Time for Hijrah – ‘The End of Time’ Survival Project – an appraisal

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Prescribe an idea to facilitate a collective Hijrah of the Muslim Ummah to make a move from Dar ul Harb to Dar ul Islam, En Shaa Allah!

The idea is to facilitate a MASS Hijrah by helping anyone who just only has the intention to make Hijrah, BiIznillah, even if one doesn’t have enough means (financial preparation) for Hijrah!

The idea of this project will work mostly for those who are desperate for Hijrah!
And have both Hijrah and Farming-style living (not necessarily have to be off-grid) in their minds.

The basic idea:

The basic idea is to establish a housing project, a ‘Self-sustainable Eco Village (SSEV)’
Start a community business
, the proceeds of which will be used to provide a lump sum income to maintain the livelihood of the Muhajireen, En Shaa Allah!
Allocating an approximate 1,000 sqm of land
in order for them to be able to produce their own fruits, vegetables, and a small livestock firm.
Building a 3-bedroom container/ prefabricated house with 24-volt Solar power.

Therefore, every Muhajir can be a part of this project even if he doesn’t think of farming-style living, as most importantly, this project will establish a community of Muhajireen from the West who share the same lifestyle and the same mindset.

The detail is laid down here on the website like a booklet, please read them in order from the sidebar.

And follow the Telegram Channel to get the update as we are working towards that goal, Bi-Iznillah!

May Allah make our Hijrah easy.
May Allah help us succeed in our efforts.

Only the victorious ones take the impossible tasks that the ordinary can’t even imagine!

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa Salatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Allah says,
    وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا ۚ وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَمَعَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

“And those who strive for Us (those who are desperate) – We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.”

(Sura Anqabut 29:69)

The Inspiration:
It was Sultan Mahmud Fatih, the conqueror, who did the impossible thing that no other military general could even imagine possible!
You only know Sultan Mahmud Fatih conquered the Constantinople. Well, many generals in Islamic history conquered many lands. But what’s the speciality in it?

Well, the speciality of it is that being a general of an army, he didn’t stop or give up when any other general would do.
He just ordered to move 60 ships over the lands, over the hills! Subhanallah!

The day was 22 April 1453.
Those are the days of the Uthmani Khialafah! (Dawlutia Uthmaniah!) (Leaving the issues of become controversial later)

When the Uthmani fleet could not enter the Golden Horn from Bosforus due to the chain across the entrance and the chain was thoroughly observed by the Byzantines, Sultan Mahmud Faith ordered the construction of a road of greased logs across Galata on the north side of the Golden Horn and dragged his ships over the hill, over the night, directly into the Golden Horn on 22 April, bypassing the chain barrier.

That’s how the conquest of Constantinople was possible with the permission of Allahu Subanahu Wa Ta’ala.

You would never find this strategy in a manual of warfare, not in the dictionary, not in the tradition of warfare. It could only be found in the act of the extremely courageous ones who don’t want to give up!
Allahu Akbar!

Only the dreamers do the impossible things that the ordinary can’t imagine!
Yes, the dream rooted in the belief in the Hadith that inspired Sultan Mahmud that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam predicted “One day you will conquer Constantinople”
(as narrated by Ahmad, AlBazzar, Al-Tabarani and its men are trustworthy. also narrated in Musnad Ahmad, Al-Hakim, al Jami’ al Saghir.)

And then, what about our Hero Tariq Bin Zyad?
How do we forget his courage FiSabilillah!?
Who in the world could leave no way out from an expedition?
What inspired him to burn his ships once he reached the shore of Spain?
What type of soul could burn the way-out ships when he faces an 80,000 men army with only 7,000 men?


The Vision:
These incidents of our glorious history inspired us to think of an ambitious project.
A project that will help the Muslims to make Hijrah possible!
For whoever just has an intention to make Hijrah, this project will support him in many ways.
It will support him to own land as well as secure an earning for him.
That’s the vision that will make the Mass Hijrah easy, En Shaa Allah!

