The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 8: What are the ODDS about Aceh?

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Hijrah Made Easy :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:

:|: The Land of Hijrah – 01: ACEH – Part 8: What are the ODDS about ACEH? :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu

Abu Hirairah Radiallahu Anhu said,
“I have passed through a time in which I did not care with whom amongst you I entered into a transaction….But today I would not enter into a transaction with you except so and so.”
(Saheeh Muslim 263-230/142, Tirmidi 2179, Hasan Saheeh)

Subhanallah! This was the situation that the Sahaba themselves faced during their lifetime. Then, what about today, after more than 1400 years?
Allahu Musta’an. The time is scary. What can we expect? May Allah grant us and make us among the Saliheen.

My brothers,
Everything makes sense when we Muslims know one certain thing, that this is the end of the time. So, we remember the Hadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam to understand the reality.

‘When there is no Khilafah, run away.’
(Sunan Abu Dawud 4247, Hasan)
‘When you don’t find any group, stay away from all these groups’
(Sahih al-Bukhari 7084)
‘There will be a time when one has to move to a mountain in order to save his Deen.’
(Saheeh Bukhari 19, Abu Dawud 4267)

And this is that time.
O Allahi, this is that time.
In fact, that time appeared long back but we didn’t realize it.
Or actually, those who realized and understood these Hadith acted on already. We are the heedless ones remained to act yet. May Allah help us.

So, as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam predicted, here we are ultimately trying to save our Deen, by moving away from the corruptions of the current world systems set by the Kuffar which corrupted our food, education, medicine, families, financial systems and what not, and trying to survive in a lifestyle, raising goats/ sheep on the mountain, we only fashionably call it, ‘off-grid living’.

At the end, we must not forget the time we live in. Therefore, let us inform you the odds that exists in Aceh, especially in the city of Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh.


In our observations, we found more than 80% of Masjids engaged in Bida’a. Only 2 out of 10 Masjid you go to, might not find doing Bida’a. Allah knows best. Therefore, before moving to the community living in the off-grid project, you have to find a suitable neighborhood for you.
May Allah protect us from Bida’a. May Allah guide the people of Bida’a.

Night Coffee Shop/ Internet culture:

While Bida’a didn’t surprise us much, this environment did.
You will find coffee shops/ restaurants are open 24/7 with free internet services where young adults gather in the middle of the night. La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!
Al Hamdulillah, Only recently the government has put restrictions on closing them at midnight. May Allah protect the generations of Muslims. Ameen.

Here’s a report:
“Concurrently, the province’s main form of entertainment, its 24-hour coffee shops, have been ordered to limit their hours of operation, and shut at midnight.”


English is very rarely spoken or understood. Therefore, it will be a very tough situation if you don’t have an English-speaking local companion with you. For many, maybe mobile voice translation apps could be a savior. For a few, maybe appointing a local for AUD $250-300 per month could work best.
Anyways, you just need to be aware of and take measures as to how to tackle this issue. Obviously, first couple of years could be the harder times. May Allah make it easy for us.

So, this is what we came about the issues that one need to prepare to deal with. And let’s remind ourselves, Hijrah is a difficult journey. We must prepare ourselves to face the struggle and tawakkul on Allah. And Allah’s reward is abundant as Allah said,

“And whoever leaves his home for making Hijrah for the sake of Allah and His Messenger and death overtakes him, then, his reward is established with Allah. And Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful – (Sura An-Nisaa 4:100)

May Allah accept our Hijrah.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.
May Allah grant us Jannah!

List of the Muslim-majority countries those who made Shariah as the ‘Basic’/ ‘Fundamental’/ ‘Main’/ ‘Major’/ ‘Principal’ source of legislation thus became the LANDS of KUFR.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Land of Islam vs Land of KUFR :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Following Kuffar’s Deen :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ obeying Kuffar’s Shariah :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulilah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

:|: Where to Hijrah?
– Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR – Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands
– List of the countries those who made Shariah as the ‘Basic’/ ‘Fundamental’/ ‘Main’/ ‘Major’/ ‘Principal’ source of legislation and thus became the LANDS of KUFR. :|:

In this article, we will reveal the mockery of Allah’s Shariah by those state authorities and how they fool the masses by their clever wordings in the constitutions making people think that they are ruling by Allah’s Shariah while in reality it is not. May Allah give us strength.

