Why Hijrah? Know Your STATUS – Know the FALSEHOOD (corruption) You’re Living With – The FATWA of the 15th Century.

:|: Time for HIJRAH :|:
:|: Know the FALSEHOOD You’re Living With :|:
:|: Know Your STATUS :|:
:|: Know the TIME You Live in :|:
:|: Know the CORRUPTION of the Health System :|:
:|: Know Your DIGNITY Being Human :|:
:|: Know Your DIGNITY Being Muslim :|:
:|: Know the misguidance – The ASTRAY ‘scholars’ :|:

:|: ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s MINDSET :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Following Kuffar’s DEEN :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ obeying Kuffar’s SHARIAH :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulilah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu!

Allah, Al-Khaliq created many animals who can’t raise their heads therefore, they can’t see what’s above them, and they can’t see what is surrounding them. Subhanallah! And Allah said, ‘In that (in His creation) a sign for those who give thought.’ (Ale-Imran 3:190-191)

Then, Allah, Al-Musawweer fashioned Insan, the human being in the best mould! (At-Tin 95:4). He created him with Aql (intellect), the similar of which no other creation was created. Subhanallah! And He said, “Do they not contemplate within themselves?” (Ar-Rum 30:8)

And then, after that, HE separated this human being with Eman and Kufr, The Mu’min, the Munafiq and the Kafir. (At-Tagabun 64:2, Al-Baqara 2:8)

And even after that, HE commanded the Mu’min not to obey the Kuffar.
(Ale-Imran 3:149)

But how come these human beings go with their life like those animals who can’t raise their heads and see what surrounds them?
How come these Mu’min go with their life living the same lifestyle as one of the Kuffar and following the Kuffar, obeying the Kuffar?

It is Allah, Al-A’lim, the All-Knower gives the answer again:
‘They are the worst than the animal who do not use their Aql (intellect)’ (Al-Anfal 8:22)

So, here is once again another example for those who live by the ‘DIGNITY Being HUMAN’, (Al-Isra 17:70), those who are the best of the creations.

The year 1929 was a big event for the health, medicine, and pharmaceutical industry.
That was only 100 years ago when doctors were reluctant to prescribe any pharmaceutical medicines to patients.

“The Truth About Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It.” by Marcia Angell (2004), a former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and a prominent critic of the pharmaceutical industry.

This book discusses the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on prescribing practices and the skepticism some doctors have towards new drugs.

But today, a person feels feverish, headache, a little pain here and there!
Paracetamol and aspirin is an easy pick. Double dose! He doesn’t have to see a doctor even. It is made so easy and normal to him.
Someone feels bloating, acidic, and heartburn! Antacid is an easy pick.
Someone can’t sleep at night! Sleeping tablets are so normal and easy pick.
Someone strikes by allergy! Antihistamines, and nasal spray made easy for him.
For minor cuts and scrapes! Antiseptic, ointments made easy for him.
The same goes with constipation, coughing, etc. etc. Subhanallah!

The question is, how come what doctors were afraid of 100 years ago, became so easy for the masses today?
The only answer is that the corruption made easy for them.
Only because they were born, bred and shaped in a corrupt environment, in a corrupt society created by the corrupt system and the corrupt governments, therefore, corruption became a normal thing to them.

That’s an easy example for those who give thought, who live by the ‘DIGNITY Being HUMAN’ (Al-Isra 17:70)

Sadly, the same thing happened about the Deen of Islam today.
The same corruption (misguidance) crippled the Ummah today.
Misguidance is made Easy for Muslims today.
Muslims are surrounded by the astray ‘scholars’ today.
As Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam warned,
“There is something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal”
And He was questioned, He said, “Misguided and astray scholars.”
[Musnad Ahmad (5/145) No. 21334 and 21335]

“Just only 60 years ago (it’s 80 years now, as this Fatwa was given around 20 years before), when the Citizenship thing first introduced in the Kuffar’s lands and some Muslims were going to live there, the Ulama were in Ikhtilaf (differed in opinion) whether they should call such a Muslim KAFIR or not.”
You can read the details from this link.

But today living under the authority of the Kuffar is made easy for the Ummah. Subhanallah!
Therefore, this info even doesn’t impact a Muslim to think and leave the Kuffar’s land, Subhanallah! Only because the astray ‘scholars’ made the misguidance so easy for him.

That’s an easy example for those who give thought, who live by the ‘DIGNITY Being MUSLIM’ (Al-Bayyinah 98:7)

And then what about this Fatwa from the era of 1500?

This was a question asked to a Maliki jurist in the15th-century Fez, Morocco:

“What is the status of our Muslim brothers who live under Kuffar’s laws and who have not moved to the adjacent Muslim lands?”

