Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR – Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-majority lands – (5) Understanding the DIFFERENCE between DEMOCRACY in ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ vs SHURA in Allah’s Shariah.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Land of Islam vs Land of KUFR :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Following Kuffar’s Deen :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ obeying Kuffar’s Shariah :|:

:|: Where to make Hijrah?
– Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR
– Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands
– (5) Understanding the DIFFERENCE between DEMOCRACY in ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ vs SHURA in Allah’s Shariah. :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulilah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

(1) The Confusion:

Subhanllah! Many Muslims, even some ‘scholars’ today are confused about the distinction between democracy and Shura in Islam, often thinking that Shura is similar to democracy.

Indeed this confusion is mostly due to the lack of the proper knowledge of Deen and then due to the preaching of the astray ‘scholars’, most of those who live under the Kuffar’s authority, following ‘Kuffar’s Deen’ and obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’, calling Muslims to vote in democracy by giving many excuses such as to ‘make their opinion heard’, ‘choosing pros and cons’, ‘Your vote matters’ etc reasons.

Therefore, let us first explain Democracy and Shura in general terms, in an easy-to-understand way so that a 13-year-old young adult can understand the distinct difference between the two as well as the Kufr of Democracy, En Shaa Allah.


The main intent/ idea behind democracy are three:
(A) People/ Nation are all-powerful (Sovereign).
(B) People make their own laws by their own will.
(C) It requires a majority of the lawmakers to agree to make/ enact a law.

How does it function?
(A) People vote in general elections and select the candidate/ parliamentarian to represent them.
(B) These parliamentarian then exercise their power to make Laws.
(C) It is a MUST that the MAJORITY of these parliamentarians have to agree on something to make/ enact a law.

So, this is ‘the way’ of the Kuffar to rule a land/ country which they called ‘democracy’. Thus this democracy becomes a Deen (the way)/ ‘Shariah’ of the Kuffar.


Shura means consultations.
Consultations with the knowledgeable.
The intent is to rule solely by Allah’s Shariah.

How does it function?
(A) Shura is formed out of the Ulama, who have proven knowledge of Deen.
(B) This body/ Shura is not formed to make laws based on majority opinions but rather to get their insights and expertise in enacting laws/ rules/ regulations within the limit of Shariah law.
(C) The Ameer (Leader) of the Shura/ body can make a decision without any single member agreeing with him.

The Ameer/ The Leader/ Khalifah:

That brings the issue of ‘Ameer’.
So, what is an ‘Ameer’?

Ameer means leader. In the context of an Islamic state, it is called, ‘Amirul Mu’mineen’, Khalifah, the leader of the Muslims.

How does he function?
(A) The Shariah makes it obligatory for Muslims to obey him (which includes the members of the Shura too.)
(B) There’s no obligation on Ameer to follow the majority opinion to make a decision though he can take the majority opinions at his will.

Comparison and Contrast:

So, we have Ameer, a leader and we have Shura, a body for consultation.
Seems this structure resembles that of a ‘Prime Minister’ and the ‘Ministers,’ or the ‘Speaker’ and the ‘Parliamentarians’ in a democracy.

However, while Shura and democracy may appear similar in structure, but there is a clear distinction between Shura and democracy by their INTENT and application.

Difference in Intent:
Democracy intends to rule by the ‘will of the people’ by rejecting Allah’s Shariah.
Shura intends to rule by Allah’s Shariah.

Difference in Application:
Laws are made/ enacted in a democracy based on the majority opinion.
In contrast, Ameer/ Shura is not bound to take the opinion of the majority.

These are the distinct differences between the two systems, two Deen, two Shariah in terms of their intents and applications.
One is Kuffar’s Deen, another is Allah’s Deen.
One is Kuffar’s Shariah, another is Allah’s Shariah.
That’s for a 13-year-old adult’s class.

The KUFR in Democracy:

Now, let’s move on to the next point:
What makes democracy Kufr?
The Kufr of democracy lies in both of its intent and application.

Intent 1: People/ Nation as the ‘Source of Power:

When it makes People/ Nation as the ‘Source of Power’, people are the Sovereign, that’s when it rejects that Allah is the Sovereign, that’s when it REJECTS that all power belongs to Allah only.

Intent 2: To legislate by the ‘Will of the People’:

When it intends to legislate by the ‘Will of the People/ Nation’, that’s when it REJECTS that legislation belongs to Allah only.

Application: Obligation of following the majority:

As Democracy makes it obligatory to have a majority agree to make a decision, that’s when it goes against Allah’s Shariah because Ameer cannot be obliged to Majority opinions.