A person with a regular mind might surprise and question this Fatwa, ‘How is it Kufr for a country when its constitution says that the ‘Shariah is the main source of legislation’?

Our learned and Haqq Ulama had the answer:

The Fatwa regarding this from which runs under the supervision of Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munazzid, Hafizullah:

“By examining this topic (referencing all Shariah sources, mentioned in the link below) from different angles, it becomes clear that what is counted as KUFR AKBAR is the following”:

“Making Sharee‘ah a secondary or main source, along with other sources of law. Even when they say that Sharee‘ah is the primary source of legislation, this is still KUFAR AKBAR, because it means that they are allowing the adoption of laws from other sources too.”

And here is our simple answer for the simple minds:

It is so commonly understood by every single Muslim as such that no Muslim needs a reference for this that if someone leaves/ rejects ONE single law from the Shariah of Allah and chooses something else, that is enough to make him a Kafir.

Having that common understanding of Allah’s Shariah, now let me put those wordings in a proper perspective for an easy to understandable way.

What do you think of an organization when it says, “This is our main office”? What picture do you carry for that organization?
You would automatically assume that it has other offices or branch offices or regional offices.
Similarly, when a constitution says, “Shariah is the main source of legislation”, it is obvious that it means there is scope for legislation from other sources too.

Put a similar scenario to the word ‘Principal source’ as ‘Principal Office’.
It means it has other offices too.

Regarding the words “Basic” or “Fundamental,” consider this example:

Someone has a “basic” knowledge of something. What does that mean?
It automatically suggests that there exist the next levels of knowledge of the topic such as intermediate, advanced and so on.

This is the intention behind the inclusion of “Basic” or “Fundamental” in the constitution. It implies that while Islamic Shariah would remain foundational, there is the possibility of incorporating other intermediate or advanced laws (Aujubillah) into the constitution. And that’s exactly what they did. Let us prove you that.

Which countries fall in this category?
Bahrain (81% Muslim)
Egypt (95%)
Filistin (98%)
Iraq (99%)
Kuwait (95%)
Libya (97%)
Oman (87%)
Qatar (77%)
Syria (92%)
UAE (76%)

Among these 10 countries mentioned above, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Qatar, Libya, Kuwait and Syria have attributed SOVEREIGNTY to people and adopted DEMOCRACY, therefore, they are already on the list of Lands of Kufr.

These are those who have gone far astray. They had not only adopted democracy but also attributed ‘Sovereignty to people’ even though they have mentioned Shariah as the ‘Basic’/ ‘Fundamental’/ ‘Main’/ ‘Major’/ ‘Principal’ sources of legislation.

This is an unbelievable fact.
This is like mocking Allah’s Shariah.
The constitution seems like a drama script to the authorities of these nations. These nations have already attributed Sovereignty to people and adopted democracy though they have mentioned Shariah as the ‘Basic/ Main/ Principal source of legislation. Thus they made the land having 3 layers of Kufr.

One is attributing Sovereignty to people.
Another is adopting democracy.
and the next is taking Allah’s Shariah as the ‘Basic’/ ‘Fundamental’/ ‘Main’/ ‘Major’/ ‘Principal’ source of legislation.

What remains from this group of 10 countries from the list (2) above are:
Filisitn, Oman and UAE

And things go almost the same with these countries as well.
Among these countries, Filistin adopted democracy (but not sovereignty to people)
Oman and UAE enacted other Laws overriding Shariah Law.

Yes, there’s no surprise of them in adopting democratic system when these courtiers have already taken Allah’s Shariah as the ‘Basic’/ ‘Fundamental’ ‘Main’/ ‘Principal’ source of legislation.

Therefore, all the above 10 countries those who mentioned Shariah as the ‘Basic’/ ‘Fundamental’/ ‘Main’/ ‘Major’/ ‘Principal’ source of legislation prove their playfulness with Allah’s Shariah.

An example of this is manifested by OMAN.

