.

The country which follows and implements ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ in any specific issues, even if it is not ruled by democracy.

The country where Muslims cannot practice Allah’s Deen (Al-Wala Al-Barra, Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil, as a few examples) and cannot work to establish Allah’s Deen even though it is ruled by those who believe in Allah and His Rasul.

The country which sides with the Kuffar against Muslims (provided we bring evidence) since Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, “They are one of them”.
(Fataawa (1/274) Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz, Rahimullah)

The country which allied with the Kuffar, since “They are one of them” except for protection (not by their claim but only with evidence)

The country which doesn’t give permission to stay permanently.
(Though these countries could be a temporary destination for Hijrah)

Final note:
We will always keep in mind that Hijrah has to be in a place where we will be able to practice our Deen entirely (in both practicing and establishing) and where we have protection, safety, and security.

May Allah grant us a land where we can live by Allah’s Shariah.

Where to make Hijrah? What are the criteria to choose a land for Hijrah?

Al Hamdulillah!
Allahumma Salli A’ala Muhammad, Allahumma Barik A’ala Muhammad.

So, we were on the quest to find the land for Hijrah, En Shaa Allah!

Hijrah is the most virtuous deed in Islam, even it is more virtuous than Jihad as evident from Hadith.

Sadly, most of those who thought about making Hijrah do not understand the criteria for Hijrah in order for them to be qualified to attain that virtue.

When they decide where to make Hijrah, most of their deciding factors are the following:

"Is there an International University there?"
Meaning, they worried about the academic career of their children.

"Is there any international standard hospital and medical facilities there?"
And above all, the most important criterion in their mind is the land/ country where they can maintain the same standard of life they have, a rich country.

They fail to realize the main criteria to choose a land for Hijrah.
Of course, having those standards of education, medical facilities, and living standards could be an added advantage but those criteria should not take precedence over the Shariah criteria to choose a land for Hijrah.

So, what are the Shariah criteria of Hijrah?
It is of course, as to how Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam himself and his followers did Hijrah.

Therefore, let’s analyze the Hijrah of Sahaba and Rasulillah himself.

(1) Hijrah to Abyssinia:

(1.1) Why and when He ordered Sahaba to make Hijrah?
When they were oppressed for having the belief and were not able to practice their Deen, (which was only Salah, until that time, before Hijrah to Madinah)
So, Rasulullah commanded them to make Hijrah to Abyssinia in order to save them
(1) from oppression and be able to
(2) Practice Deen freely.

(1.2) How did He choose the place of Hijrah?
From what we learned about Hijrah to Abyssinia, we can derive the following points:
A. He has chosen a just king (authority)
B. Though it was a Kufr nation,
C. But they were provided security and protection.
D. And they were able to practice Deen.

(Najashi, the King of Abyssinia did not impose the ‘Kuffar’s Deen’ on them, rather he secretly became Muslim himself)

(2) Hijrah to Madinah:

(2.1) Why did He make Hijrah to Madinah?
(A) He and Muslims were oppressed.
(B) Not being able to practice Deen.

(2.2) How and why did He choose Madinah as the place of Hijrah?
It’s when
(A) the Ansar took Him as an authority.
(B) He received pledges of security and protection from them.
(C) He was able to establish Shariah.

By analyzing these two Hijrah we can deduce that Hijrah should be in a land that meets two criteria:

(A) Where You have safety, security, and protection.
(B) Where the land is ruled by Allah’s Shariah.
(C) Where you can practice your Deen, live by Allah’s Shariah.

Please note:

  • (1) A Kuffar authority can be chosen if the above criterion (A and C) are met.
  • (2) And choosing a Kuffar nation is allowed only when there is no ‘Land of Shariah’ exists as Rasulillah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has chosen a Kuffar authority only because there were no Islamic authority existed until that time.

This understanding is summarised and described by our scholars in the following terms:
Hijrah means moving away from ‘Dar ul-Harb to Dar Al-Islam’.
Meaning, migrating from living under the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ to Islamic Shariah.

Therefore, we have to search for a land where we can live without submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
Does such a land exist today?

Yes, it does.

Because the owner of the land, Allah, Al-Malik says,

“O my slaves,
My land is vast, so worship Me alone.”

