Hijrah – From living in fantasy and delusion to Reality and the right action.

Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulillah!

Most of us, when think about Hijrah, what’s the place that comes into our mind?

You know the answer!
It’s Madinah!
Ah! Madinah!
We Muslims shed tears for Madinah.
Al Hamdulillah
Allah put so much love in our hearts for Madinah!

This is an amazing thing about being Muslim.
Our love for Madinah is more than our love for our homeland. Or you can say, It’s different, there’s no comparison between two places.

Love for our homeland is inherited, but love for Madinah is something special.
This comes from our Rabb, Allah.
This love comes from our love for Islam, love for our Deen. Subhanallah!
There are many things that make us proud and different being Muslim, one such thing is love for Madinah.

So, obviously, when we think about Hijrah, we plan to go to Madinah. We start finding ways to live in Madinah. We live on this plan for some time.
And then, the more we start knowing the facts about living in Madinah, the reality hits us hard. We felt we were in a fantasy for a long time.

We realize the land of Madinah is not for those who have a Muslim identity anymore.
The land of Madinah is not for those who say ‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’ anymore. The land is only for those who were born there.

The land which once used to belong to those who say ‘La Ilaha Illa Allah’, fell into the hands of those corruptors who follow the Shariah (procedure, system) of the Kuffar (passport and other documentation) regarding the settlement of a Muslim there.

They are even worse than the Kuffar when it comes to this settlement issue.

You can settle in many Kuffar’s land only after a few years of living there. You don’t need to make any investment, nor any professional degrees, nothing at all in order to settle there (to get citizenship, for example, Refugees)

But those Zalimun, the oppressors of the lands, those who own the land wrongfully, do not let the Muslims settle in the land of Muslims which they love so much with their hearts.

Even if you have degrees, even if you have investments, they never allow you to settle there. There are many Muslims who had to leave that land even after living there for 25 years.
It’s ridiculously unbelievable, what level of Fasiqun, evildoers are they?
May Allah guide those Zalimun.

So, after going through this fantasy phase, we start looking for other lands.
One after another, we keep searching for a land where we can move easily.

This 2nd phase takes more time, we go for hearsay for sometimes. Someone tells us about this land, someone tells us about that land. We keep searching and searching. And there are also many groups about Hijrah in social media that we have gone through for years.

Finally, we came to realize one thing,

Either you need a lot of money to buy a residency.
You need a professional degree to get a residency.
Then, either you need a job to earn your livelihood.
You need a lot of money to start a business to earn a livelihood.
And then, You need a lot of money to buy a land or house.
So, we get terrified, you have to work hard to save money.

So, where do these situations lead us to?
After 5 years, even after 10 years of thinking of Hijrah, still we’re in the same place.

By this time, our kids get older, they have now their own choices, and they already picked the lifestyle of the Kuffar’s that you didn’t want for them.
The result?

Now, when you thought, you were ready for Hijrah,
Your own family makes Hijrah hard for you.
La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah!
May Allah make our Hijrah easy!
Tell me, how many of you have not found this true?

You didn’t realize the most important factor about Hijrah!
That you have to make Hijrah easy for your children in the first place.
That you have to make the land of Hijrah, a land that your children find, accept, make, think and take as their own. You need to work on to make sure they feel they belong there.
Only this will make your Hijrah successful for your children and the next generations in the long run.

Otherwise, they won’t stay there once you’re gone. Unless they have Taqwa, unless Allah have Rahmah on them, they might come back again to the ‘land of opportunity’ once your authority over them is over or when they will find the land is restricted for them. May Allah protect our children.

Therefore, You have to think about making the land of your Hijrah a settlement for your children’s life as well. You must work towards that goal.

So, how do you do that?
The answer is the following:

You have to move NOW.
You MUST move before your children become 6 years old. And that’s the LAST LIMIT in terms of age of your children.
Don’t wait until you save $200, $300, or $500K to make Hijrah.
If you have just around $70 – $100K, you must move NOW.

And how do you manage all those things (mentioned in 5) with this money?
How do you make Hijrah easy for your family?
What do you do to make your children love to stay in the land of Hijrah?

That En Shaa Allah, we will walk through in the next articles.

And we seek Allah’s help and support.
May our Rabb facilitate our Hijrah.
May Allah Ajja Wa Jalla guide us to His pleasure.