And that’s how a Muslim-majority country which even doesn’t intend to rule by the Kuffar’s law falls into the Kufr by following/ forcing the ‘Majority’ as an obligation for the Ameer to follow.
This indicates that those countries follow the part of the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ alongside Allah’s Shariah.

Thus following any form of democracy is clear Kufr/ Kufr Akbar.

And Allah knows best.
May Allah make it beneficial.
May Allah save the Muslims from any attachment with this Kufr of democracy.
May Allah guide the Muslims to Tawheed.
May Allah safeguard our Deen, Dunya and our generations from following Kuffar’s Deen and obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
May Allah forgive our sins.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

Please note, all references about Shariah matters discussed in this articles can be found in here:

Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR – Evaluating the STATUS of the Muslim-populated lands – (4) List of the countries which attributed SOVEREIGNTY to the people and thus became the Lands of KUFR.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Land of Islam vs Land of KUFR :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Following Kuffar’s Deen :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ obeying Kuffar’s Shariah :|:

:|: Where to Hijrah? Part 7: Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR
– Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands
– (4) List of the countries which attributed SOVEREIGNTY to people and thus became the Land of KUFR. :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulilah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Among all these Muslim-majority countries, we will eliminate those which have declared the Sovereignty of the people in their constitutions. In our preliminary research we have found the following countries fall into that criteria:

Algeria (98% Muslim)

Constitution: Year of Adoption: 2020

Article 1.
“Algeria shall be a People’s Democratic Republic.”

Article 7.
“The people shall be the source of all powers. National sovereignty shall belong exclusively to the people.”

Article 8.
“The constituent power shall belong to the people.
The people shall exercise their sovereignty through the institutions they establish.
The people shall exercise this sovereignty by means of referenda and through their elected representatives.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
It gives sovereignty to the people, which is Kufr as Allah is the sovereign.
Then, it implements democracy to exercise the power of the people to make their own law, which means rejecting Allah’s law, which is Kufr.


Constitution – Bahrain 2002 (rev. 2017)

Article 1d.
“The system of government in the Kingdom of Bahrain is democratic, sovereignty being in the hands of the people, the source of all powers. Sovereignty shall be exercised in the manner stated in this Constitution.”

Article 1e.
“Citizens, both men and women, are entitled to participate in public affairs and may enjoy political rights, including the right to vote and to stand for elections, in accordance with this Constitution and the conditions and principles laid down by law. No citizen can be deprived of the right to vote or to nominate oneself for elections except by law.”

Article 2.
“The religion of the State is Islam. The Islamic Shari’a is a principal source for legislation. The official language is Arabic.”


REASON of it’s being Kufr:
Sovereignty, people are the source of all power. They implement it through voting in a democracy.
Shariah is the ‘principal’ source, not the only source. Meaning, that they can have other sources besides the main source, that’s Kufr.
Fatwa: (Under guidance of Shieikh Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid, Rahimullah, Hafizullah)
“Making sharee‘ah a secondary or main source, along with other sources of law. Even when they say that sharee‘ah is the primary source of legislation, this is still KUFAR AKBAR, because it means that they are allowing the adoption of laws from other sources too.”

Comoros (98%)

Constitution: Year of Adoption: 2018

Article 1.
“The Union of the Comoros is a sovereign, unitary and democratic Republic.”

Article 3.
“Sovereignty belongs to the people who exercise it through their representatives or through referendum. No section of the people nor any individual may arrogate its exercise.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
It gives sovereignty to the people, which is Kufr as Allah is the sovereign.
Then, it implements democracy to exercise the power of the people to make their own law, which means rejecting Allah’s law, which is Kufr.


Constitution – Egypt 2014 (rev. 2019)

Article 4.
“Sovereignty belongs to the people alone, which exercises it and protects it. They are the source of power. They safeguard their national unity, which is based on the principle of equality, justice and equal opportunity between citizens, as provided in this Constitution.”

“We believe in democracy as a path, a future, and a way of life; in political multiplicity; and in the peaceful transfer of power. We affirm the right of the people to make their future. They, alone, are the source of authority. Freedom, human dignity, and social justice are a right of every citizen. Sovereignty in a sovereign homeland belongs to us and future generations.”

Article 2.
Islam is the religion of the state and Arabic is its official language. The principles of Islamic Sharia are the principle source of legislation.


REASON of it’s being Kufr:
(A) ‘Sovereignty belongs to the people alone, which exercises it’.
Meaning, people exercises their sovereignty through voting in a democracy, which is Kufr.
(B) Shariah is the ‘principal’ source, not the only source. Meaning, that they can have other sources besides the main source, that’s Kufr.
Fatwa: (Under guidance of Shieikh Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid, Rahimullah, Hafizullah)
“Making sharee‘ah a secondary or main source, along with other sources of law. Even when they say that sharee‘ah is the primary source of legislation, this is still KUFAR AKBAR, because it means that they are allowing the adoption of laws from other sources too.”