If we analyze what motivated them to attempt the impossible task that they ultimately accomplished by the will of Allah which changed the course of the Ummah!
Subhanallah! It’s the desperation for the cause of Allah, to attain Allah’s pleasure!
So, the core ingredient needed in this project is the desperation FiSabilillah! It will only work for those who are desperately thinking about Hijrah! En Shaa Allah!

As Allah says,
“And those who strive for Us (those who are desperate) – We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.” (Sura Anqabut 29:69)

May Allah make our Hijrah easy!
May Allah succeed us in our endeavour.

Time for Hijrah – ‘The End of Time’ Survival Project – an appraisal

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Prescribe an idea to facilitate a collective Hijrah of the Muslim Ummah to make a move from Dar ul Harb to Dar ul Islam, En Shaa Allah!

The idea is to facilitate a MASS Hijrah by helping anyone who just only has the intention to make Hijrah, BiIznillah, even if one doesn’t have enough means (financial preparation) for Hijrah!

The idea of this project will work mostly for those who are desperate for Hijrah!
And have both Hijrah and Farming-style living (not necessarily have to be off-grid) in their minds.

The basic idea:

The basic idea is to establish a housing project, a ‘Self-sustainable Eco Village (SSEV)’
Start a community business
, the proceeds of which will be used to provide a lump sum income to maintain the livelihood of the Muhajireen, En Shaa Allah!
Allocating an approximate 1,000 sqm of land
in order for them to be able to produce their own fruits, vegetables, and a small livestock firm.
Building a 3-bedroom container/ prefabricated house with 24-volt Solar power.

Therefore, every Muhajir can be a part of this project even if he doesn’t think of farming-style living, as most importantly, this project will establish a community of Muhajireen from the West who share the same lifestyle and the same mindset.

The detail is laid down here on the website like a booklet, please read them in order from the sidebar.

And follow the Telegram Channel to get the update as we are working towards that goal, Bi-Iznillah!

May Allah make our Hijrah easy.
May Allah help us succeed in our efforts.

Offering a ‘Hijrah Project’ to the global community of Muslims with a LIMITED BUDGET.

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

My Brothers,
Hijrah is a tough decision in your life.
And surely Hijrah needs preparation.
And that preparation becomes harder for those who do not have much money in their bucket. Sadly they either left the idea of Hijrah or have been waiting for ‘one day’ when they would be able to save some money for Hijrah.

Therefore, here in the ‘Forum for Facilitating Global Hijrah’ (FFGH), we are trying to make Hijrah easy for those with very limited budgets, En Shaa Allah!
And here is our effort to place things for you:

(A) A rough minimum budget (all figures are in AUD) you need for your journey and preliminary settlement after Hijrah,
(B) The cost of Residency pathways,
(C) And the offering of a project for Farm-House living.

Though moving to ….. (The land to be revealed soon) and living in the ‘capital city’ might work for you with sufficient financial support to start your businesses with whatever financial preparation you might have, yet you should always have a prospective Farm-House living in your mind as we have explained before.

While Farm-House living could be a choice for the well-off Muhajireen but for those who have little money, Farm-House living must be the most important criterion for choosing this land. And here we are offering a ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’ for those Muhajireen:


We have discussed this before, why do you have to keep a farmhouse living in your mind while you planning for Hijrah. If you are the one who already made up your mind then, this section is for you.

If you want to make the move right now and If you want to move to the farmhouse straight away, yet you have to prepare to live in the city life for at least the next 2 years (in order to prepare the village for community living). Therefore, you must have financial preparation for maintaining your expenses in these 2 years in the city. And how much minimum that could be? Here we tried to give you a general estimate:


(For a family of 4)
Travel expenses – $10K
Rented house setup – $5K
Car – $10K
Monthly expenses – $1k x 24 months = $25K (rounding up)
That’s a TOTAL of $50K for peace of mind for 2 years before any cash-inflow.