It’s a reply that should terrify a Muslim. The reply was:
“These people are vile, contemptible, and weak in faith. They glorify infidels and expose the word of Allah to scorn. Our learned authorities agree that it is necessary to kill these people and seize their property. Their wives must also be taken and returned to Muslim territory, where they will be divorced from these men and remarried to others. These people are not our brothers; they are our enemies.”
(Fatwa of Al-Waryagli died 894H (1488-89), Fez/ Fes, Morocco)


La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!
Do you not think, O Muslim?
Tell me who is misguided?
This scholar of the past or the ‘scholars’ you are surrounded by today?
Tell me who is on Haqq?
This scholar of the Salaf or the ‘scholars’ of today those whom you took your Deen from?

Would you still act like those animals who can’t raise their heads therefore, they can’t see what’s above them, and they can’t see what is surrounding them?
Would you still go with the lifestyle of eating junk, processed and genetically modified food which then ultimately leads you to take the corrupt medicine by leaving the Islamic way of healthy eating and Islamic health system?
Would you still keep taking your Deen from the astray Ulama surrounded by you today?
Would you not learn your Deen from the Quran and the authentic Hadiths?
Would you not learn your Deen from the Salaf of the Ummah?
Would you still not think of leaving the land of the Kuffar and making Hijrah?
But Allah created you with dignity, O Muslim!

Wa Allahu A’lam.
May Allah guide us.
May Allah save us from the pit of misguidance of the astray ‘scholars’ of today.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

Why do I pick ‘scholars’ when it is the Muslims themselves that should be blamed for their actions?

And also how about this Fatwa?
For sure, this Fatwa will be questioned by many.
One may question,
In which condition the Fatwa was issued?
How does it apply on us today?

Leaving all sorts of arguments, we can simply ask,
“What’s the least you should take from this Fatwa?”
“Doesn’t it let you think, the least, how severely the matter of ‘living among the Mushrikeen’ was regarded by the Salaf?

Or at least, this Fatwa should make you ponder about
“How Islam was changed only because we lost our Islamic authority, the Islamic State, the Khilafah!”
“What was the ‘temper’ of Islam under the Khilafah, under the Islamic authority and what Islam we are doing today under the Kuffar’s authority, following the Kuffar’s Deen, obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah!'”

La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!
Allahu Musta’an!
May Allah guide us.

Hijrah – MISGUIDANCE: Misinterpretation of the Hadith, ‘Moving to the mountain’ but within the Kuffar’s territory, under the Kuffar’s authority, submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Misguidance surrounding Hijrah :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Following Kuffar’s Deen :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ :|:

:|: Hijrah – MISGUIDANCE: Misinterpretation of the Hadith, ‘Moving to the mountain’ but within the Kuffar’s territory, under the Kuffar’s authority, submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’! :|:

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,

باب مِنَ الدِّينِ الْفِرَارُ مِنَ الْفِتَنِ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مَسْلَمَةَ، عَنْ مَالِكٍ، عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ أَبِي صَعْصَعَةَ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيِّ، أَنَّهُ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏
“‏ يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَكُونَ خَيْرَ مَالِ الْمُسْلِمِ غَنَمٌ يَتْبَعُ بِهَا شَعَفَ الْجِبَالِ وَمَوَاقِعَ الْقَطْرِ، يَفِرُّ بِدِينِهِ مِنَ الْفِتَنِ ‏”‏‏.‏

“A time will soon come when the best property of a Muslim will be sheep which he will take on the top of mountains and the places of rainfall (valleys) so as to flee with his Deen from Fitnah/ afflictions.”
(Saheeh Bukhari 19, Abu Dawud 4267.)

When you read this Hadith you would think this Hadith applies to us in our time.

But if you really think ‘out of the box’ (I mean, contemplate), and if you really take the real meaning of what is meant by ‘Deen’, then, Subhanallah, you would realise, this Hadith should have long been applied to our forefathers, at least 4/5 generations back when the authority of Muslim was dismantled, as that’s when the Kuffar started forcing their Deen on Muslims and we were ruled by the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’. Therefore, Muslims should have fled to the mountains at least 100 years back to save their Deen from being afflicted by the Fitnah that Kuffar has forced the Ummah into.

And Subhanallah, this understanding of the above Hadith makes sense when you find another Hadith that supports exactly the same understanding when Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,

. بَابُ ذِكْرِ الْفِتَنِ وَدَلَائِلِهَا حَدَّثَنَا مُسَدَّدٌ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَارِثِ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو التَّيَّاحِ، عَنْ صَخْرِ بْنِ بَدْرِ الْعِجْلِيِّ، عَنْ سُبَيْعِ بْنِ خَالِدٍ، بِهَذَا الْحَدِيثِ، عَنْ حُذَيْفَةَ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ:

فَإِنْ لَمْ تَجِدْ يَوْمَئِذٍ خَلِيفَةً فَاهْرُبْ حَتَّى تَمُوتَ،

“If you do not find a Khalifah in those days, then flee away until you die, even of you die holding on (to a stump of a tree).”
(Sunan Abu Dawud 4247, Hasan)

There’s no doubt that Muslims needed to flee to the mountains at least 100 years back to save their Deen from the Fitnah of the Kuffar.