(Sura Ankabut 29:56)

And that’s our next venture to explore, En Shaa Allah, a land where we don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’

Wa Allahu A’lam.
May Allah help us to move out from obeying 'Kuffar's Shariah'.
May Allah grant us a land where we can live under Islamic Shariah.

Where to make Hijrah? Is there a land which is ruled by Allah’s Shariah?

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Often most people pose these questions,

"Where's Islamic Shariah?"
"Which land is ruled by Allah's Shariah today?"

Sadly and surprisingly, they pose these questions to validate their stay in the Kuffar’s land, under the Kuffar’s authority, thinking and believing that what they are saying is true.
La Hawla Wa La Quwatta Illa Billah!

But the truth is otherwise.

What if we reverse the questions?
Let’s ask you a set of questions here:
When you live in a Kuffar country, aren’t the Kuffar totally and entirely impose their ‘Shariah’ on you?
How come you choose to submit yourself entirely to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’?

Why don’t you move away from entirely submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ to a land where you don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely?
Why don’t you move away from living entirely under the Kuffar’s authority to a land where the authority are those who believe in Allah?

Does a Muslim-populated country follow ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely?
Does a Muslim-populated country impose the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely on you?
Does living in a Muslim-populated country means living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely?

You know the answer.
And if you’re really truthful to yourself, only understanding this would have been sufficient for you to move away from living under the Kuffar’s authority.

But I know what arguments are boggling into your mind.
“They will put you in jail for saying less than what you can say here”,
“Political corruption crippled the society from top to bottom”,
“You can’t even earn Halal income there which is so easy to do here”,
“There’s no safety and security of life in there”,
“You can’t even maintain a decent life there what comes very easy here”
And the list goes on and on…..
And all these are true.
I have really no doubt about all these statements.

But then, I must say, these arguments come only when you look at the issue of ‘submitting to the Kuffar’s Shariah’ narrowly.

So, how did you look at the way out narrowly?

You thought about ‘Where to make Hijrah’ before you seriously thought and determined about ‘Why Hijrah?’

And then,
You regarded (implied by your saying, ‘Where’s Allah’s Shariah?’) a land as a ‘Land of Kufr’ which is ruled by a believer as on the same scale as an original Land of Kufr ruled by the original Kuffar.

And for many, the misguidance of misinterpretation of ‘staying for Dawah’
You thought leaving the Kuffar’s land means only going back to your own country.
You thought leaving away from Kuffar’s authority means only going to the Arab countries under those dictators and corruptors.
You thought leaving away from obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ means moving to a land where you will be able to maintain the same luxury, status, comfort and same standard of life.

That’s absolutely a narrow thought.
You didn’t even consider the criteria for choosing a land for Hijrah.

Now, why did you think it so narrowly in the first place?
Only because you didn’t realize the importance of moving away from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely.
Only because you did not understand the danger of submitting entirely to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

Therefore, I invite you to read these articles under, ‘Why Hijrah?’ from this site to understand the obligation of moving away from the Kuffar’s authority.

Only then, if Allah wills,
You might look at the issue of moving away from Kuffar’s authority entirely in its proper perspective.

Only then, If Allah wills,
you might look at the issue of Hijrah from the Quranic perspective. Once you understand it, you will be determined to leave.

Only then,
you will come to a point where you will work on finding ways to move away from obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely.

Only then,
instead of looking for a ‘Land of Shariah’, you would look to move away
from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely,
from following the Kuffar’s Deen entirely and
from obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely.

Therefore, my brother,
the main consideration is to move away from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely. This is the mindset and intention that a Muslim must have in the first place.

And here, in this Forum, we are in that quest of searching for such land because we believe in Allah’s word.

And He, Al-A’leem, the All-Knowledgeble, the owner of the land informed us that there is Allah’s land where we can live without obeying and submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

Please read this:

Why Hijrah? Warning – Allah’s earth is spacious, therefore, you must move away from submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’!

And we invite you to join us, and be part of this journey.

And we seek Allah’s help and support.
May our Rabb facilitate our Hijrah.
May Allah Ajja Wa Jalla guide us to His pleasure.

Why Hijrah! Are you living in the Kuffar’s land because it gives you comfort and security? What about Allah’s WARNING?