Constitution: Year of Adoption: 1945 (Reinst. 1959, Rev. 2002)

Article 1.
“The State of Indonesia shall be a unitary state in the form of a republic.
Sovereignty is in the hands of the people and is implemented according to this Constitution.”

Article 20.
“The DPR shall hold the authority to establish laws.”

Article 3.
“The MPR has the authority to amend and enact the Constitution.
(DPR/ MPR is short of parliament/ assembly of the people in different levels.)”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
It gives sovereignty to the people, which is Kufr as Allah is the sovereign.
Then, it implements democracy to exercise the power of the MAJORITY of the people to make their own laws, which means rejecting Allah’s Shariah, which is Kufr.

KUWAIT (95% Muslim)
Constitution – Kuwait 1962 (reinst. 1992)

Article 6.
“Kuwait’s system of government is democratic; sovereignty is vested in the Nation as the source of all authority; and the exercise of that sovereignty shall be as set out in this Constitution.”

Article 2.
“The religion of the State is Islam and Islamic Law shall be a main source of legislation.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
Sovereignty, all authority to the people/ nation.
Shariah is the ‘main’ source, not the only source. Meaning, that they can have other sources besides the main source, that’s Kufr.
Fatwa: (Under guidance of Shieikh Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid, Rahimullah, Hafizullah)
“Making sharee‘ah a secondary or main source, along with other sources of law. Even when they say that sharee‘ah is the primary source of legislation, this is still KUFAR AKBAR, because it means that they are allowing the adoption of laws from other sources too.”


Constitution: Year of Adoption: 1926 (rev. 2004)

The preamble to the Constitution:
“C: Lebanon is a democratic parliamentary republic based upon the respect of public freedoms, freedom of opinion and freedom of belief; and of social justice and equality in rights and duties among all citizens, without distinction or preference.”

“D: The people are the source of powers and of sovereignty, exercising them through constitutional institutions.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
It gives sovereignty to the people, which is Kufr as Allah is the sovereign.
Then, it implements democracy to exercise the power of the people to make their own laws, which means rejecting Allah’s Shariah, which is Kufr.


Constitution: Year of Adoption: 2011

Article 2.
“Sovereignty belongs to the Nation which exercises it directly, by way [vote] of the referendum, and indirectly, by the intermediary of its representatives.”

Article 6.
“The law is the supreme expression of the will of the Nation”.

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
It gives sovereignty to the people, which is Kufr as Allah is the sovereign.
Then, it implements democracy to exercise the power of the people to make their own laws, which means rejecting Allah’s Shariah, which is Kufr.

SYRIA (92% Muslim)

Constitution: Syrian Arab Republic 2012 (2017 Draft)

Article 2.
“The system of governance in the state shall be a republican system; Sovereignty is an attribute of the people; and no individual or group may claim sovereignty. Sovereignty shall be based on the principle of the rule of the people by the people and for the people;”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
It gives sovereignty to the people, which is rejecting Allah as the sovereign.
Then, it implements democracy to exercise the power of the MAJORITY of the people to make their own laws, which means rejecting Allah’s Shariah, which is Kufr.

TUNISIA (99% Muslim)

Constitution: Year of Adoption: 2014

Article 3.
“The people are sovereign and the source of authority, which is exercised through the peoples’ representatives and by referendum.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
It gives sovereignty to the people, which is rejecting Allah as the sovereign.
Then, it implements democracy to exercise the power of the people to make their own laws, which means rejecting Allah’s Shariah, which is Kufr.

These clauses illustrate the secular principles embedded in the constitutions of these countries, despite the varying contexts and interpretations.

Please note:
This is a preliminary examination of the constitutions based on our research from the data source at
We will keep updating the list of the countries and info therein, En Shaa Allah!

The Shariah evidence of these status of the Muslim-populated lands is mentioned in these article below:

The status of these countries is evaluated based only on ONE aspect, sovereignty. We will do an overall evaluation of the status of the countries in relation to Hijrah, separately, En Shaa Allah.
However, their official status (Land of Kufr) would remain the same.

We do not take pleasure in evaluating the status of these Muslim-majority countries as Lands of Kufr; rather, it pains us deeply. It shatters us to the core to know the official and constitutional status of these countries, where the majority, even 98% of the population are Muslims yet are governed by the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’. It feels as if a mountain is collapsing over our heads, realizing that Muslims, in their own lands, are ruled by laws other than Allah’s Shariah. May Allah forgive us, and we seek refuge from His wrath.

