Bismillah! Al Hamdulillah!
Wa AsSalatu AsSalamu A’ala Rasulallah!
AsSalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallh Wa Barakatuhu!
My Brothers,
Hijrah is a tough decision in your life.
And surely Hijrah needs preparation.
And that preparation becomes harder for those who do not have much money in their bucket. Sadly they either left the idea of Hijrah or have been waiting for ‘one day’ when they would be able to save some money for Hijrah.
Therefore, here in the ‘Forum for Facilitating Global Hijrah’ (FFGH), we are trying to make Hijrah easy for those with very limited budgets, En Shaa Allah!
And here is our effort to place things for you:
(A) A rough minimum budget (all figures are in AUD) you need for your journey and preliminary settlement after Hijrah,
(B) The cost of Residency pathways,
(C) And the offering of a project for Farm-House living.
Though moving to ….. (The land to be revealed soon) and living in the ‘capital city’ might work for you with sufficient financial support to start your businesses with whatever financial preparation you might have, yet you should always have a prospective Farm-House living in your mind as we have explained before.
While Farm-House living could be a choice for the well-off Muhajireen but for those who have little money, Farm-House living must be the most important criterion for choosing this land. And here we are offering a ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’ for those Muhajireen:
We have discussed this before, why do you have to keep a farmhouse living in your mind while you planning for Hijrah. If you are the one who already made up your mind then, this section is for you.
If you want to make the move right now and If you want to move to the farmhouse straight away, yet you have to prepare to live in the city life for at least the next 2 years (in order to prepare the village for community living). Therefore, you must have financial preparation for maintaining your expenses in these 2 years in the city. And how much minimum that could be? Here we tried to give you a general estimate:
(For a family of 4)
Travel expenses – $10K
Rented house setup – $5K
Car – $10K
Monthly expenses – $1k x 24 months = $25K (rounding up)
That’s a TOTAL of $50K for peace of mind for 2 years before any cash-inflow.
If you don’t have money right now but want to move in 1-5 years:
You can choose to live straight in the village soon after your move and that might save you the cost of living in the city for 2 years as we estimated above. (Though we strongly suggest you not delay your Hijrah for that reason)
How that will work?
We will prepare the village for community living in 2 years, En Shaa Allah, while you pay your share of the project value in instalments in 1-5 years.
For a standard way of living in the ‘land’, you need to earn a minimum of $1,000 per month. And you should think of ways to earn that money a maximum within 2 years, Bi-Iznillah!
How would you do it?
Investing in the Project:
The Hijrah project, which we call the ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’, gives you an opportunity to invest either $25K, $50K or $75K according to your financial situation and your choice of involvement/ expectation of income from the community business.
The Hijrah project, the ‘Self-Sustainable Eco-Village (SSEV)’ aims to facilitate your Hijrah in the following ways:
(5.1) Residency:
One of the pathways for staying a long time in this ‘land’ (which will lead to obtaining a Govt. ID and open the path for residency) is that it requires you to register a business with a 1Million AUD as capital in a partnership with a local for a minimum 10% share of the company. Participating in the Hijrah project will help you in that residency pathway through this investment since you will be assessed as an investor where you become a partner in the business.
(5.2) Owning a LAND:
Investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure you have ONE ACRE (4000 square meter) farmland under your possession. Yes, we plan to establish this SSEV where every Muhajireen will have 1 Acre farm land, En Shaa Allah.
(5.3) Growing your OWN FOOD:
The farmland will help you reduce your living cost as well as ensure a healthy living as it will offer you an opportunity to produce your own organic vegetables, fruits, livestock etc., sufficient for your entire family’s food needs even if you don’t live there straight away. (We will equip you with knowledge and skill, En Shaa Allah if you don’t know how to do this)
(5.4) A Shelter:
Investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure you have a 3-bedroom house with electricity/ Solar panels which will tremendously save you money from renting.
(5.5) A lumpsum income from the Community BUSINESS:
Our aim is to find investment opportunities to ensure a minimum earning of $1000 per month from the community businesses within a maximum 2 years time, En Shaa Allah. Thus you get a proportionate share in the community businesses to ensure sufficient income for your livelihood, En Shaa Allah!
(5.6) Your SKILL that is required in the community:
If you have a skill (see no. 9 below) that is required in community affairs, you could earn a salary from the community project and businesses itself, En Shaa Allah.
(5.7) Living with the Muhajireen COMMUNITY:
You can’t measure the benefit of living with the community in financial value, especially with those Muslims who share the same lifestyle, mindset and experiences. I can’t imagine how many problems you can minimise and how many ways we can help each other by only living together, En Shaa Allah.
(5.8) An international standard education through a UNIQUE MADRASAH:
After ensuring the earnings from community business we will emphasize establishing a Madrasah with the following features:
(5.8.1) English medium teaching,
(5.8.2) Australian standard general education system,
(5.8.3) Arabic Language (Reading, writing, speaking, understanding)
(5.8.4) Quran Hifz by Year 12
(5.8.5) Islamic Shariah.
(5.8.6) Islamic lifestyle and Islamic Mindset.
(5.8.7) Mandatory Deen Study for the Adults,
(5.8.8) Mandatory Health and Organic Lifestyle Training for the Adults.
This is how only investing in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’, will ensure your (1) Residency, (2) Land, (3) House, (4) Earnings and most importantly (5) Community Living, (6) Education thus helping each other in surviving the tough time together ahead, Bi-Iznillah.
Therefore, you should priorities your investment in the Hijrah project, in the ‘SSEV’. And that will ensure your survival in the worst-case scenario that the world is heading into. May Allah protect us.
May Allah accept from us,
and May Allah make our Hijrah easy.