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

وَسَكَنتُمْ فِى مَسَٰكِنِ ٱلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوٓا۟ أَنفُسَهُمْ وَتَبَيَّنَ لَكُمْ كَيْفَ فَعَلْنَا بِهِمْ وَضَرَبْنَا لَكُمُ ٱلْأَمْثَالَ

“And you lived among the dwellings of those who wronged themselves, and it had become clear to you how We dealt with them. And We presented for you [many] examples.”

Ibrahim 14:45

And then Allah also warned with the following:

11) وَكَمْ قَصَمْنَا مِن قَرْيَةٍ كَانَتْ ظَالِمَةً وَأَنشَأْنَا بَعْدَهَا قَوْمًا ءَاخَرِينَ

(12) فَلَمَّآ أَحَسُّوا۟ بَأْسَنَآ إِذَا هُم مِّنْهَا يَرْكُضُونَ

(13) لَا تَرْكُضُوا۟ وَٱرْجِعُوٓا۟ إِلَىٰ مَآ أُتْرِفْتُمْ فِيهِ وَمَسَٰكِنِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُسْـَٔلُونَ

(11) ˹Imagine˺ how many societies of wrongdoers We have destroyed, raising up other people after them!

(12) When the wrongdoers sensed ˹the arrival of˺ Our torment, they started to run away from their cities.

(13) ˹They were told,˺ “Do not run away! Return to your luxuries and your homes, so you may be questioned ˹about your fate˺.”

Al-Anbiya 21:11-13

Subhanallah! Allah’s clear warning to those who live among the Zalimun because of the luxury and comfort they were engrossed in.

These Kuffar’s lands that you are living in today were established on Zulum!
The history of these lands is the history of Zulum.
The Zulum of wiping out races!
And Allah warned you how he dealt with the Zalimun!

But here you are,
You’re living here with the oppressors, under the authority of the oppressors, and in the oppressed land!
La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!

Australia was established, if you know the history, through the cleansing of the ethnic people of the Aborigines.
America was established through the cleansing of the ethnic people of red Indians.
That’s what Australia and America are, standing on blood, crime, injustice, and falsehood.
Then, the British and the Europeans colonized Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
And the wealth that they had stolen from those colonies was how they made themselves wealthy.
Thus the sources of the bliss that they offer you today, and you find so much comfort in living in there, are just filled with blood, death, and horror.

To get a perspective of their crime, please read the article.

And know that Allah never forgets.
So, He, the one, who is severe in punishment, warns you,

“And you lived among the dwellings of those who wronged themselves, and it had become clear to you how We dealt with them. And We presented for you [many] examples.”

(Ibrahim 14:45)

And above all, what’s the greatest Zulum?
It’s denying their Rabb, Allah, His messenger and His book, the Quran.
And doing Shirk with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

وَإِذْ قَالَ لُقْمَٰنُ لِٱبْنِهِۦ وَهُوَ يَعِظُهُۥ يَٰبُنَىَّ لَا تُشْرِكْ بِٱللَّهِۖ إِنَّ ٱلشِّرْكَ لَظُلْمٌ عَظِيمٌ

And [mention, O Muhammad], when Luqman said to his son while he was instructing him,

“O my son, do not associate [anything] with Allah. Indeed, association [with Him] is great injustice.”

Luqman 31:13

Ibne Katheer explains:

Allah says, “You have witnessed or heard of the news of what happened to the earlier disbelieving nations, but you did not draw a lesson from their end, nor did what We punished them with provide an example for you,”

So, save yourself from the wrath of Allah!
Make your intention to make Hijrah NOW!
And know that Allah only waiting to destroy these oppressive lands only because He says,

وَمَآ أَهْلَكْنَا مِن قَرْيَةٍ إِلَّا وَلَهَا كِتَابٌ مَّعْلُومٌ

“And We did not destroy any city but that for it was a known decree.”

(Al-Hijr 15:4)

Meaning, these lands of oppressors will be destroyed for sure, only there’s an appointed time.

So my brother, make your intention today for Hijrah and keep making this Dua constantly:

 رَبَّنَا أَخْرِجْنَا مِنْ هَٰذِهِ الْقَرْيَةِ الظَّالِمِ أَهْلُهَا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ وَلِيًّا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ نَصِيرًا

“Our RABB, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper”

(Sura Nisa 4:75)

And Allah knows best,
May Allah save us from Allah’s wrath.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.