And Allah knows best.
May Allah make it beneficial.
May Allah set us in a land where we will be able to safeguard our Deen and Dunya and safeguard our generations from following Kuffar’s Deen and obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
May Allah forgive our sins.
May Allah make our Hijra

Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR – Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands – (3) List of the SECULAR countries, the LANDS of KUFR.

:|: Time for Hijrah :|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Land of Islam vs Land of KUFR :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ in Kuffar’s Mindset :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ Following Kuffar’s Deen :|:
:|: ‘Muslims’ obeying Kuffar’s Shariah :|:

:|: Where to Hijrah?
Part 6: Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR
– Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands
– (3) List of the secular countries, the LANDS of KUFR :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulilah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Among all these Muslim-majority countries (that we mentioned in the previous article), we will eliminate those that have enforced/ imposed secularism in their constitution. In our preliminary research (which we will continue), we have found the following countries fall into those criteria:

Albania (58% Muslim)

Constitution: Year of Adoption: 1998
Article 10.
“The state recognizes the freedom of religious beliefs and ensures the separation of church and state.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
When someone separates Islam from state affairs, from state law, he takes parts of the Shariah and rejects part of the Shariah, which is Kufr.

Azerbaijan (96% Muslim)

Constitution: Year of Adoption: 1995
Article 18.
“The state shall ensure the freedom of religion and the separation of religion from the state.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
When someone separates religion from state affairs, from state law, he takes parts of the Shariah and rejects part of the Shariah, which is Kufr.

Bangladesh (90% Muslim)

Constitution: Year of Adoption: 1972 (amended in 2011)
Article 7. (1).
“All powers in the Republic belong to the people”

Article 12.
“The state shall be secular.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
It gives sovereignty to the people, which is Kufr as Allah is the sovereign.
Secular means separating religion from state affairs, from state laws, which means, taking some part of Shariah and rejecting some part of Shariah, which is Kufr.

Kosovo (95% Muslim)
Constitution: Year of Adoption: 2008

Article 37.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of religion, belief, and conscience. The state is neutral in matters of religion and does not favour any religion.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
The ‘neutral’ means, the state doesn’t take any active part in religion which means it separates the Shariah of Allah from the state affairs. It is another way of saying the secular nature of the state, which is rejecting Allah’s Shariah, which means Kufr.

TURKIYE (99% Muslim)

Constitution: Year of Adoption: 1982
Article 2.
“The Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular, and social state governed by the rule of law; bearing in mind the concepts of public peace, national solidarity and justice; respecting human rights; loyal to the nationalism of Atatürk; and adhering to the principle of secularism.”

REASON of it’s being Kufr:
Secular means separating religion from state affairs, from state laws, which means, taking some part of Shariah and rejecting some part of Shariah, which is Kufr.

These clauses illustrate the secular principles embedded in the constitutions of these countries, despite the varying contexts and interpretations. Therefore, the official status of these countries is Land of KUFR.

Please note:
This is a preliminary examination of the constitutions based on our research from the data source at
We will keep updating the list and info therein, En Shha Allah!

The status of these countries is based on one aspect (Secularism) only.
We will examine all other aspects of these countries in relation to Hijrah separately, En Shaa Allah.
However, their official status (Land of Kufr) would remain the same.

For the references and Shariah evidence for this, please read the following article:

We do not take pleasure in evaluating the status of these Muslim-majority countries as Lands of Kufr; rather, it pains us deeply. It shatters our core to know the official and constitutional status of these countries, where the majority, even 98% of the population are Muslims yet are governed by the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’. It feels as if a mountain is collapsing over our heads, realizing that Muslims, in their own lands, are ruled by laws other than Allah’s Shariah. May Allah forgive us, and we seek refuge from His wrath.

And Allah knows best.
May Allah make it beneficial.
May Allah set us in a land where we will be able to safeguard our Deen and Dunya and safeguard our generations from following and obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
May Allah forgive our sins.
May Allah make our Hijrah easy.

Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR – Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands: (9) EXISENCE of LAND of ISLAM – An amazing fact and understanding the FALSEHOOD of the ASTRAY ‘scholars’ – Part 1

:|: Hijrah Made Easy:|:
:|: Where to Make Hijrah? :|:
:|: Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR :|:
:|: Know the Misguidance – The Astray ‘Scholars’ :|:

:|: Where to make Hijrah?
Land of ISLAM vs Land of KUFR
– Evaluating the STATUS of Muslim-populated lands
– (9) EXISENCE of LAND of ISLAM – An amazing fact and understanding the FALSEHOOD of the ASTRAY ‘scholars’ – Part 1 :|:

Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!