If you don’t have money right now but want to move in 1-5 years:
You can choose to live straight in the village soon after your move and that might save you the cost of living in the city for 2 years as we estimated above. (Though we strongly suggest you not delay your Hijrah for that reason)

How that will work?
We will prepare the village for community living in 2 years, En Shaa Allah, while you pay your share of the project value in instalments in 1-5 years.


For a standard way of living in the ‘land’, you need to earn a minimum of $1,000 per month. And you should think of ways to earn that money a maximum within 2 years, Bi-Iznillah!

How would you do it?
Investing in the Project:
The Hijrah project, which we call the ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’, gives you an opportunity to invest either $25K, $50K or $75K according to your financial situation and your choice of involvement/ expectation of income from the community business.



The Hijrah project, the ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’ aims to facilitate your Hijrah in the following ways:

(5.1) Residency:
One of the pathways for staying a long time in this ‘land’ (which will lead to obtaining a Govt. ID and open the path for residency) is that it requires you to register a business with a 1Million AUD as capital in a partnership with a local for a minimum 10% share of the company. Participating in the Hijrah project will help you in that residency pathway through this investment since you will be assessed as an investor where you become a partner in the business.

(5.2) Owning a LAND:
Investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure you have ONE ACRE (4000 square meter) farmland under your possession. Yes, we plan to establish this SSEV where every Muhajireen will have 1 Acre farm land, En Shaa Allah.

(5.3) Growing your OWN FOOD:
The farmland will help you reduce your living cost as well as ensure a healthy living as it will offer you an opportunity to produce your own organic vegetables, fruits, livestock etc., sufficient for your entire family’s food needs even if you don’t live there straight away. (We will equip you with knowledge and skill, En Shaa Allah if you don’t know how to do this)

(5.4) A Shelter:
Investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure you have a 3-bedroom house with electricity/ Solar panels which will tremendously save you money from renting.

(5.5) A lumpsum income from the Community BUSINESS:
Our aim is to find investment opportunities to ensure a minimum earning of $1000 per month from the community businesses within a maximum 2 years time, En Shaa Allah. Thus you get a proportionate share in the community businesses to ensure sufficient income for your livelihood, En Shaa Allah!

(5.6) Your SKILL that is required in the community:
If you have a skill (see no. 9 below) that is required in community affairs, you could earn a salary from the community project and businesses itself, En Shaa Allah.

(5.7) Living with the Muhajireen COMMUNITY:
You can’t measure the benefit of living with the community in financial value, especially with those Muslims who share the same lifestyle, mindset and experiences. I can’t imagine how many problems you can minimise and how many ways we can help each other by only living together, En Shaa Allah.

(5.8) An international standard education through a UNIQUE MADRASAH:
After ensuring the earnings from community business we will emphasize establishing a Madrasah with the following features:
(5.8.1) English medium teaching,
(5.8.2) Australian standard general education system,
(5.8.3) Arabic Language (Reading, writing, speaking, understanding)
(5.8.4) Quran Hifz by Year 12
(5.8.5) Islamic Shariah.
(5.8.6) Islamic lifestyle and Islamic Mindset.
(5.8.7) Mandatory Deen Study for the Adults,
(5.8.8) Mandatory Health and Organic Lifestyle Training for the Adults.

This is how only investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure your (1) Residency, (2) Land, (3) House, (4) Earnings and most importantly (5) Community Living, (6) Education thus helping each other in surviving the tough time together ahead, Bi-Iznillah.

Therefore, you should prioritise your investment in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’. And that will ensure your survival in the worst-case scenario that the world is heading into. May Allah protect us.


Here are the pathways for various levels of Muhajireen according to their financial preparation:

LEVEL (1):
ONE COMMUNITY Muhajireen Brother (OCMB): $75K
By Investing $75K, you will acquire all those mentioned above, which are,
(1) Residency pathways,
(2) 1 (one) Acre Land,
(3) 3-bedroom prefab/ container house with Electricity/ Solar panels
(4) Proportionate share of $25K in the community business.