OMAN (87% Muslim)
Constitution – Oman 1996 (rev. 2011)

Even though Oman didn’t enact Secularism, neither attributed Sovereignty to the People nor adopted democracy, it enacted a few laws (Kuffar’s Law) which Allah mentioned as ‘comes from their desire’. (Sura Sad 38:26 and Sura Furqan 25:43)

So, read the constitution of Oman and the law that they have enacted by rejecting Allah’s Shariah;

Women’s testimony is made equal to a man

Article 17:
“All Citizens are equal before the Law and share the same public rights and duties. There shall be no discrimination amongst them on the ground of gender, origin, colour, language, religion, sect, domicile, or social status.”

And the outcome of that ‘equal’ status of all gender (men and women) is manifested by the following law:
(Law No. 63 of 2008 and Article 259/ 2018 Penal Code)

Reference 1:
“in 2008, Omani legislation passed a law that declared that courts would regard testimonies from both men and women as equal.”
Progress Regarding Women’s Rights in Oman:

Reference 2:
“Pursuant to Law No. 63 of 2008, the testimony of men and women is now deemed equal in court proceedings”

Reference 3:
“Adult women may now be considered full persons before the law if
recent amendments to the rules of evidence are fully enforced. Pursuant
to Law No. 63 of 2008, the testimony of men and women is now deemed
equal in court proceedings, although it is unclear whether this will be fully
implemented throughout the legal system, particularly in family courts.”
Page 5.

Reference 4:
‘Women’s Rights in the Middle East and North Africa 2010 – Oman’

Reference 5:
In Oman, the government introduced a law in 2008 to stipulate that men’s and women’s court testimony would be considered equal, although it is unclear to what extent this will apply to personal status cases.
Page No. 14.

Reference 6:
OIC countries where women’s testimony is known to be equal to a man’s in all cases:
Algeria (already on the list of Secular state)
Tunisia (already on the list of Secular state)

What’s the law regarding women’s testimony in Allah’s Shariah?
2 women are equal to 1 man. (Sura Baqarah 2:282).
So, who do they take as their Ilaha, as their RABB?
The UN.

The Law of Zina:

“Under article 259 of the 2018 penal code, consensual intercourse outside marriage is punishable with between six months to three years’ imprisonment, and at least two years if either person is married.”

What’s the Shariah Law for Zina?
What Allah said?
“The woman or man found guilty of Zina, flog each one of them with a hundred lashes. Let not pity them without you applying the ruling of Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment.” [An-Nur 24:2]

What’s the Fatwa regarding ZIna?
“A virgin committing Zina with a virgin: one hundred lashes for each and banishment for one year for the man. And a married committing Zina with a married: one hundred lashes and stoning.”
[as recorded by Muslim, Ahmad, and others.]

“As for those who are married and have weakened their Imaan to such a level that they get involved in Zina even after the presence of their spouses, then Allah has subjected the death penalty for a married adulterer.”

“The blood of a Muslim, who testifies that there is none to worship except Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger, does not become permissible for the death penalty except for one of the three acts: a man who commits Zina after marriage- for which he would be stoned; a man who apostates and goes out fighting against Allah and His Messenger- for which he would be killed or crucified or banished from the land; and one who kills a human soul- for which he would be killed.”
[Fatwa Irwa’ ul-Ghalil no. 2196]

The law about the age of Marriage in Oman:

“The minimum age for marriage is 18 for both males and females.
Marriage of persons aged less than 18 is prohibited, except if approved by a judge after verifying that the marriage would be beneficial.”—English.pdf

Where does this age limit come from?

The ‘Article 1’ of ‘The complete United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)’ says the following:

“For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen (18) years unless under the law applicable to the child, a majority is attained earlier.”

While in Islamic Shariah Law, marriage could take place even before a child attains puberty:

So, where does this age limit come from?
From their RABB, UN.
They took the UN as their Rabb by adopting this age limit of marriage to a Muslim.

The example of UAE.

Please Refer to Article where we have discussed in detail:

Wa Allahu A’lam.
May Allah guide these authorities.
May Allah protect us from Taghut those who are adopting and applying Kuffar’s Shariah on the Muslims.

Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR – Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands: (9) EXISENCE of LAND of ISLAM – An amazing fact and understanding the FALSEHOOD of the ASTRAY ‘scholars’ – Part 1

:|: Hijrah Made Easy:|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR :|:
:|: Know the Misguidance – The Astray ‘Scholars’ :|:

:|: Where to make Hijrah?
Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR
– Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands
– (9) EXISENCE of LAND of ISLAM – An amazing fact and understanding the FALSEHOOD of the ASTRAY ‘scholars’ – Part 1 :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

My brothers,
Let me give you an amazing fact first which I am sure let alone the regular Muslim, most of the scholars are not aware of.

When most of the Zaheel astray Ulama today misguide Muslims saying “Where is Allah’s Shariah?”,
“Show me, which land implements Allah’s Shariah, so I can go there!”, which they say to justify their living with the Mushrikeen, with the Kuffar, in the Kuffar’s lands, under the Kuffar’s authority, while these Jaheel ‘scholars’ actually fail to understand how and what are the criteria that determine a land as a ‘Land of Shariah’.

Therefore, before you get to that amazing fact let’s understand what the ‘Land of Shariah’/ ‘Land of Islam’ is and what the ‘Land of Kufr’ is.

What the scholars say:

Imaam Abu Yoosuf may Allah have mercy upon him who was Abu Haneefah’s disciple, said:

“A place is considered Daarul Islam when there is a manifestation of the Islamic law in it even if most of its dwellers are not Muslims.
And a place is considered Daarul Kufr when there is a manifestation of non-Islamic laws in it even if most of its dwellers are Muslims.”

[Al-Mabsoot written by As-Sarkhasy: 10/144]

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim may Allaah have mercy upon him said:
“Daarul Islam is the place where Muslims have settled down and where the rulings of Islam are applied. And any place where the Islamic rulings are not applied is not considered Daarul Islam even if it is adjacent to it.”

[Ahkaam Ahludh-Dhimma: 1/266]

So, we derived the following understanding from the above ruling of the scholars:

A land/ country that is ruled by Shariah law, is what is called a ‘Land of Shariah’, even if Muslims are the minority in that land.

On the other hand, a land which is ruled by the Kuffar’s law (man-made law through democracy or any other ways) that land is called the ‘Land of Kufr’ even though 99% of people who live under that rule are Muslims.

To be more precise, even if a country follows 99% of the law from Shariah but 1% or simply just ONE (1) law from man-made law, Kuffar’s Law, that means it is rejecting one law from Allah’s Shariah, that land is also considered a ‘Land of Kufr’.

Now let’s proceed to our amazing fact.
Often people judge Islam by the behavior or conduct of Muslims, Isn’t that the case with most of the people? In fact, most of the Jaheel (ignorant) people stop knowing about Islam or they reject Islam by assessing the behaviour of the Muslims.

But if you ask any knowledgeable, how should one assess Islam?
What do you think the knowledgeable will reply to you?
By the Quran and the Hadith! By the book!
You don’t judge a system by the people who follow it. You judge the system by the system itself. The same method should apply to assess whether a country is a ‘Land of Islam’ or ‘Land of Kufr’.

So, how do we know a land/ country’s ruling system?
Through looking at the constitution of the land.
Therefore, let’s look at a few constitutions of the Muslim-populated lands.

What do you think of the legal and official status of a country where its constitution says the following?:

(A) “The Shariah, that which laid in the Qur’an and Sunnah, shall be the supreme law of the land”.
(B) “All laws would have to be brought into accordance with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Quran and Sunnah and that no law repugnant to such injunctions could be enacted.”
(C) “The decisions of judges shall not be subject to any authority other than the authority of the Islamic Shariah”.
(D) The judicial authority is an independent power. In discharging their duties, the judges bow to no authority other than that of Islamic Shari’ah.
(E) No law contrary to any tenet of Islam shall be enacted in the land/ country”
(F) “No law shall contravene the tenets and provisions of the religion of Islam in the Land.”
(G) “No law which is not compliant with the general principles of Shari’ah can be enacted.”

Can you believe this?
Is there such a country that exists today?
Yes, it does.