My brothers,
Let me give you an amazing fact first which I am sure let alone the regular Muslim, most of the scholars are not aware of.

When most of the Zaheel astray Ulama today misguide Muslims saying “Where is Allah’s Shariah?”,
“Show me, which land implements Allah’s Shariah, so I can go there!”, which they say to justify their living with the Mushrikeen, with the Kuffar, in the Kuffar’s lands, under the Kuffar’s authority, while these Jaheel ‘scholars’ actually fail to understand how and what are the criteria that determine a land as a ‘Land of Shariah’.

Therefore, before you get to that amazing fact let’s understand what the ‘Land of Shariah’/ ‘Land of Islam’ is and what the ‘Land of Kufr’ is.

What the scholars say:

Imaam Abu Yoosuf may Allah have mercy upon him who was Abu Haneefah’s disciple, said:

“A place is considered Daarul Islam when there is a manifestation of the Islamic law in it even if most of its dwellers are not Muslims.
And a place is considered Daarul Kufr when there is a manifestation of non-Islamic laws in it even if most of its dwellers are Muslims.”

[Al-Mabsoot written by As-Sarkhasy: 10/144]

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim may Allaah have mercy upon him said:
“Daarul Islam is the place where Muslims have settled down and where the rulings of Islam are applied. And any place where the Islamic rulings are not applied is not considered Daarul Islam even if it is adjacent to it.”

[Ahkaam Ahludh-Dhimma: 1/266]

So, we derived the following understanding from the above ruling of the scholars:

A land/ country that is ruled by Shariah law, is what is called a ‘Land of Shariah’, even if Muslims are the minority in that land.

On the other hand, a land which is ruled by the Kuffar’s law (man-made law through democracy or any other ways) that land is called the ‘Land of Kufr’ even though 99% of people who live under that rule are Muslims.

To be more precise, even if a country follows 99% of the law from Shariah but 1% or simply just ONE (1) law from man-made law, Kuffar’s Law, that means it is rejecting one law from Allah’s Shariah, that land is also considered a ‘Land of Kufr’.

Now let’s proceed to our amazing fact.
Often people judge Islam by the behavior or conduct of Muslims, Isn’t that the case with most of the people? In fact, most of the Jaheel (ignorant) people stop knowing about Islam or they reject Islam by assessing the behaviour of the Muslims.

But if you ask any knowledgeable, how should one assess Islam?
What do you think the knowledgeable will reply to you?
By the Quran and the Hadith! By the book!
You don’t judge a system by the people who follow it. You judge the system by the system itself. The same method should apply to assess whether a country is a ‘Land of Islam’ or ‘Land of Kufr’.

So, how do we know a land/ country’s ruling system?
Through looking at the constitution of the land.
Therefore, let’s look at a few constitutions of the Muslim-populated lands.

What do you think of the legal and official status of a country where its constitution says the following?:

(A) “The Shariah, that which laid in the Qur’an and Sunnah, shall be the supreme law of the land”.
(B) “All laws would have to be brought into accordance with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Quran and Sunnah and that no law repugnant to such injunctions could be enacted.”
(C) “The decisions of judges shall not be subject to any authority other than the authority of the Islamic Shariah”.
(D) The judicial authority is an independent power. In discharging their duties, the judges bow to no authority other than that of Islamic Shari’ah.
(E) No law contrary to any tenet of Islam shall be enacted in the land/ country”
(F) “No law shall contravene the tenets and provisions of the religion of Islam in the Land.”
(G) “No law which is not compliant with the general principles of Shari’ah can be enacted.”

Can you believe this?
Is there such a country that exists today?
Yes, it does.

And when you find a country’s constitution says any of these, you have to take that country as an Islamic country, a Land of Islam. Yes! Just having those clauses in any constitution should make that country/ land a ‘Land of Islam’ unless we find anything else in the constitution that contradicts these clauses.

By the way, here is another amazing fact. If you ask AI or ‘Sheikh Google’ what is the first constitution ever written?
They will come up with
San Marino 1600
Sweden 1634
America 1788
And so on.

But then, if you ask about the first Islamic constitution, Subhanallah! You guess! It’s the constitution of Madinah! They call it the Madinah Charter! 622 CE. That’s the very first constitution of the world.

Subhanallah! Kuffar’s corruption/ falsehood is everywhere, in every aspect even in these newly invented AI too. May Allah show us the truth.

Back to our main point.
Do you know how many Muslim-majority land/ countries exist today which have those Articles/ clauses in their constitutions?
There are at least four (5) Muslim-majority countries out of 52 that have those Articles in their constitutions.
This is such an amazing fact!