LEVEL (2):
COMMUNITY Muhajireen Brother (CMB)
: $50K
By investing $50K you will acquire
(1) Residency pathways,
(2) 1 (one) Acre Land,
(3) 3-bedroom prefab/ container house with Electricity/ Solar panels

LEVEL (3):
By investing $25K you will acquire only
(1) Residency pathways,
(2) 1 (one) Acre Land.


We plan to build the housing project, the SSEV in 2 years, En Shaa Allah.
(But if we have a certain quantity of Muhajirun who want to move immediately (6 months – 1 year), we can work out that, En Shaa Allah). Moving to the project, i.e., moving to live in the farmhouse will depend on one most important factor, which is, the establishment of the Madrasah. Therefore, even if you want to move out now, you have to live in the ‘city’ for at least 1 year.

Therefore, how do you pay depends on three important decisions:
(1) When do you plan to move out?
(2) When do you want to start living in the farmhouse?
(3) How well you are prepared financially?

Whatever options you choose, either $25, $50K or $75K,
we can work out the instalment amount at your convenience.
But here we have thought of a standard system:

Paying $25 in a and 1/2 years:
$10K now.
$5K in 3 instalments every 6 months.
($5K x 3 times = $15K)

Paying $50 in 2 years:
$10K now.
$10K in 4 instalments every 6 months.
($10K x 4 times = $40K)

Paying $75K in 2 years:
$15K now.
$15K in 4 instalments every 6 months.
($15K x 4 times = $60K)

IF YOU WANT TO DELAY Your Hijrah for more than 2 YEARS:


Those who have reasons to delay your Hijrah for more than 2 years, can pay $10K upfront and then $5K every 6 months. And the payout might spread over 4 to 5 years. This is to make things easy for the limited-budget Muhajireen. May Allah accept from us, and May Allah make our Hijrah easy. Ameen.

My dear Muslim brothers and sisters,
We are considering every aspect as to how to make Hijrah easy for Muslims around the world, En Shaa Allah! Here we have opened a more convenient path for you.



We would require selective professionals for our community activities. If you happen to be one of those, we will give a $5K discount to you. You can choose to be in any level mentioned in number 6 above. Here are the professions:

(A) Quran and Arabic Language Teachers
(One male and one female, educated from Makkah/ Madinah/ Egypt)
(B) Primary and High School Teachers
(2 Male and 2 Female, educated and experienced from Australia.)
(C) Agriculturist/ Herbalist/ Horticulturist .
(D) Landscape Architect.
(E) Livestock expert.
(F) Video Editor.


If you’re among those who will invest in the LEVEL (1), the ‘ONE COMMUNITY Muhajireen Brother (OCMB)’ category, (please refer to point 6 above), you will get a $5K discount.
And if you are from the SKILL category (refer to point 9 above) as well, you will get a total $10K discount.



For those (excluding those mentioned in number 9 above) who even cannot afford the above options, we offer you the following pathways, En Shaa Allah:

Residency Pathways, Land (1000 sqm only) for $15K
Building House $10K (2 bedroom house without Solar panels)

That’s a $25K for Residency pathways, Land, House, and Community Living.
In 2 years time, you can make Hijrah and straight move to the SSEV, En Shaa Allah!



If you cannot pay an upfront $10K, you can start with $5K in certain circumstances.


All these conditions are changeable without any prior notice.
Therefore, you might need to make a quick decision before those changes affect you.

You might think of placing a
(1) Primary Expression of Interest (Primary) (EOIP) for now by visiting the website at this link:
(3) It is advisable that you read the articles across the entire site which will help you to align your expectations and contributions towards the enrichment of the project with the mindset behind this effort, In Shaa Allah.
(2) And keep an eye out for the launch of the Registration in the Project soon, En Shaa Allah.