And when you find a country’s constitution says any of these, you have to take that country as an Islamic country, a Land of Islam. Yes! Just having those clauses in any constitution should make that country/ land a ‘Land of Islam’ unless we find anything else in the constitution that contradicts these clauses.

By the way, here is another amazing fact. If you ask AI or ‘Sheikh Google’ what is the first constitution ever written?
They will come up with
San Marino 1600
Sweden 1634
America 1788
And so on.

But then, if you ask about the first Islamic constitution, Subhanallah! You guess! It’s the constitution of Madinah! They call it the Madinah Charter! 622 CE. That’s the very first constitution of the world.

Subhanallah! Kuffar’s corruption/ falsehood is everywhere, in every aspect even in these newly invented AI too. May Allah show us the truth.

Back to our main point.
Do you know how many Muslim-majority land/ countries exist today which have those Articles/ clauses in their constitutions?
There are at least four (5) Muslim-majority countries out of 52 that have those Articles in their constitutions.
This is such an amazing fact!

Yes, we do have lands that are officially, and legally Islamic countries, those who were intended to be ruled by Allah’s Shariah, those who put sovereignty to Allah over the people.
Which are these countries?
I let you guess for now until we comeback with the 2nd part of this article, En Shaa Allah!

Now, what we get from these findings finally is the falsehood of Jaheel ‘scholars’ those who are misguiding Muslims by saying, “Where’s Allah’s Shariah?”

This is what the least we can say that their statement is utter misguidance, utter lie. They are the misguided, astray scholars.

Surely these astray ‘scholars’ fool the Jaheel Muslims while the Jaheel Muslims follow them because they have ‘such’ and ‘such’ credentials, therefore, these Jaheel Muslims believe whatever they say is the truth while the truth is otherwise.

Now, there could be a matter of Ikhliaf (difference of opinions) here.
If you examine closely how our classical scholars evaluated [(those we mentioned above (2)] a ‘Land of Shariah’ is ‘that which IMPLEMENTS/ APPLIES/ RULES by the Shariah of Allah’.

But here we are evaluating a ‘Land of Shariah’ by the book, by what is written in the constitution, not by the fact of how the rulers those who are in power rule the land, as we explained earlier we judge Islam by the book not by the people who practice it.

By doing that are we saying, those classic scholars are wrong?
No. We don’t mean that.
We say, they are right but there’s something here to understand about the issue.

In their times there’s no written constitution exists therefore they have to evaluate the status of a land by observing practically how the land was being ruled by the rulers. So, that’s how they are right.

But we have now written constitution in front of us and written constitution shows the intention as to how it was meant to be ruled, thus written constitution gives the official status of a land.

That’s how it could become a matter of Ikhtilaf. Some could say, we will go by how practically a land is ruled. And some could say as what we say that we will go by the book. And then, the rulers who rule by other than what their constitution says, the consequences apply on them. If a ruler rules by something else even though the constitution says there can’t be any law other than Shariah law, the KUFR will apply to that ruler, not to the land. The land remains as a Land of Islam. And Allah knows best.

On the other hand, if a country’s constitution is on Kufr but there’s new rulers take over and they apparently ruling the land by Shariah we take that land as the Land of Shariah. We expect that It’s a matter of time when they will amend their constitution.

Now, one can say, we don’t care about constitution. It’s a new thing, It’s also a system/ Deen came from the Kuffar. Madinah constitution was a constitution worked like an agreement/ rules set between the Muslims and all the tribes. No Khilafah was based or ruled based on constitution except until Umayyiad Khilafah introduced a form of constitution during 1660. Throughout the Islamic history, our scholars knew the Shariah and they applied it accordingly without any written constitution.

We would say, that’s also correct.
Whatever understanding suits you, follow it.
As for us, for now, for the purpose of choosing a Land of Hijrah, we find going by the Book gives us more space.
And we say that Yes! Land of Islam does exist.
May Allah shows us correct path and we ask Allah to make our Hijrah easy.

And Allah knows best.
May Allah guide these Muslims.
May Allah protect the Ummah from the astray scholars.
May Allah settle us in a land where we can practice and establish our Deen.