Yes, we do have lands that are officially, and legally Islamic countries, those who were intended to be ruled by Allah’s Shariah, those who put sovereignty to Allah over the people.
Which are these countries?
I let you guess for now until we comeback with the 2nd part of this article, En Shaa Allah!

Now, what we get from these findings finally is the falsehood of Jaheel ‘scholars’ those who are misguiding Muslims by saying, “Where’s Allah’s Shariah?”

This is what the least we can say that their statement is utter misguidance, utter lie. They are the misguided, astray scholars.

Surely these astray ‘scholars’ fool the Jaheel Muslims while the Jaheel Muslims follow them because they have ‘such’ and ‘such’ credentials, therefore, these Jaheel Muslims believe whatever they say is the truth while the truth is otherwise.

Now, there could be a matter of Ikhliaf (difference of opinions) here.
If you examine closely how our classical scholars evaluated [(those we mentioned above (2)] a ‘Land of Shariah’ is ‘that which IMPLEMENTS/ APPLIES/ RULES by the Shariah of Allah’.

But here we are evaluating a ‘Land of Shariah’ by the book, by what is written in the constitution, not by the fact of how the rulers those who are in power rule the land, as we explained earlier we judge Islam by the book not by the people who practice it.

By doing that are we saying, those classic scholars are wrong?
No. We don’t mean that.
We say, they are right but there’s something here to understand about the issue.

In their times there’s no written constitution exists therefore they have to evaluate the status of a land by observing practically how the land was being ruled by the rulers. So, that’s how they are right.

But we have now written constitution in front of us and written constitution shows the intention as to how it was meant to be ruled, thus written constitution gives the official status of a land.

That’s how it could become a matter of Ikhtilaf. Some could say, we will go by how practically a land is ruled. And some could say as what we say that we will go by the book. And then, the rulers who rule by other than what their constitution says, the consequences apply on them. If a ruler rules by something else even though the constitution says there can’t be any law other than Shariah law, the KUFR will apply to that ruler, not to the land. The land remains as a Land of Islam. And Allah knows best.

On the other hand, if a country’s constitution is on Kufr but there’s new rulers take over and they apparently ruling the land by Shariah we take that land as the Land of Shariah. We expect that It’s a matter of time when they will amend their constitution.

Now, one can say, we don’t care about constitution. It’s a new thing, It’s also a system/ Deen came from the Kuffar. Madinah constitution was a constitution worked like an agreement/ rules set between the Muslims and all the tribes. No Khilafah was based or ruled based on constitution except until Umayyiad Khilafah introduced a form of constitution during 1660. Throughout the Islamic history, our scholars knew the Shariah and they applied it accordingly without any written constitution.

We would say, that’s also correct.
Whatever understanding suits you, follow it.
As for us, for now, for the purpose of choosing a Land of Hijrah, we find going by the Book gives us more space.
And we say that Yes! Land of Islam does exist.
May Allah shows us correct path and we ask Allah to make our Hijrah easy.

And Allah knows best.
May Allah guide these Muslims.
May Allah protect the Ummah from the astray scholars.
May Allah settle us in a land where we can practice and establish our Deen.

Where to make Hijrah? Let’s the journey begin in search of a land where we don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

Al Hamdulillah!
Allahumma Salli A’ala Muhammad, Allahumma Barik A’ala Muhammad.

Do you remember we have reversed these questions:
"Where is Allah's Shariah"?
"Is there a land which is ruled by Allah's Shariah?"

We are not looking for a country where Allah’s Shariah is followed. Rather we will look for a land where we don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’. In a land where ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ won’t be forced on us.

We took this approach because of the following two reasons:
(A) That they say or what they mean is, that there’s nowhere Allah’s Shairah is followed today.
(B) And also because we must find the best place to move from ‘Dar-ul Kufr to Dar-ul Islam’.

And here is how our journey begins.
We will still search for a land where Allah’s Shariah is fully implemented if it is there.

In case, such a land remains out of our knowledge, we will then, look for a land where we won’t be forced to submit to the Kuffar’s Shariah. And we believe it is there as Allah, Al-Haqq said,

Al-‘Ankabut 29:56

يَٰعِبَادِىَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِنَّ أَرْضِى وَٰسِعَةٌ فَإِيَّٰىَ فَٱعْبُدُونِ

O My believing servants! Surely, my earth is spacious, so worship Me ˹alone˺/ worship only Me.

And in case, we are not able to find such a land either, then, there will be two paths remain in front of us:
Either we will choose a land where Muslims are mostly populated and Allah’s Shariah is mostly implemented.
We will choose a land that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam encouraged us to be around at the end of the time or at the time of Fitnah. So, we can choose such a land irrespective of its situation. But again, being able to ESTABLISH Deen and security should remain the criteria.