May Allah accept from us,
and May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

Where to make Hijrah? Is there a land which is ruled by Allah’s Shariah?

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Often most people pose these questions,

"Where's Islamic Shariah?"
"Which land is ruled by Allah's Shariah today?"

Sadly and surprisingly, they pose these questions to validate their stay in the Kuffar’s land, under the Kuffar’s authority, thinking and believing that what they are saying is true.
La Hawla Wa La Quwatta Illa Billah!

But the truth is otherwise.

What if we reverse the questions?
Let’s ask you a set of questions here:
When you live in a Kuffar country, aren’t the Kuffar totally and entirely impose their ‘Shariah’ on you?
How come you choose to submit yourself entirely to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’?

Why don’t you move away from entirely submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ to a land where you don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely?
Why don’t you move away from living entirely under the Kuffar’s authority to a land where the authority are those who believe in Allah?

Does a Muslim-populated country follow ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely?
Does a Muslim-populated country impose the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely on you?
Does living in a Muslim-populated country means living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely?

You know the answer.
And if you’re really truthful to yourself, only understanding this would have been sufficient for you to move away from living under the Kuffar’s authority.

But I know what arguments are boggling into your mind.
“They will put you in jail for saying less than what you can say here”,
“Political corruption crippled the society from top to bottom”,
“You can’t even earn Halal income there which is so easy to do here”,
“There’s no safety and security of life in there”,
“You can’t even maintain a decent life there what comes very easy here”
And the list goes on and on…..
And all these are true.
I have really no doubt about all these statements.

But then, I must say, these arguments come only when you look at the issue of ‘submitting to the Kuffar’s Shariah’ narrowly.

So, how did you look at the way out narrowly?

You thought about ‘Where to make Hijrah’ before you seriously thought and determined about ‘Why Hijrah?’

And then,
You regarded (implied by your saying, ‘Where’s Allah’s Shariah?’) a land as a ‘Land of Kufr’ which is ruled by a believer as on the same scale as an original Land of Kufr ruled by the original Kuffar.

And for many, the misguidance of misinterpretation of ‘staying for Dawah’
You thought leaving the Kuffar’s land means only going back to your own country.
You thought leaving away from Kuffar’s authority means only going to the Arab countries under those dictators and corruptors.
You thought leaving away from obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ means moving to a land where you will be able to maintain the same luxury, status, comfort and same standard of life.

That’s absolutely a narrow thought.
You didn’t even consider the criteria for choosing a land for Hijrah.

Now, why did you think it so narrowly in the first place?
Only because you didn’t realize the importance of moving away from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely.
Only because you did not understand the danger of submitting entirely to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

Therefore, I invite you to read these articles under, ‘Why Hijrah?’ from this site to understand the obligation of moving away from the Kuffar’s authority.

Only then, if Allah wills,
You might look at the issue of moving away from Kuffar’s authority entirely in its proper perspective.

Only then, If Allah wills,
you might look at the issue of Hijrah from the Quranic perspective. Once you understand it, you will be determined to leave.

Only then,
you will come to a point where you will work on finding ways to move away from obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely.

Only then,
instead of looking for a ‘Land of Shariah’, you would look to move away
from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely,
from following the Kuffar’s Deen entirely and
from obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely.

Therefore, my brother,
the main consideration is to move away from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely. This is the mindset and intention that a Muslim must have in the first place.

And here, in this Forum, we are in that quest of searching for such land because we believe in Allah’s word.

And He, Al-A’leem, the All-Knowledgeble, the owner of the land informed us that there is Allah’s land where we can live without obeying and submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

Please read this:

Why Hijrah? Warning – Allah’s earth is spacious, therefore, you must move away from submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’!

And we invite you to join us, and be part of this journey.

And we seek Allah’s help and support.
May our Rabb facilitate our Hijrah.
May Allah Ajja Wa Jalla guide us to His pleasure.