Oh, wait!
Muslims back then fought against the Kuffar and might have thought to establish Allah’s Shariah after they kicked out the Kuffar.
But guess what, when the Kuffar left their occupation, they left the ruling to their ‘children’ who were Muslims by name and were doing ‘the FIVE PILLARS’ but continued implementing the ‘Shariah’ of the Kuffar.
Yet the Jaheel ‘Muslims’ among us thought they were ruled by the Muslims.
Subhanallah! It is not how they are ruled rather who is ruling is important to the ‘Jaheel Muslims’.

But now, let’s see how and to what extent misguidance has led this Ummah to.

When Kuffar was implementing their Shariah on Muslims in their own homeland, Instead of dealing with the Kuffar, or fleeing away from obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’, the Ummah accepted ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ easily. (Except for a few Mujahideen)

Therefore, the Ummah fell into such a depth of misguidance that ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ became Halal to them to the extent that paying Taxes in the Kuffar’s System, as an example, is considered Halal and not paying Taxes is considered Haram to these ‘Muslims’. La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!

Thus over time, since the Ummah has taken ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ so granted that just a few generations later they moved to the Kuffar’s lands in millions to live now directly under the authority of the Kuffar’s, submitting to the ‘Shariah’ of the Kuffar’s (except those who were forced.)

But guess what?
They think they are practising Allah’s Deen by obeying the Kuffar’s Shariah! Ajeeb!
So they still read those Hadith and they still apply those Hadith and feed their Hawa.

So, what do they do with the Hadith now?

You will find the majority of these Jaheel ‘Muslims’ of this Ummah were not concerned about the fact that they are obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ but It’s the corruption of the Kuffar’s ‘Shariah’ that lead them to apply this Hadith.

Obeying/ submitting to Kuffar’s Deen was not a concern to them.
The citizenship contract which has Shirk and Kufr embedded in it is not a concern to them.
What concerns them is Fahisa, (adultery, LGBTQ, etc. evils.).

So, they are now thinking of ‘moving to a mountain’ to escape the Fahisa but they do it within the Kuffar’s authority.
So, they make ‘Hijrah’ to a countryside within the Kuffar’s land, under the Kuffar’s authority where they are still subjected to ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

They fail to realise that this is not what was meant in the Hadith. It is the evils that are predicted would prevail even under the Muslim authority at the end of the time, as living among the Mushrikeen, obeying the Kuffar, living under the Kuffar’s authority, obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ is already made Haram for a Muslim in the first place.

Therefore, ‘moving to a mountain’ doesn’t make any sense for escaping from cities/ towns under the Kuffar’s authority.
You have to move away entirely from the Kuffar’s authority to a land where Muslims implement or intend to implement Allah’s Shariah.
And Allah knows best.
May Allah grant us the understanding of Haqq.

Let’s now turn to another group of Muslims.
These Muslims understand Hijrah means going back to their homeland.

But they fail to realise that Hijrah means Hijrah, where the conditions of Hijrah are met. Hijrah doesn’t mean moving from Kuffar’s authority to so-called Muslim countries where the same ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ is implemented and enforced on Muslims.

Hijrah means you move away from the Kuffar’s authority,
Hijrah means you move away from living under the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
Hijrah means you move away by leaving the Kuffar’s environment entirely, be it from your homeland to wherever it takes.

Therefore, the first thing you need is a shifting of mindset. With the same frame of mind, it won’t make sense to you. Not only changing the spectacle rather you have to change the frame entirely.

Guess, how you do it?
By only moving to farming-style living (off-grid. Of course, you can have Solar panels),
by forming a community with the Muslims,
by establishing a Madrasah, a University within the community,
by establishing an Islamic environment within your community,
by establishing a self-sustainable economic village for livelihood,
And that’s where the ‘Hijrah Project’ comes into place.
And that’s what this ‘Forum’ is about, to facilitate Hijrah for Muslims to a land where you don’t have to submit to the ‘Shariah’ of the Kuffar.

So, I call out to my Muslim brothers,
Think of the proper Hijrah that will be acceptable for reward from our Rabb, Allah Wa Jalla!

And Allah knows best.
May Allah protect us from Kuffar’s Fitnah!
May Allah save us from obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah!’
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.
May Allah accept our effort.