However, In the end, one can compare and weigh the pros and cons of our findings with those blessed lands that Rasulullah encouraged.

Therefore, we will scrutinize all the Muslim-populated countries and narrow it down to a few, as a first step, through a process of elimination. And here are the criteria for the elimination process that we will follow:

First of all,
We will discard those countries which are ruled by the Kuffar.
The point is that no land which is ruled by those who do not believe Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam as a last messenger will allow Muslims to live by Allah’s Shariah.

Therefore, we eliminate those lands from our quest even though there are a few such countries where Muslims are the majority.

Then, we will look into the countries which are ruled by those who believe in Allah and His Rasul. Among those we will reject the countries using the following elimination process:

We will reject the country which is ruled by the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ of democracy even though it is ruled by those who believe in Allah and His Rasul.

The country which follows and implements ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ in any specific issues, even if it is not ruled by democracy.

The country where Muslims cannot practice Allah’s Deen (Al-Wala Al-Barra, Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil, as a few examples) and cannot work to establish Allah’s Deen even though it is ruled by those who believe in Allah and His Rasul.

The country which sides with the Kuffar against Muslims (provided we bring evidence) since Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, “They are one of them”.
(Fataawa (1/274) Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz, Rahimullah)

The country which allied with the Kuffar, since “They are one of them” except for protection (not by their claim but only with evidence)

The country which doesn’t give permission to stay permanently.
(Though these countries could be a temporary destination for Hijrah)

Final note:
We will always keep in mind that Hijrah has to be in a place where we will be able to practice our Deen entirely (in both practicing and establishing) and where we have protection, safety, and security.

May Allah grant us a land where we can live by Allah’s Shariah.

Where to make Hijrah? What are the criteria to choose a land for Hijrah?

Al Hamdulillah!
Allahumma Salli A’ala Muhammad, Allahumma Barik A’ala Muhammad.

So, we were on the quest to find the land for Hijrah, En Shaa Allah!

Hijrah is the most virtuous deed in Islam, even it is more virtuous than Jihad as evident from Hadith.

Sadly, most of those who thought about making Hijrah do not understand the criteria for Hijrah in order for them to be qualified to attain that virtue.

When they decide where to make Hijrah, most of their deciding factors are the following:

"Is there an International University there?"
Meaning, they worried about the academic career of their children.

"Is there any international standard hospital and medical facilities there?"
And above all, the most important criterion in their mind is the land/ country where they can maintain the same standard of life they have, a rich country.

They fail to realize the main criteria to choose a land for Hijrah.
Of course, having those standards of education, medical facilities, and living standards could be an added advantage but those criteria should not take precedence over the Shariah criteria to choose a land for Hijrah.

So, what are the Shariah criteria of Hijrah?
It is of course, as to how Rasulullah Sallillahu Alaihi Wa Sallam himself and his followers did Hijrah.

Therefore, let’s analyze the Hijrah of Sahaba and Rasulillah himself.

(1) Hijrah to Abyssinia:

(1.1) Why and when He ordered Sahaba to make Hijrah?
When they were oppressed for having the belief and were not able to practice their Deen, (which was only Salah, until that time, before Hijrah to Madinah)
So, Rasulullah commanded them to make Hijrah to Abyssinia in order to save them
(1) from oppression and be able to
(2) Practice Deen freely.

(1.2) How did He choose the place of Hijrah?
From what we learned about Hijrah to Abyssinia, we can derive the following points:
A. He has chosen a just king (authority)
B. Though it was a Kufr nation,
C. But they were provided security and protection.
D. And they were able to practice Deen.

(Najashi, the King of Abyssinia did not impose the ‘Kuffar’s Deen’ on them, rather he secretly became Muslim himself)

(2) Hijrah to Madinah:

(2.1) Why did He make Hijrah to Madinah?
(A) He and Muslims were oppressed.
(B) Not being able to practice Deen.

(2.2) How and why did He choose Madinah as the place of Hijrah?
It’s when
(A) the Ansar took Him as an authority.
(B) He received pledges of security and protection from them.
(C) He was able to establish Shariah.

By analyzing these two Hijrah we can deduce that Hijrah should be in a land that meets two criteria:

(A) Where You have safety, security, and protection.
(B) Where the land is ruled by Allah’s Shariah.
(C) Where you can practice your Deen, live by Allah’s Shariah.

Please note:

  • (1) A Kuffar authority can be chosen if the above criterion (A and C) are met.
  • (2) And choosing a Kuffar nation is allowed only when there is no ‘Land of Shariah’ exists as Rasulillah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has chosen a Kuffar authority only because there were no Islamic authority existed until that time.

This understanding is summarised and described by our scholars in the following terms:
Hijrah means moving away from ‘Dar ul-Harb to Dar Al-Islam’.
Meaning, migrating from living under the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ to Islamic Shariah.

Therefore, we have to search for a land where we can live without submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.
Does such a land exist today?

Yes, it does.

Because the owner of the land, Allah, Al-Malik says,

“O my slaves,
My land is vast, so worship Me alone.”

(Sura Ankabut 29:56)

And that’s our next venture to explore, En Shaa Allah, a land where we don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’

Wa Allahu A’lam.
May Allah help us to move out from obeying 'Kuffar's Shariah'.
May Allah grant us a land where we can live under Islamic Shariah.

Where to make Hijrah? Is there a land which is ruled by Allah’s Shariah?

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Often most people pose these questions,

"Where's Islamic Shariah?"
"Which land is ruled by Allah's Shariah today?"

Sadly and surprisingly, they pose these questions to validate their stay in the Kuffar’s land, under the Kuffar’s authority, thinking and believing that what they are saying is true.
La Hawla Wa La Quwatta Illa Billah!

But the truth is otherwise.

What if we reverse the questions?
Let’s ask you a set of questions here:
When you live in a Kuffar country, aren’t the Kuffar totally and entirely impose their ‘Shariah’ on you?
How come you choose to submit yourself entirely to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’?

Why don’t you move away from entirely submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ to a land where you don’t have to submit to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely?
Why don’t you move away from living entirely under the Kuffar’s authority to a land where the authority are those who believe in Allah?

Does a Muslim-populated country follow ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely?
Does a Muslim-populated country impose the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely on you?
Does living in a Muslim-populated country means living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely?

You know the answer.
And if you’re really truthful to yourself, only understanding this would have been sufficient for you to move away from living under the Kuffar’s authority.

But I know what arguments are boggling into your mind.
“They will put you in jail for saying less than what you can say here”,
“Political corruption crippled the society from top to bottom”,
“You can’t even earn Halal income there which is so easy to do here”,
“There’s no safety and security of life in there”,
“You can’t even maintain a decent life there what comes very easy here”
And the list goes on and on…..
And all these are true.
I have really no doubt about all these statements.

But then, I must say, these arguments come only when you look at the issue of ‘submitting to the Kuffar’s Shariah’ narrowly.

So, how did you look at the way out narrowly?

You thought about ‘Where to make Hijrah’ before you seriously thought and determined about ‘Why Hijrah?’

And then,
You regarded (implied by your saying, ‘Where’s Allah’s Shariah?’) a land as a ‘Land of Kufr’ which is ruled by a believer as on the same scale as an original Land of Kufr ruled by the original Kuffar.

And for many, the misguidance of misinterpretation of ‘staying for Dawah’
You thought leaving the Kuffar’s land means only going back to your own country.
You thought leaving away from Kuffar’s authority means only going to the Arab countries under those dictators and corruptors.
You thought leaving away from obeying ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ means moving to a land where you will be able to maintain the same luxury, status, comfort and same standard of life.

That’s absolutely a narrow thought.
You didn’t even consider the criteria for choosing a land for Hijrah.

Now, why did you think it so narrowly in the first place?
Only because you didn’t realize the importance of moving away from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely.
Only because you did not understand the danger of submitting entirely to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

Therefore, I invite you to read these articles under, ‘Why Hijrah?’ from this site to understand the obligation of moving away from the Kuffar’s authority.

Only then, if Allah wills,
You might look at the issue of moving away from Kuffar’s authority entirely in its proper perspective.

Only then, If Allah wills,
you might look at the issue of Hijrah from the Quranic perspective. Once you understand it, you will be determined to leave.

Only then,
you will come to a point where you will work on finding ways to move away from obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely.

Only then,
instead of looking for a ‘Land of Shariah’, you would look to move away
from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely,
from following the Kuffar’s Deen entirely and
from obeying the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’ entirely.

Therefore, my brother,
the main consideration is to move away from living under the Kuffar’s authority entirely. This is the mindset and intention that a Muslim must have in the first place.

And here, in this Forum, we are in that quest of searching for such land because we believe in Allah’s word.

And He, Al-A’leem, the All-Knowledgeble, the owner of the land informed us that there is Allah’s land where we can live without obeying and submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’.

Please read this:

Why Hijrah? Warning – Allah’s earth is spacious, therefore, you must move away from submitting to the ‘Kuffar’s Shariah’!

And we invite you to join us, and be part of this journey.

And we seek Allah’s help and support.
May our Rabb facilitate our Hijrah.
May Allah Ajja Wa Jalla guide us to His pleasure.